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Adam Hope edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 1 revision
  • Andrew C for helping come up with the original concept and doing a last minute redesign
  • Pete C for doing the original graphic design and more importantly running a great workshop that helped us get the game back on track when it looked like all hope was lost
  • Fred and Dom for actually helping me build the thing – can't underestimate that!
  • Olivia for continually hassling us – without her we would have given up a long time ago
  • Natalie for telling us about the worst idea she'd ever heard of for a game and leaving Andrew and I no choice but to get involved ;-)
  • Lindy for doubling the amount we were willing to donate to charity
  • "Thanon Khao San" for delivering the food that gave us the energy to stay in the office and work on the game
  • Last but not least everyone who played, wouldn't have been much of a game otherwise!
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