Kotlin linked list implementation using lazily evaluated cons cells.
repositories {
maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/aedans/maven/" }
dependencies {
compile 'io.github.aedans:kons:$kons_version'
// Recursively folds a list
tailrec fun <A, R> Cons<A>.fold(r: R, fn: (R, A) -> R): R = when (this) {
Nil -> r
is Cell -> cdr.fold(fn(r, car), fn) // car and cdr are smart cast from nullable to non-nullable
// Lazily filters a list
tailrec fun <T> Cons<T>.filter(fn: (T) -> Boolean): Cons<T> = when (this) {
Nil -> Nil
is Cell -> if (fn(car)) lazyCar cons later { cdr.filter(fn) } else cdr.filter(fn)
// Stack safe due to Eval
fun <A, B> Cons<A>.map(fn: (A) -> B): Eval<Cons<B>> = when (this) {
Nil -> Eval.Nil
is Cell -> now(later { fn(car) } cons defer { cdr.map(fn) })
// List of all natural numbers
val nat = generateSequence(0) { it + 1 }.toCons()
// List of all positive even numbers
val evens = nat.map { it * 2 }
// List of all primes
val primes = nat.filter { i -> (2 until i).none { i % it == 0 } }