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json format dependency graph files

Typical run including -j to write json graph files here

$ spigo -a netflixoss -d 5 -j
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Loading architecture from json_arch/netflixoss_arch.json
2015/05/25 12:16:12 netflixoss.edda: starting
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Architecture: netflixoss A very simple Netflix service. See to decode the package names
2015/05/25 12:16:12 architecture: scaling to 100%
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Starting: {cassSubscriber priamCassandra 1 6 [cassSubscriber eureka]}
2015/05/25 12:16:12 starting
2015/05/25 12:16:12 starting
2015/05/25 12:16:12 starting
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Starting: {evcacheSubscriber store 1 3 []}
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Starting: {subscriber staash 1 6 [cassSubscriber evcacheSubscriber]}
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Starting: {login karyon 1 18 [subscriber]}
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Starting: {homepage karyon 1 24 [subscriber]}
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Starting: {wwwproxy zuul 1 6 [login homepage]}
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Starting: {www-elb elb 1 0 [wwwproxy]}
2015/05/25 12:16:12 Starting: {www denominator 0 0 [www-elb]}
2015/05/25 12:16:12 netflixoss.*.*.www.denominator.www0 activity rate  10ms
2015/05/25 12:16:14 chaosmonkey delete:
2015/05/25 12:16:15
2015/05/25 12:16:15
2015/05/25 12:16:17 asgard: Shutdown
2015/05/25 12:16:17 closing
2015/05/25 12:16:17 closing
2015/05/25 12:16:17 closing
2015/05/25 12:16:17 spigo: complete
2015/05/25 12:16:17 netflixoss.edda: closing

Migration from LAMP to NetflixOSS

Using the step option, multiple runs can create different outputs in a sequence that can be stepped through. The architecture for Migration is hard wired by the migration package for each step.

Run this simulation in your browser

Start with a monolithic LAMP stack Migration

Interpose Zuul proxy between load balancer and PHP monolith services Migration

Replace single memcached with cross zone EVcache replicated memcached and change PHP to access MySQL via Staash (Storage Tier as a Service HTTP) Migration Migration

Add some Node based microservices between Zuul and Staash alongside PHP Migration

Start a Cassandra cluster and connect to Staash alongside MySQL and evcache for data and access migration Migration Migration

Remove MySQL to be ready to go multi-region Migration Migration

Add a second region without connecting up cassandra Migration Migration Migration

Connect regions together using multi-region Cassandra Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration

Extend to six regions, an interesting visualization challenge Migration Migration Migration Migration

LAMP Stack Architecture

To create a starting point for architecture transitions, an AWS hosted LAMP stack is simulated. It has DNS feeding an ELB, then a horizontally scaled layer of PHP servers backed with a single memcached and a master slave pair of MySQL servers. The configuration is managed using a Eureka name service and logged by Edda. Run this simulation in your browser

LAMP stack

Simple NetflixOSS Architecture and more complex Netflix Architecture

Simple simulations of the following AWS and NetflixOSS services are implemented. Edda collects the configuration and writes it to Json or Graphml. Eureka implements a service registry. Archaius contains global configuration data. Denominator simulates a global DNS endpoint. ELB generates traffic that is split across three availability zones. Zuul takes requests and routes it to the Karyon business logic layer. Karyon calls into the Staash data access layer, which calls PriamCassandra, which provides cross zone and cross region connections.

Each microservice is based on Karyon as the prototype to copy when creating a new microservice. The simulation passes get and put requests down the tree one at a time from Denominator. Get requests lookup the key in PriamCassandra and respond back up the tree. Put requests go down the tree only, and PriamCassandra replicates the put across all zones and regions.

There is a more complex architecture defined in json_arch/netflix_arch.json, which has two separate DNS endpoints for www and api, and three cassandra clusters. It provides a more realistic challenge for visualization.

Run the netflixoss simulation in your browser

Two Region NetflixOSS

With the -m option all messages are logged as they are received. The time taken to deliver the message is shown

2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 18.9us Put remember me
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 6.726us Put remember me
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 6.002us Put remember me
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 5.891us Put remember me
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 5.798us Put remember me
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 8.393us Replicate remember me
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 30.158us Replicate remember me
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 48.584us GetRequest why?
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 13.474us GetRequest why?
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 6.496us GetRequest why?
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 3.897us GetRequest why?
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 6.129us GetRequest why?
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 2.869us GetResponse because...
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 2.169us GetResponse because...
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 3.806us GetResponse because...
2015/03/01 13:16:09 gotocol: 2.272us GetResponse because...
2015/03/01 13:16:09 netflixoss.*.* gotocol: 2.422us GetResponse because...