Boilerplate for someone wants a clean start at any point for building a VueJS web application in combine with storybook, storyshot, jest, webpakc, and other accessories that may come later!
Initially, I chose (presumably) the easiest way to start - start the Vue setup from vue-cli3 the shinning armor for basic Vue configuration! Ends up, I encountered LOAD of issue trying to setup the exact samething that I personally hand configured for React with Storybook, Storyshot, and Jest, because overhead I have to learn about vue-cli and how it work, and why things break... I know that I needed a ..better way... a clearer path ... a new begining ... to learn! Yes, start from stratch! Clearly, vue-cli is not made for fine configuration, at least not yet at this day (10/26/2018), things can change, you never know!
Q: How can it help Me? All the stuff are already setup, now I got all these mess I dont understand any way :(
Good point! That's the branches in this repo are for! Look into the branches, you will see something like step/xxxx
within each step
branch, there are commits that document the change and referencing articles, github issues and etc that I took my work and learned from. So you can learn from it too and start from whichever step you'd like to learn from! Freedom!
npm run setup
for initial install and reinstall with clean up
npm run storybook
for running our storybook
npm run test
for running jest test with snapshot generation with storshot!
npm run dev
start developing
npm run build
build the final dist