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S7 playground

Preparation (emsdk)

cd ~/dev/github/emsdk
./emsdk install latest
./emsdk activate latest
source ./
emcc -v

Building the special repl

meson setup buildc

Building & launching

meson configure buildc -Doptimization=s
ninja -C buildc
(run-scheme (concat "buildc/repl"))
  (display "here 1")
  (display "here 2")
  (format #t "aaa")
  (+ 1 2 3))


Note: emcc has to be in the path for the following to work

Setting up project

meson setup build --cross-file wasm.ini
meson configure build -Doptimization=s

Building & launching

source ~/dev/github/emsdk/
ninja -C build
source ~/dev/github/emsdk/
# sometimes getting Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource
emrun index.html
# or (to be able to refresh - also seems more reliable?)
emrun --serve_after_close index.html

Useful snippets

node build/s7_wasm.js


git branch -d gh-pages # removing branch
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git add index.html build/s7_wasm.js build/s7_wasm.wasm -f
git commit -am "deploy"
git push --set-upstream origin gh-pages --force


git clone ~/dev/github/parinfer-codemirror
cd ~/dev/github/parinfer-codemirror
npm install

emacs-lisp etc

The following

;; replace with an s7 repl that handles multi line input properly
(run-scheme (concat "buildc/repl"))
source ~/dev/github/emsdk/
emrun --serve_after_close index.html

org-export-filter-src-block-functions Making the src blocks a text input + an eval button

(defun s7-playground/src-block (text backend info)
  "Exports a (scheme) src-block as a textarea coupled with an 'eval' button.
This later gets converted to a codemirror editor.
Note: the input text has already the code wrapped around some html tages which we strip ourselves"
  (let* ((code (s-trim (replace-regexp-in-string "<[^>]*>" "" text)))
	 (formatted (format "<div class='code-container'>
<textarea class='code'>%s</textarea>
<button class='eval'>eval</button>
</div>\n" code)))

;; add-to-list doesn't add if it's already there! phew!
(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-src-block-functions

Other notes

Oh wait! Just found org-babel-map-src-blocks and the two hooks org-export-before-{processing,parsing}-hook. That’s probably what I’m going to do. – purple_arrows Sep 25 ‘18 at 22:14


Redefining org-babel-execute:scheme cause it uses geiser.. ugh!

(defun s7-playground/parse-repl-output (output)
  "The s7-playgroudn repl returns a list upon input
result stdout stderr.
This function parses this string output and returns
an emacs-lisp list"
  (print "here..")
  (print output)
  ;; fixing the #<unspecified> not being readable by emacs-lisp
  (let ((parsed (read (s-replace "#<" "<" output))))
     ;; result
     ;; %S cause we want string to be quoted
     (format "%S" (car parsed))
     ;; in the stdout and stderr we don't need this info
     (format "%s" (cadr parsed))
     (format "%s" (caddr parsed))

(defun s7-playground/org-babel-output (repl-output-parsed &optional type)
  "Type could be \"value\" \"output\" or \"error\".
This is coming from :s7-results header args, in the same fashing as :results
In any other case it will return 3 pre blocks with the res out and err classes."
  (print repl-output-parsed)
  (print "cond?")
  (print type)
  (cond ((string= type "value") (format "%s" (car repl-output-parsed)))
	((string= type "output") (format "%s" (cadr repl-output-parsed)))
	((string= type "error") (format "%s" (caddr repl-output-parsed)))
	(t (progn
	     (print "heree??")
	      "<div class='eval-result'>\n"
	      (format "<pre class='res'>%s</pre>\n" (xml-escape-string (car repl-output-parsed)))
	      (format "<pre class='out'>%s</pre>\n" (xml-escape-string (cadr repl-output-parsed)))
	      (format "<pre class='err'>%s</pre>\n" (xml-escape-string (caddr repl-output-parsed)))

(defun org-babel-execute:scheme (body params)
  "Execute a block of Scheme code with org-babel.
This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'"
  (print params)
  (print (cdr (assq :s7-results params)))
    (let* ((result-type (cdr (assq :result-type params)))
	   (session "*scheme*")
	   (full-body (org-babel-expand-body:scheme body params))
	      (let* ((out (org-babel-comint-with-output
			      ("*scheme*" "\n> " )
			    (scheme-send-string (format "(begin %s\n)" body))
			    (accept-process-output (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))))
		     ;; out is a result of split-string, so we get the car
		     (parsed (s7-playground/parse-repl-output (car out))))
		(s7-playground/org-babel-output parsed (cdr (assq :s7-results params)))


c repl

meson configure buildc | grep optimization
meson configure buildc -Doptimization=s
buildc/repl src/fib41.scm
buildc/repl src/fib38.scm


# optimize
meson configure build | grep optimization
# performance
meson configure build -Doptimization=2
# size
meson configure build -Doptimization=s
meson configure build -Doptimization=0

ninja -C build