Create a library to support the Twitter streaming API, the reconnect strategy, OAuth authentication, and error policies specified on their documentation.
- Basic GET OAuth support (POST doesn't work yet)
- Apache HttpClient based.
- Back off strategy built in, so in the case of unexpected errors the library will reconnect:
- TCP errors start at 250 miliseconds and cap at 16 seconds
- HTTP errors start at 10 seconds and cap at 240 seconds
- Easy to implement your own parsing and processing of tweets.
- sbt (get it at
- $ cd Scala-TwitterStreamer
- Edit config/TwitterStreamer.conf and add your Twitter username and password Important If you want to use OAuth authentication enter your Consumer pair Key, and Access token secret. You can obtain your Access Token by going to
- $ ./sbt update
- $ ./sbt run
- Select one of the two sample clients.
- $ cd Scala-TwitterStreamer
- Edit config/TwitterStreamer.conf and add your Twitter username and password Important If you want to use OAuth authentication enter your Consumer pair Key, and Access token secret. You can obtain your Access Token by going to
- $ ./sbt update
- $ ./sh example/
- watch the tweets on your screen
Create a client and run it:
import com.streamer.twitter._
val twitterClient = new BasicStreamingClient(username, password, processor)
- Sample Returns a random sample of all public statuses.
- Filter Returns public statuses that match one or more filter predicates.
- Firehose Returns all public statuses. The Firehose is not a generally available resource.
- Links Returns all statuses containing http: and https:. The links stream is not a generally available resource.
- Retweet Returns all retweets. The retweet stream is not a generally available resource.
- Sites Stream Returns all events for the users you specify to follow and that OAuth'ed to your application.
First you need to define what you want to do with the stream. Here's an example that just prints every line we get to stdout:
import com.streamer.twitter._
import com.streamer.twitter.oauth._
import com.streamer.twitter.config._
class CustomProcessor extends StreamProcessor {
override def process(is: InputStream): Unit = {
val reader: BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"))
var line = reader.readLine()
while (line != null) {
line = reader.readLine()
object TestOAuthStream {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val processor = new CustomProcessor()
val consumer = Consumer(Config.readString("consumer.key"), Config.readString("consumer.secret"))
val token = Token(Config.readString("access.token"), Config.readString("access.secret"))
val twitterClient = new OAuthStreamingClient(consumer, token, processor)
twitterClient.siteStream(Set(16741237,14344469)) // The ids we are going to track, they should have OAuth'ed to us
Alejandro Crosa <>