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Snabb is an extensible, virtualized, Ethernet networking toolkit. With Snabb you can implement networking applications using the Lua language. Snabb includes all the tools you need to quickly realize your network designs and its really fast too! Furthermore, Snabb is extensible and encourages you to grow the ecosystem to match your requirements.

DIAGRAM: Architecture
        | Your Network Design |
             |     |     |

(Built in and custom Apps and Libraries)

             |     |     |
       |      Snabb Core       |

The Snabb Core forms a runtime environment (engine) which executes your design. A design is simply a Lua script used to drive the Snabb stack, you can think of it as your top-level "main" routine.

In order to add functionality to the Snabb stack you can load modules into the Snabb engine. These can be Lua modules as well as native code objects. We differentiate between two classes of modules, namely libraries and Apps. Libraries are simple collections of program utilities to be used in your designs, apps or other libraries, just as you might expect. Apps, on the other hand, are code objects that implement a specific interface, which is used by the Snabb engine to organize an App Network.

DIAGRAM: Network
               |         |
            +->* Filter0 *--+
            |  |         |  |
            |  +---------+  |
+---+----+  |               |  +----+---+
|        *--+               +->*        |
|  NIC0  |                     |  NIC1  |
|        *<-+               +--*        |
+---+----+  |               |  +----+---+
            |  +---------+  |
            |  |         |  |
            +--* Filter1 *<-+
               |         |

Usually, a Snabb design will create a series of apps, interconnect these in a desired way using links and finally pass the resulting app network on to the Snabb engine. The engine's job is to:

  • Pump traffic through the app network
  • Apply, and inform apps of configuration and link changes
  • Report on the network status

Snabb API

The core modules defined below can be loaded using Lua's require. For example:

local config = require("core.config")

local c =


An app is an isolated implementation of a specific networking function. For example, a switch, a router, or a packet filter.

Apps receive packets on input ports, perform some processing, and transmit packets on output ports. Each app has zero or more input and output ports. For example, a packet filter may have one input and one output port, while a packet recorder may have only an input port. Every app must implement the interface below. Methods which may be left unimplemented are marked as "optional".

— Method myapp:new arg

Required. Create an instance of the app with a given argument arg. Myapp:new must return an instance of the app. The handling of arg is up to the app but it is encouraged to use core.config's parse_app_arg to parse arg.

— Field myapp.input

— Field myapp.output

Tables of named input and output links. These tables are initialized by the engine for use in processing and are read-only.

— Field myapp.appname

Name of the app. Read-only.

— Field myapp.shm

Can be set to a specification for core.shm.create_frame. When set, this field will be initialized to a frame of shared memory objects by the engine.

— Field myapp.config

Can be set to a specification for core.lib.parse. When set, the specification will be used to validate the app’s arg when it is configured using

— Method myapp:link dir name

Optional. Called during engine.configure() when a link of the app is added. Unless unlink is specified this method is also called when a link is removed. Guaranteed to be called before pull and push are called with new links.

Dir is either 'input' or 'output', and name is the string name of the link. I.e., the added link can be accessed at self[dir][name].

— Method myapp:unlink dir name

Optional. Called during engine.configure() when a link of the app is removed.

Dir is either 'input' or 'output', and name is the string name of the link.

— Method myapp:pull

Optional. Pull packets into the network.

For example: Pull packets from a network adapter into the app network by transmitting them to output ports.

— Method myapp:push

Optional. Push packets through the system.

For example: Move packets from input ports to output ports or to a network adapter.

— Field myapp.push_link

Optional. When specified must be a table of per-link push() methods that take an input link as an argument. For example an app could specify a push_link method for its input link foo:

Myapp = { push_link={} }
function Myapp.push_link:foo (input)
  while not link.empty(input) do something() end

Push_link methods are copied to a fresh table when the app is started, and it is valid to create push_link methods dynamically during link(), for example like so:

Myapp = { push_link={} }
function Myapp:link (dir, name)
  -- NB: Myapp.push_link ~= self.push_link
  if dir == 'input' then
    self.push_link[name] = function (self, input)
      while not link.empty(input) do something() end
function Myapp:unlink (dir, name)
  if dir == 'input' then
    self.push_link[name] = nil

Push is not called when an app has push_link methods for all of its input links. If, however, an app at least one input link without an associated push_link method then push is called in addition to the push_link methods.

— Method myapp:tick

Optional. Called periodically at engine.tick_Hz frequency.

For example: Move packets from input ports to output ports or to a network adapter.

— Method myapp:reconfig arg

Optional. Reconfigure the app with a new arg. If this method is not implemented the app instance is discarded and a new instance is created.

— Method myapp:report

Optional. Print a report of the current app status.

— Method myapp:stop

Optional. Stop the app and release associated external resources.

— Field

Optional. Name of the LuaJIT profiling zone used for this app (descriptive string). The default is the module name.

Config (core.config)

A config is a description of a packet-processing network. The network is a directed graph. Nodes in the graph are apps that each process packets in a specific way. Each app has a set of named input and output ports—often called rx and tx. Edges of the graph are unidirectional links that carry packets from an output port to an input port.

The config is a purely passive data structure. Creating and manipulating a config object does not immediately affect operation. The config has to be activated using engine.configure.

— Function

Creates and returns a new empty configuration.

— Function config, name, class, arg

Adds an app of class with arg to the config where it will be assigned to name.

Example:, "nic", Intel82599, {pciaddr = "0000:00:00.0"})

— Function config, linkspec

Add a link defined by linkspec to the config config. Linkspec must be a string of the format


where app_name1 and app_name2 are names of apps in config and output_port and input_port are valid output and input ports of the referenced apps respectively.

Example:, "nic1.tx->nic2.rx")

Engine (

The engine executes a config by initializing apps, creating links, and driving the flow of execution. The engine also performs profiling and reporting functions. It can be reconfigured during runtime. Within Snabb Switch scripts the module is bound to the global engine variable.

— Function engine.configure config

Configure the engine to use a new config config. You can safely call this method many times to incrementally update the running app network. The engine updates the app network as follows:

  • Apps that did not exist in the old configuration are started.
  • Apps that do not exist in the new configuration are stopped. (The app stop() method is called if defined.)
  • Apps with unchanged configurations are preserved.
  • Apps with changed configurations are updated by calling their reconfig() method. If the reconfig() method is not implemented then the old instance is stopped a new one started.
  • Links with unchanged endpoints are preserved.

— Function engine.main options

Run the Snabb engine. Options is a table of key/value pairs. The following keys are recognized:

  • duration - Duration in seconds to run the engine for (as a floating point number). If this is set you cannot supply done.
  • done - A function to be called repeatedly by engine.main until it returns true. Once it returns true the engine will be stopped and engine.main will return. If this is set you cannot supply duration.
  • report - A table which configures the report printed before engine.main() returns. The keys showlinks and showapps can be set to boolean values to force or suppress link and app reporting individually. By default `engine.main()' will report on links but not on apps.
  • measure_latency - By default, the breathe() loop is instrumented to record the latency distribution of running the app graph. This information can be processed by the snabb top program. Passing measure_latency=false in the options will disable this instrumentation.
  • no_report - A boolean value. If true no final report will be printed.

— Function engine.stop

Stop all apps in the engine by loading an empty configuration.

— Function

Returns monotonic time in seconds as a floating point number. Suitable for timers.

— Variable engine.busywait

If set to true then the engine polls continuously for new packets to process. This consumes 100% CPU and makes processing latency less vulnerable to kernel scheduling behavior which can cause pauses of more than one millisecond.

Default: false

— Variable engine.Hz

Frequency at which to poll for new input packets. The default value is 'false' which means to adjust dynamically up to 100us during low traffic. The value can be overridden with a constant integer saying how many times per second to poll.

This setting is not used when engine.busywait is true.

— Variable engine.tick_Hz

Frequency at which to call app:tick methods. The default value is 1000 (call tick()s every millisecond).

A value of 0 effectively disables tick() methods.

Link (

A link is a ring buffer used to store packets between apps. Links can be treated either like arrays—accessing their internal structure directly—or as streams of packets by using their API functions.

— Function link.empty link

Predicate used to test if a link is empty. Returns true if link is empty and false otherwise.

— Function link.full link

Predicate used to test if a link is full. Returns true if link is full and false otherwise.

— Function link.nreadable link

Returns the number of packets on link.

— Function link.nwriteable link

Returns the remaining number of packets that fit onto link.

— Function link.receive link

Returns the next available packet (and advances the read cursor) on link. If the link is empty an error is signaled.

— Function link.front link

Return the next available packet without advancing the read cursor on link. If the link is empty, nil is returned.

— Function link.transmit link, packet

Transmits packet onto link. If the link is full packet is dropped (and the drop counter increased).

— Function link.stats link

Returns a structure holding ring statistics for the link:

  • txbytes, rxbytes: Counts of transferred bytes.
  • txpackets, rxpackets: Counts of transferred packets.
  • txdrop: Count of packets dropped due to ring overflow.

Packet (core.packet)

A packet is an FFI object of type struct packet representing a network packet that is currently being processed. The packet is used to explicitly manage the life cycle of the packet. Packets are explicitly allocated and freed by using packet.allocate and When a packet is received using link.receive its ownership is acquired by the calling app. The app must then ensure to either transfer the packet ownership to another app by calling link.transmit on the packet or free the packet using Apps may only use packets they own, e.g. packets that have not been transmitted or freed. The number of allocatable packets is limited by the size of the underlying “freelist”, e.g. a pool of unused packet objects from and to which packets are allocated and freed.

— Type struct packet

struct packet {
    uint16_t length;
    uint8_t  data[packet.max_payload];

— Constant packet.max_payload

The maximum payload length of a packet.

— Function packet.allocate

Returns a new empty packet. An an error is raised if there are no packets left on the freelist. Initially the length of the allocated is 0, and its data is uninitialized garbage.

— Function packet

Frees packet and puts in back onto the freelist.

— Function packet.clone packet

Returns an exact copy of packet.

— Function packet.resize packet, length

Sets the payload length of packet, truncating or extending its payload. In the latter case the contents of the extended area at the end of the payload are filled with zeros.

— Function packet.append packet, pointer, length

Appends length bytes starting at pointer to the end of packet. An error is raised if there is not enough space in packet to accomodate length additional bytes.

— Function packet.prepend packet, pointer, length

Prepends length bytes starting at pointer to the front of packet, taking ownership of the packet and returning a new packet. An error is raised if there is not enough space in packet to accomodate length additional bytes.

— Function packet.shiftleft packet, length

Take ownership of packet, truncate it by length bytes from the front, and return a new packet. Length must be less than or equal to length of packet.

— Function packet.shiftright packet, length

Take ownership of packet, moves packet payload to the right by length bytes, growing packet by length. Returns a new packet. The sum of length and length of packet must be less than or equal to packet.max_payload.

— Function packet.from_pointer pointer, length

Allocate packet and fill it with length bytes from pointer.

— Function packet.from_string string

Allocate packet and fill it with the contents of string.

— Function packet.account_free packet

Increment internal engine statistics (frees, freebytes, freebits) as if packet were freed, but do not actually put it back onto the freelist.

This function is intended to be used by I/O apps in special cases that need more finegrained control over packet freeing.

— Function packet.free_internal packet

Free packet and put it back onto the freelist, but do not increment internal engine statistics (frees, freebytes, freebits).

See packet.account_free,

Memory (core.memory)

Snabb allocates special DMA memory that can be accessed directly by network cards. The important characteristic of DMA memory is being located in contiguous physical memory at a stable address.

— Function memory.dma_alloc bytes, [alignment]

Returns a pointer to bytes of new DMA memory.

Optionally a specific alignment requirement can be provided (in bytes). The default alignment is 128.

— Function memory.virtual_to_physical pointer

Returns the physical address (uint64_t) the DMA memory at pointer.

— Variable memory.huge_page_size

Size of a single huge page in bytes. Read-only.

Shared Memory (core.shm)

This module facilitates creation and management of named shared memory objects. Objects can be created using shm.create similar to, except that separate calls to for the same name will each return a new mapping of the same shared memory. Different processes can share memory by mapping an object with the same name (and type). Each process can map any object any number of times.

Mappings are deleted on process termination or with an explicit shm.unmap. Names are unlinked from objects that are no longer needed using shm.unlink. Object memory is freed when the name is unlinked and all mappings have been deleted.

Names can be fully qualified or abbreviated to be within the current process. Here are examples of names and how they are resolved where <pid> is the PID of this process:

  • Local: foo/bar/var/run/snabb/<pid>/foo/bar
  • Fully qualified: /1234/foo/bar/var/run/snabb/1234/foo/bar

Behind the scenes the objects are backed by files on ram disk (/var/run/snabb/<pid>) and accessed with the equivalent of POSIX shared memory (shm_overview(7)). The files are automatically removed on shutdown unless the environment SNABB_SHM_KEEP is set. The location /var/run/snabb can be overridden by the environment variable SNABB_SHM_ROOT.

Shared memory objects are created world-readable for convenient access by diagnostic tools. You can lock this down by setting SNABB_SHM_ROOT to a path under a directory with appropriate permissions.

The practical limit on the number of objects that can be mapped will depend on the operating system limit for memory mappings. On Linux the default limit is 65,530 mappings:

$ sysctl vm.max_map_count vm.max_map_count = 65530

— Function shm.create name, type

Creates and maps a shared object of type into memory via a hierarchical name. Returns a pointer to the mapped object.

— Function name, type, [readonly]

Maps an existing shared object of type into memory via a hierarchical name. If readonly is non-nil the shared object is mapped in read-only mode. Readonly defaults to nil. Fails if the shared object does not already exist. Returns a pointer to the mapped object.

— Function shm.alias new-path existing-path

Create an alias (symbolic link) for an object.

— Function shm.path name

Returns the fully-qualified path for an object called name.

— Function shm.exists name

Returns a true value if shared object by name exists.

— Function shm.unmap pointer

Deletes the memory mapping for pointer.

— Function shm.unlink path

Unlinks the subtree of objects designated by path from the filesystem.

— Function shm.children path

Returns an array of objects in the directory designated by path.

— Function shm.register type, module

Registers an abstract shared memory object type implemented by module in shm.types. Module must provide the following functions:

  • create name, ...
  • open, name

and can optionally provide the function:

  • delete, name

The module’s type variable must be bound to type. To register a new type a module might invoke shm.register like so:

type = shm.register('mytype', getfenv())
-- Now the following holds true:
--   shm.types[type] == getfenv()

— Variable shm.types

A table that maps types to modules. See shm.register.

— Function shm.create_frame path, specification

Creates and returns a shared memory frame by specification under path. A frame is a table of mapped—possibly abstract‑shared memory objects. Specification must be of the form:

{ <name> = {<module>, ...},
  ... }

Module must implement an abstract type registered with shm.register, and is followed by additional initialization arguments to its create function. Example usage:

local counter = require("core.counter")
-- Create counters foo/bar/{dtime,rxpackets,txpackets}.counter
local f = shm.create_frame(
   {dtime     = {counter, C.get_unix_time()},
    rxpackets = {counter},
    txpackets = {counter}})

— Function shm.open_frame path

Opens and returns the shared memory frame under path for reading.

— Function shm.delete_frame frame

Deletes/unmaps a shared memory frame. The frame directory is unlinked if frame was created by shm.create_frame.

Counter (core.counter)

Double-buffered shared memory counters. Counters are 64-bit unsigned values. Registered with core.shm as type counter.

— Function counter.create name, [initval]

Creates and returns a counter by name, initialized to initval. Initval defaults to 0.

— Function name

Opens and returns the counter by name for reading.

— Function counter.delete name

Deletes and unmaps the counter by name.

— Function counter.commit

Commits buffered counter values to public shared memory.

— Function counter.set counter, value

Sets counter to value.

— Function counter.add counter, [value]

Increments counter by value. Value defaults to 1.

— Function counter

Returns the value of counter.

Histogram (core.histogram)

Shared memory histogram with logarithmic buckets. Registered with core.shm as type histogram.

— Function min, max

Returns a new histogram, with buckets covering the range from min to max. The range between min and max will be divided logarithmically.

— Function histogram.create name, min, max

Creates and returns a histogram as in by name. If the file exists already, it will be cleared.

— Function name

Opens and returns histogram by name for reading.

— Method histogram:add measurement

Adds measurement to histogram.

— Method histogram:iterate prev

When used as for count, lo, hi in histogram:iterate(), visits all buckets in histogram in order from lowest to highest. Count is the number of samples recorded in that bucket, and lo and hi are the lower and upper bounds of the bucket. Note that count is an unsigned 64-bit integer; to get it as a Lua number, use tonumber.

If prev is given, it should be a snapshot of the previous version of the histogram. In that case, the count values will be returned as a difference between their values in histogram and their values in prev.

— Method histogram:snapshot [dest]

Copies out the contents of histogram into the histogram dest and returns dest. If dest is not given, the result will be a fresh histogram.

— Method histogram:clear

Clears the buckets of histogram.

— Method *histogram:wrap_thunk thunk, now

Returns a closure that wraps thunk, measuring and recording the difference between calls to now before and after thunk into histogram.

— Method *histogram:summarize prev

Returns the approximate minimum, average, and maximum values recorded in histogram.

If prev is given, it should be a snapshot of a previous version of the histogram. In that case, this method returns the approximate minimum, average and maximum values for the difference between histogram and prev.

Lib (core.lib)

The core.lib module contains miscellaneous utilities.

— Function lib.equal x, y

Predicate to test if x and y are structurally similar (isomorphic).

— Function lib.can_open filename, mode

Predicate to test if file at filename can be successfully opened with mode.

— Function lib.can_read filename

Predicate to test if file at filename can be successfully opened for reading.

— Function lib.can_write filename

Predicate to test if file at filename can be successfully opened for writing.

— Function lib.readcmd command, what

Runs Unix shell command and returns what of its output. What must be a valid argument to file:read.

— Function lib.readfile filename, what

Reads and returns what from file at filename. What must be a valid argument to file:read.

— Function lib.writefile filename, value

Writes value to file at filename using file:write. Returns the value returned by file:write.

— Function lib.readlink filename

Returns the true name of symbolic link at filename.

— Function lib.dirname filename

Returns the dirname(3) of filename.

— Function lib.basename filename

Returns the basename(3) of filename.

— Function lib.firstfile directory

Returns the filename of the first file in directory.

— Function lib.firstline filename

Returns the first line of file at filename as a string.

— Function lib.load_string string

Evaluates and returns the value of the Lua expression in string.

— Function lib.load_conf filename

Evaluates and returns the value of the Lua expression in file at filename.

— Function lib.store_conf filename, value

Writes value to file at filename as a Lua expression. Supports tables, strings and everything that can be readably printed using print.

— Function lib.bits bitset, basevalue

Returns a bitmask using the values of bitset as indexes. The keys of bitset are ignored (and can be used as comments).


bits({RESET=0,ENABLE=4}, 123) => 1<<0 | 1<<4 | 123

— Function lib.bitset value, n

Predicate to test if bit number n of value is set.

— Function lib.bitfield size, struct, member, offset, nbits, value

Combined accesor and setter function for bit ranges of integers in cdata structs. Sets nbits (number of bits) starting from offset to value. If value is not given the current value is returned.

Size may be one of 8, 16 or 32 depending on the bit size of the integer being set or read.

Struct must be a pointer to a cdata object and member must be the literal name of a member of struct.


local struct_t = ffi.typeof[[struct { uint16_t flags; }]]
-- Assuming `s' is an instance of `struct_t', set bits 4-7 to 0xF:
lib.bitfield(16, s, 'flags', 4, 4, 0xf)
-- Get the value:
lib.bitfield(16, s, 'flags', 4, 4) -- => 0xF

— Function string:split pattern

Returns an iterator over the string split by pattern. Pattern must be a valid argument to string:gmatch.


for word, sep in ("foo!bar!baz"):split("(!)") do
    print(word, sep)

> foo	!
> bar	!
> baz	nil

— Function lib.hexdump string

Returns hexadecimal string for bytes in string.

— Function lib.hexundump hexstring, n, error

Returns string of n bytes for hexstring. Throws an error if less than n hex-encoded bytes could be parsed unless error is false.

Error is optional and can be the error message to throw.

— Function lib.comma_value n

Returns a string for decimal number n with magnitudes separated by commas. Example:

comma_value(1000000) => "1,000,000"

— Function lib.random_bytes_from_dev_urandom length

Return length bytes of random data, as a byte array, taken from /dev/urandom. Suitable for cryptographic usage.

— Function lib.random_bytes_from_math_random length

Return length bytes of random data, as a byte array, where each byte was taken from math.random(0, 255). Not suitable for cryptographic usage.

— Function lib.random_bytes length — Function lib.randomseed seed

Initialize Snabb's random number generation facility. If seed is nil, then the Lua math.random() function will be seeded from /dev/urandom, and lib.random_bytes will be initialized to lib.random_bytes_from_dev_urandom. This is Snabb's default mode of operation.

Sometimes it's useful to make Snabb use deterministic random numbers. In that case, pass a seed to lib.randomseed; Snabb will set lib.random_bytes to lib.random_bytes_from_math_random, and also print out a message to stderr indicating that we are using lower-quality deterministic random numbers.

As part of its initialization process, Snabb will call lib.randomseed with the value of the SNABB_RANDOM_SEED environment variable (if any). Set this environment variable to enable deterministic random numbers.

— Function lib.bounds_checked type, base, offset, size

Returns a table that acts as a bounds checked wrapper around a C array of type and size starting at base plus offset. Type must be a ctype and the caller must ensure that the allocated memory region at base/offset is at least sizeof(type)*size bytes long.

— Function lib.throttle seconds

Return a closure that returns true at most once during any seconds (a floating point value) time interval, otherwise false.

— Function lib.timeout seconds

Returns a closure that returns true if seconds (a floating point value) have elapsed since it was created, otherwise false.

— Function lib.waitfor condition

Blocks until the function condition returns a true value.

— Function lib.waitfor2 name, condition, attempts, interval

Repeatedly calls the function condition in interval (milliseconds). If condition returns a true value waitfor2 returns. If condition does not return a true value after attempts waitfor2 raises an error identified by name.

— Function lib.yesno flag

Returns the string "yes" if flag is a true value and "no" otherwise.

— Function lib.align value, size

Return the next integer that is a multiple of size starting from value.

— Function lib.csum pointer, length

Computes and returns the "IP checksum" length bytes starting at pointer.

— Function lib.update_csum pointer, length, checksum

Returns checksum updated by length bytes starting at pointer. The default of checksum is 0LL.

— Function lib.finish_csum checksum

Returns the finalized checksum.

— Function lib.malloc etype

Returns a pointer to newly allocated DMA memory for etype.

— Function lib.deepcopy object

Returns a copy of object. Supports tables as well as ctypes.

— Function lib.array_copy array

Returns a copy of array. Array must not be a "sparse array".

— Function lib.htonl n

— Function lib.htons n

Host to network byte order conversion functions for 32 and 16 bit integers n respectively. Unsigned.

— Function lib.ntohl n

— Function lib.ntohs n

Network to host byte order conversion functions for 32 and 16 bit integers n respectively. Unsigned.

— Function lib.random_bytes count

Return a fresh array of count random bytes. Suitable for cryptographic usage.

— Function lib.parse arg, config

Validates arg against the specification in config, and returns a fresh table containing the parameters in arg and any omitted optional parameters with their default values. Given arg, a table of parameters or nil, assert that from config all of the required keys are present, fill in any missing values for optional keys, and error if any unknown keys are found. Config has the following format:

config := { key = {[required=boolean], [default=value]}, ... }

Each key is optional unless required is set to a true value, and its default value defaults to nil.


lib.parse({foo=42, bar=43}, {foo={required=true}, bar={}, baz={default=44}})
  => {foo=42, bar=43, baz=44}
  • Function lib.set vargs

Reads a variable number of arguments and returns a table representing a set. The returned value can be used to query whether an element belongs or not to the set.


local t = set('foo', 'bar')
t['foo']  -- yields true.
t['quax'] -- yields false.

Multiprocess operation (core.worker)

Snabb can operate as a group of cooperating processes. The main process is the initial one that you start directly. The optional worker processes are children spawned when the main process calls the core.worker module.

DIAGRAM: Multiprocessing
      +-------+   Main   +-------+
      |       +----------+       |
      :            :             :
+-----+----+  +----+-----+  +----+-----+
| worker 1 |  :   ....   |  | worker N |
+----------+  +----------+  +----------+

Each worker is a complete Snabb process. They can define app networks, run the engine, and do everything else that ordinary Snabb processes do. The exact behavior of each worker is determined by a Lua expression provided upon creation.

Groups of Snabb processes each have the following special properties:

  • Group termination: Terminating the main process automatically terminates all of the workers. This works for all process termination scenarios including kill -9.
  • Shared DMA memory: DMA memory pointers obtained with memory.dma_alloc() are usable by all processes in the group. This means that you can share DMA memory pointers between processes, for example via shm shared memory objects, and reference them from any process. (The memory is automatically mapped at the expected address via a SEGV signal handler.)
  • PCI device shutdown: For each PCI device opened by a process within the group, bus mastering (DMA) is disabled upon termination before any DMA memory is returned to the kernel. This prevents "dangling" DMA requests from corrupting memory that has been freed and reused. See lib.hardware.pci for details.

The core.worker API functions are available in the main process only:

— Function worker.start name luacode

Start a named worker process. The worker starts with a completely fresh Snabb process image (fork()+execve()) and then executes the string luacode as a Lua source code expression.


worker.start("myworker", [[
   print("hello world, from a Snabb worker process!")
   print("could configure and run the engine now...")

— Function worker.stop name

Stop a named worker process. The worker is abruptly killed.



— Function worker.status

Return a table summarizing the status of all workers. The table key is the worker name and the value is a table with pid and alive attributes.


for w, s in pairs(worker.status()) do
   print(("  worker %s: pid=%s alive=%s"):format(
         w,, s.alive))


worker w3: pid=21949 alive=true
worker w1: pid=21947 alive=true
worker w2: pid=21948 alive=true


Snabb designs can be run either with:

snabb <snabb-arg>* <design> <design-arg>*


#!/usr/bin/env snabb <snabb-arg>*

The main module provides an interface for running Snabb scripts. It exposes various operating system functions to scripts.

— Field main.parameters

A list of command-line arguments to the running script. Read-only.

— Function main.exit status

Cleanly exits the process with status.