A chat application built using Flask and Flask-SocketIO. This application allows users to register, login, create rooms, join existing rooms, send messages, and delete messages.
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Getting Started
- Usage
- API Endpoints
- Socket Events
- Contributing
- License
- Flask: A micro web framework for building web applications.
- Flask-SocketIO: A Flask extension that adds WebSocket support to Flask applications.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL document database used for storing user, room, and message data.
- Flask-JWT-Extended: A Flask extension that adds support for JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication.
- SocketIO: A library that enables real-time, bidirectional communication between web clients and servers.
- User Registration: Users can register an account by providing a username and password.
- User Login: Registered users can log in using their credentials and receive an access token.
- Create Room: Users can create a new chat room by providing a room name.
- Join Room: Users can join an existing chat room by providing the room ID.
- Send Message: Users can send messages in a chat room.
- Delete Message: Users can delete their own messages in a chat room.
- Get All Messages: Users can retrieve all messages in a specific chat room.
- Get All Rooms: Users can retrieve a list of all available chat rooms.
Clone the repository: bash Copy code git clone (https://github.com/adityaShar24/Chat-BE.git) Install the dependencies:
bash Copy code pip install -r requirements.txt Set up the MongoDB connection:
Modify the MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING variable in database/mongo.py with your MongoDB connection string. Run the application:
bash Copy code python app.py The application will be accessible at http://localhost:5000.
-Usage Register a new user by making a POST request to /register with the following JSON payload:
json Copy code { "username": "your-username", "password": "your-password" }
- Log in with your registered user credentials by making a POST request to /login with the following JSON payload:
json Copy code { "username": "your-username", "password": "your-password" }
- Use the obtained access token in the response for subsequent API requests by including it in the Authorization header:
- bash Copy code Authorization: Bearer
- Create a new room by making a POST request to /create_room with the following JSON payload:
json Copy code { "roomname": "your-room-name", "userID": "your-user-ID" }
- Note: You need to be authenticated as a user to create a room.
-Join an existing room by making a POST request to /join_room with the following JSON payload:
json Copy code { "roomID": "room-ID", "userID": "your-user-ID" } Note: You need to be authenticated as a user to join a room.
Send a message in a room by making a POST request to /send_message with the following JSON payload:
json Copy code { "roomID": "room-ID", "userID": "your-user-ID", "message": "your-message" }
Note: You need to be authenticated as a user and a member of the room to send a message.
Delete a message by making a POST request to /delete_message with the following JSON payload:
json Copy code { "roomID": "room-ID", "messageID": "message-ID", "userID": "your-user-ID" }
Note: You can only delete your own messages.
Retrieve all messages in a room by making a GET request to /get_messages/.
Retrieve a list of all rooms by making a GET request to /get_rooms.
- POST /register: Register a new user.
- POST /login: Log in with user credentials.
- POST /create_room: Create a new chat room.
- POST /join_room: Join an existing chat room.
- POST /send_message: Send a message in a chat room.
- POST /delete_message: Delete a message in a chat room.
- GET /get_messages/: Get all messages in a chat room.
- GET /get_rooms: Get a list of all chat rooms.
- join: Join a room.
- leave: Leave a room.
- message: Send a message in a room.
- delete_message: Delete a message in a room.
- connect: Connect to the server.
- disconnect: Disconnect from the server.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
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