- catppuccin theme
- treesitter for live-parsing and highlighting
- an LSP server for code completion
- telescope (fuzzy finder)
- harpoon (quicker navigation)
- debugging
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\
git clone git@github.com:adrianschlatter/nvim.config.git ~/.config/nvim
For copilot support, install node.js, first. Make sure its a new enough
version). When first starting nvim, run :Copilot setup
- Configure treesitter, LSP, telescope, harpoon according to (ThePrimeagen)[https://youtu.be/w7i4amO_zaE?si=jhcGhrhTTjaMr4XR]
- Install nvim-dap (DAP client for nvim), nvim-dap-python (configures the
python DAP adapter for nvim), nvim-dap-ui (nice GUI for debugging)
- make sure to install debugpy (the DAP adapter for python) according to the GitHub site of nvim-dap-python