PHP Refactoring Toolbox for VIM
- Rename Local Variable
- Rename Class Variable
- Rename Method
- Extract Use
- Extract Const
- Extract Class Property
- Extract Method
- Create Property
- Detect Unused Use Statements
- Align Assigns
- Create setters and getters
- Document all code
- vim-plug:
Plug 'adoy/vim-php-refactoring-toolbox'
- vundle:
Plugin 'adoy/vim-php-refactoring-toolbox'
- pathogen:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/
- or just copy the
in your~/.vim/plugin
If you want to disable the default mapping just add this line in your ~/.vimrc
let g:vim_php_refactoring_use_default_mapping = 0
If you want to disable the user validation at the getter/setter creation, just add this line in your ~/.vimrc
let g:vim_php_refactoring_auto_validate_sg = 1
If you want to disable the user validation at getter only creation, just add this line in your ~/.vimrc
let g:vim_php_refactoring_auto_validate_g = 1
If you want to disable the user validation for all rename features, just add this line in your ~/.vimrc
let g:vim_php_refactoring_auto_validate_rename = 1
If you want to disable the user validation for the visibility (private/public) add this line in your ~/.vimrc
let g:vim_php_refactoring_auto_validate_visibility = 1
To change the default visibility add one/both of those lines in your ~/.vimrc
let g:vim_php_refactoring_default_property_visibility = 'private'
let g:vim_php_refactoring_default_method_visibility = 'private'
To enable fluent setters add either of these lines to your ~/.vimrc
" default is 0 -- disabled
" to enable for all setters
let g:vim_php_refactoring_make_setter_fluent = 1
" to enable but be prompted when creating the setter
let g:vim_php_refactoring_make_setter_fluent = 2
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>rlv :call PhpRenameLocalVariable()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>rcv :call PhpRenameClassVariable()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>rm :call PhpRenameMethod()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>eu :call PhpExtractUse()<CR>
vnoremap <unique> <Leader>ec :call PhpExtractConst()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>ep :call PhpExtractClassProperty()<CR>
vnoremap <unique> <Leader>em :call PhpExtractMethod()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>np :call PhpCreateProperty()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>du :call PhpDetectUnusedUseStatements()<CR>
vnoremap <unique> <Leader>== :call PhpAlignAssigns()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>sg :call PhpCreateSettersAndGetters()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>cog :call PhpCreateGetters()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>da :call PhpDocAll()<CR>
You'll find in this project a playground.php
file. You can use this file to start playing with this refactoring plugin.
↑ Is the position of your cursor
function helloWorld($foobar = null) {
echo "Hello " . $foobar;
} ↑
in normal mode, specify the new $name
function helloWorld($name = null) {
echo "Hello " . $name;
} ↑
class HelloWorld {
private $foobar;
public function __construct($name) {
$this->foobar = $name;
public function sayHello() {
echo $this->foobar;
} ↑
in normal mode, specify the new $name
class HelloWorld {
private $name;
public function __construct($name) {
$this->name = $name;
public function sayHello() {
echo $this->name;
class HelloWorld {
public function sayHello() {
echo $this->sayHello();
} ↑
in normal mode, specify the new method name
class HelloWorld {
public function newMethodName() {
echo $this->newMethodName();
} ↑
$obj1 = new Foo\Bar\Baz;
$obj2 = new Foo\Bar\Baz;
in normal mode
use Foo\Bar\Baz;
$obj1 = Baz;
$obj2 = Baz;
class Dir {
public function __construct($path) {
$realpath = $path;
} ↑
in normal mode will extract the local variable and create a property inside the current class.
class Dir {
private $realpath;
public function __construct($path) {
$this->realpath = $path;
} ↑
class HelloWorld {
public function sayHello($firstName = null) {
$sentence = 'Hello';
if ($firstName) {
$sentence .= ' ' . $firstName;
echo $sentence;
Select in visual mode (V) the code you want to extract in an other method and hit <Leader>em
You'll be prompted for a method name. Enter a method name and press enter
class HelloWorld {
public function sayHello($firstName = null) {
$sentence = $this->prepareSentence($firstName);
echo $sentence;
private function prepareSentence($firstName)
$sentence = 'Hello';
if ($firstName) {
$sentence .= ' ' . $firstName;
return $sentence;
will create a new property in your current class.
will detect all unused "use" statements in your code so that you can remove them.
$oneVar = 'Foo';
$anOtherVar = 'Bar';
$oneVar += 'Baz';
Select the code you want to align and then hit <Leader>==
$oneVar = 'Foo';
$anOtherVar = 'Bar';
$oneVar += 'Baz';
class Foo {
private $bar;
Hit <Leader>sg
and you'll be prompted if you want to create setters and getters for existing properties and if you want to make the setter fluent.
class Foo {
private $bar;
public function setBar($bar)
$this->bar = $bar;
return $this; // If you opted for a fluent setter at the prompt.
public function getBar()
return $this->bar;
class Foo {
private $bar;
Hit <Leader>cog
and you will be prompted if you want only getters for existing properties
class Foo {
private $bar;
public function getBar()
return $this->bar;
will call your documentation plugin (by default Php Documentor for vim for every uncommented classes, methods, functions and properties.