The stages in both the Training and Inference pipelines can be mixed and matched with little impact, that is, the MultiFileSource
can be configured to pull from S3 or from local files and can be replaced altogether with any other Morpheus input stage. Similarly, the S3 writer can be replaced with any Morpheus output stage. Regardless of the inputs and outputs the core pipeline should remain unchanged. While stages in the core of the pipeline (inside the blue areas in the above diagram) perform common actions that should be configured not exchanged.
For both inference and training pipeline the Morpheus config object should be constructed with the same values, for example:
import os
from morpheus.config import Config
from morpheus.config import ConfigAutoEncoder
from morpheus.config import CppConfig
from morpheus.cli.utils import get_package_relative_file
from morpheus.cli.utils import load_labels_file
config = Config()
config.num_threads = os.cpu_count() = ConfigAutoEncoder() = load_labels_file(get_package_relative_file("data/columns_ae_azure.txt"))
Other attributes which might be needed:
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
---|---|---|---| |
str |
userIdentityaccountId |
Column in the DataFrame containing the username or user ID | |
str |
timestamp |
Column in the DataFrame containing the timestamp of the event | |
str |
generic_user |
Name to use for the generic user model, should not match the name of any real users |
The DataFrameInputSchema
(morpheus/utils/ class defines the schema specifying the columns to be included in the output DataFrame
. Within the DFP pipeline there are two stages where pre-processing is performed, the DFPFileToDataFrameStage
stage and the DFPPreprocessingStage
. This decoupling of the pre-processing stages from the actual operations needed to be performed allows for the actual schema to be user-defined in the pipeline and re-usability of the stages. It is up to the user to define the fields which will appear in the DataFrame
. Any column in the input data that isn't specified in either column_info
or preserve_columns
constructor arguments will not appear in the output. The exception to this are JSON fields, specified in the json_columns
argument which defines json fields which are to be normalized.
It is important to note that the fields defined in json_columns
are normalized prior to the processing of the fields in column_info
, allowing for processing to be performed on fields nested in JSON columns. For example, say we had a JSON field named event
containing a key named timestamp
, which in the JSON data appears as an ISO 8601 formatted date string, we could ensure it was converted to a datetime object to downstream stages with the following:
from morpheus.utils.column_info import DataFrameInputSchema
from morpheus.utils.column_info import DateTimeColumn
schema = DataFrameInputSchema(
column_info=[DateTimeColumn(, dtype=datetime, input_name='event.timestamp')])
In the above examples, three operations were performed:
- The
JSON field was normalized, resulting in new fields prefixed withevent.
to be included in the outputDataFrame
. - The newly created field
is parsed into a datetime field. - Since the DFP pipeline explicitly requires a timestamp field, we name this new column with the
config attribute ensuring it matches the pipeline configuration. Whenname
are the same the old field is overwritten, and when they differ a new field is created.
The DFPFileToDataFrameStage
is executed first and is responsible for flattening potentially nested JSON data and performing any sort of data type conversions. The DFPPreprocessingStage
is executed later after the DFPSplitUsersStage
allowing for the possibility of per-user computed fields such as the logcount
and locincrement
fields mentioned previously. Both stages are performed after the DFPFileBatcherStage
allowing for per time period (per-day by default) computed fields.
Argument | Type | Description |
json_columns |
List[str] |
Optional list of json columns in the incoming DataFrame to be normalized (currently using the pandas.json_normalize method). Each key in a json field will be flattened into a new column named <field>.<key> for example a json field named user containing a key named id will result in a new column named . By default, this is an empty list . |
column_info |
List[str] |
Optional list of ColumnInfo instances, each defining a specific operation to be performed upon a column. These include renames, type conversions, and custom computations. By default, this is an empty list . |
preserve_columns |
List[str] or str |
Optional regular expression string or list of regular expression strings that define columns in the input data which should be preserved in the output DataFrame . By default, this is an empty list . |
row_filter |
function or None |
Optional function to be called after all other processing has been performed. This function receives the DataFrame as its only argument returning a DataFrame . |
Defines a single column and type-cast.
Argument | Type | Description |
name |
str |
Name of the column |
dtype |
str or Python type |
Any type string or Python class recognized by Pandas |
Subclass of ColumnInfo
, defines a column to be computed by a user-defined function process_column_fn
Argument | Type | Description |
name |
str |
Name of the column |
dtype |
str or Python type |
Any type string or Python class recognized by Pandas |
process_column_fn |
function |
Function which receives the entire DataFrame as its only input, returning a new pandas.Series object to be stored in column name . |
Subclass of ColumnInfo
, adds the ability to also perform a rename.
Argument | Type | Description |
name |
str |
Name of the destination column |
dtype |
str or Python type |
Any type string or Python class recognized by Pandas |
input_name |
str |
Original column name |
Subclass of RenameColumn
, adds the ability to map a set custom values as boolean values. For example say we had a string input field containing one of 5 possible enum values: OK
we could map these values into a single boolean field as:
from morpheus.utils.column_info import BoolColumn
field = BoolColumn(name="result",
true_values=["OK", "SUCCESS"],
false_values=["DENIED", "CANCELED", "EXPIRED"])
We used strings in this example; however, we also could have just as easily mapped integer status codes. We also have the ability to map onto types other than boolean by providing custom values for true and false (for example, 1
, yes
) .
Argument | Type | Description |
name |
str |
Name of the destination column |
dtype |
str or Python type |
Typically this should be bool ; however, it could potentially be another type if true_value and false_value are specified. |
input_name |
str |
Original column name |
true_value |
Any | Optional value to store for true values, should be of a type dtype . Defaults to True . |
false_value |
Any | Optional value to store for false values, should be of a type dtype . Defaults to False . |
true_values |
List[str] |
List of string values to be interpreted as true. |
false_values |
List[str] |
List of string values to be interpreted as false. |
Subclass of RenameColumn
, specific to casting UTC localized datetime values. When incoming values contain a time-zone offset string the values are converted to UTC, while values without a time-zone are assumed to be UTC.
Argument | Type | Description |
name |
str |
Name of the destination column |
dtype |
str or Python type |
Any type string or Python class recognized by Pandas |
input_name |
str |
Original column name |
Subclass of RenameColumn
, converts incoming list
values to string by joining by sep
Argument | Type | Description |
name |
str |
Name of the destination column |
dtype |
str or Python type |
Any type string or Python class recognized by Pandas |
input_name |
str |
Original column name |
sep |
str |
Separator string to use for the join |
Subclass of ColumnInfo
, concatenates values from multiple columns into a new string column separated by sep
Argument | Type | Description |
name |
str |
Name of the destination column |
dtype |
str or Python type |
Any type string or Python class recognized by Pandas |
input_columns |
List[str] |
List of columns to concatenate |
sep |
str |
Separator string |
Subclass of DateTimeColumn
, counts the unique occurrences of a value in groupby_column
over a specific time window period
based on dates in the input_name
Argument | Type | Description |
name |
str |
Name of the destination column |
dtype |
str or Python type |
Should be int or other integer class |
input_name |
str |
Original column name containing timestamp values |
groupby_column |
str |
Column name to group by |
period |
str |
Optional time period to perform the calculation over, value must be one of pandas' offset strings. Defaults to D one day |
The MultiFileSource
) receives a path or list of paths (filenames
), and will collectively be emitted into the pipeline as an fsspec.core.OpenFiles object. The paths may include wildcards *
as well as URLs (ex: s3://path
) to remote storage providers such as S3, FTP, GCP, Azure, Databricks and others as defined by fsspec. In addition to this paths can be cached locally by prefixing them with filecache::
(ex: filecache::s3://bucket-name/key-name
Note: This stage does not actually download the data files, allowing the file list to be filtered and batched prior to being downloaded.
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
filenames |
List[str] or str |
Paths to source file to be read from |
The DFPFileBatcherStage
) groups data in the incoming DataFrame
in batches of a time period (per day default), and optionally filtering incoming data to a specific time window. This stage can potentially improve performance by combining multiple small files into a single batch. This stage assumes that the date of the logs can be easily inferred such as encoding the creation time in the file name (for example, AUTH_LOG-2022-08-21T22.05.23Z.json
), or using the modification time as reported by the file system. The actual method for extracting the date is encoded in a user-supplied date_conversion_func
function (more on this later).
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
date_conversion_func |
function |
Function receives a single fsspec.core.OpenFile argument and returns a datetime.datetime object |
period |
str |
Time period to group data by, value must be one of pandas' offset strings |
sampling_rate_s |
int |
Optional, default=0 . When non-zero a subset of the incoming data files will be sampled, only including a file if the datetime returned by date_conversion_func is at least sampling_rate_s seconds greater than the datetime of the previously included file |
start_time |
datetime |
Optional, default=None . When not None incoming data files will be filtered, excluding any files created prior to start_time |
end_time |
datetime |
Optional, default=None . When not None incoming data files will be filtered, excluding any files created after end_time |
For situations where the creation date of the log file is encoded in the filename, the date_extractor
in the morpheus/utils/
module can be used. The date_extractor
assumes that the timestamps are localized to UTC and will need to have a regex pattern bound to it before being passed in as a parameter to DFPFileBatcherStage
. The regex pattern will need to contain the following named groups: year
, month
, day
, hour
, minute
, second
, and optionally microsecond
. In cases where the regular expression does not match the date_extractor
function will fallback to using the modified time of the file.
For input files containing an ISO 8601 formatted date string the iso_date_regex
regex can be used ex:
from functools import partial
from morpheus.utils.file_utils import date_extractor
from dfp.utils.regex_utils import iso_date_regex
# Batch files into buckets by time. Use the default ISO date extractor from the filename
date_conversion_func=functools.partial(date_extractor, filename_regex=iso_date_regex)))
Note: If
returns time-zone aware timestamps, thenstart_time
if not-None need to also be timezone aware datetime objects.
The DFPFileToDataFrameStage
(examples/digital_fingerprinting/production/morpheus/dfp/stages/ stage receives a list
of an fsspec.core.OpenFiles and loads them into a single DataFrame
which is then emitted into the pipeline. When the parent stage is DFPFileBatcherStage
each batch (typically one day) is concatenated into a single DataFrame
. If the parent was MultiFileSource
the entire dataset is loaded into a single DataFrame
. Because of this, it is important to choose a period
argument for DFPFileBatcherStage
small enough such that each batch can fit into memory.
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
schema |
DataFrameInputSchema |
Schema specifying columns to load, along with any necessary renames and data type conversions |
filter_null |
bool |
Optional: Whether to filter null rows after loading, by default True. |
file_type |
morpheus.common.FileTypes (enum) |
Optional: Indicates file type to be loaded. Currently supported values at time of writing are: FileTypes.Auto , FileTypes.CSV , FileTypes.JSON and FileTypes.PARQUET . Default value is FileTypes.Auto which will infer the type based on the file extension, set this value if using a custom extension |
parser_kwargs |
dict or None |
Optional: additional keyword arguments to be passed into the DataFrame parser, currently this is going to be either pandas.read_csv , pandas.read_json or pandas.read_parquet |
cache_dir |
str |
Optional: path to cache location, defaults to ./.cache/dfp |
This stage is able to download and load data files concurrently by multiple methods. Currently supported methods are: single_thread
, multiprocess
, dask
, and dask_thread
. The method used is chosen by setting the FILE_DOWNLOAD_TYPE
environment variable, and dask_thread
is used by default, and single_thread
effectively disables concurrent loading.
This stage will cache the resulting DataFrame
in cache_dir
, since we are caching the DataFrame
s and not the source files, a cache hit avoids the cost of parsing the incoming data. In the case of remote storage systems, such as S3, this avoids both parsing and a download on a cache hit. One consequence of this is that any change to the schema
will require purging cached files in the cache_dir
before those changes are visible.
Note: This caching is in addition to any caching which may have occurred when using the optional
For the inference pipeline, any Morpheus output stage, such as morpheus.stages.output.write_to_file_stage.WriteToFileStage
and morpheus.stages.output.write_to_kafka_stage.WriteToKafkaStage
, could be used in addition to the WriteToS3Stage
documented below.
This final stage will write all received messages to a single output file in either CSV or JSON format.
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
filename |
str |
The file to write anomalous log messages to. |
overwrite |
bool |
Optional, defaults to False . If the file specified in filename already exists, it will be overwritten if this option is set to True |
The WriteToS3Stage
(examples/digital_fingerprinting/production/morpheus/dfp/stages/ stage writes the resulting anomaly detections to S3. The WriteToS3Stage
decouples the S3 specific operations from the Morpheus stage, and as such receives an s3_writer
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
s3_writer |
function |
User defined function which receives an instance of a morpheus.messages.message_meta.MessageMeta and returns that same message instance. Any S3 specific configurations, such as bucket name, should be bound to the method. |
These stages are common to both the training and inference pipelines, unlike the input and output stages these are specific to the DFP pipeline and intended to be configured but not replaceable.
The DFPSplitUsersStage
(examples/digital_fingerprinting/production/morpheus/dfp/stages/ stage receives an incoming DataFrame
and emits a list
of DFPMessageMeta
where each DFPMessageMeta
represents the records associated for a given user. This allows for downstream stages to perform all necessary operations on a per user basis.
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
include_generic |
bool |
When True a DFPMessageMeta will be constructed for the generic user containing all records not excluded by the skip_users and only_users filters |
include_individual |
bool |
When True a DFPMessageMeta instance will be constructed for each user not excluded by the skip_users and only_users filters |
skip_users |
List[str] or None |
List of users to exclude, when include_generic is True excluded records will also be excluded from the generic user. Mutually exclusive with only_users . |
only_users |
List[str] or None |
Limit records to a specific list of users, when include_generic is True the generic user's records will also be limited to the users in this list. Mutually exclusive with skip_users . |
The DFPRollingWindowStage
(examples/digital_fingerprinting/production/morpheus/dfp/stages/ stage performs several key pieces of functionality for DFP.
- This stage keeps a moving window of logs on a per user basis
- These logs are saved to disk to reduce memory requirements between logs from the same user
- It only emits logs when the window history requirements are met
- Until all of the window history requirements are met, no messages will be sent to the rest of the pipeline.
- Configuration options for defining the window history requirements are detailed below.
- It repeats the necessary logs to properly calculate log dependent features.
- To support all column feature types, incoming log messages can be combined with existing history and sent to downstream stages.
- For example, to calculate a feature that increments a counter for the number of logs a particular user has generated in a single day, we must have the user's log history for the past 24 hours. To support this, this stage will combine new logs with existing history into a single
. - It is the responsibility of downstream stages to distinguish between new logs and existing history.
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
min_history |
int |
Exclude users with less than min_history records, setting this to 1 effectively disables this feature |
min_increment |
int |
Exclude incoming batches for users where less than min_increment new records have been added since the last batch, setting this to 0 effectively disables this feature |
max_history |
int , str or None |
When not None , include up to max_history records. When max_history is an int, then the last max_history records will be included. When max_history is a str it is assumed to represent a duration parsable by pandas.Timedelta and only those records within the window of [latest timestamp - max_history , latest timestamp] will be included. |
cache_dir |
str |
Optional path to cache directory, cached items will be stored in a subdirectory under cache_dir named rolling-user-data this directory, along with cache_dir will be created if it does not already exist. |
Note: this stage computes a row hash for the first and last rows of the incoming
as such all data contained must be hashable, any non-hashable values such aslists
should be dropped or converted into hashable types in theDFPFileToDataFrameStage
The DFPPreprocessingStage
(examples/digital_fingerprinting/production/morpheus/dfp/stages/ stage, the actual logic of preprocessing is defined in the input_schema
argument. Since this stage occurs in the pipeline after the DFPFileBatcherStage
and DFPSplitUsersStage
stages all records in the incoming DataFrame
correspond to only a single user within a specific time period allowing for columns to be computer on a per-user per-time period basis such as the logcount
and locincrement
features mentioned above. Making the type of processing performed in this stage different from those performed in the DFPFileToDataFrameStage
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
input_schema |
DataFrameInputSchema |
Schema specifying columns to be included in the output DataFrame including computed columns |
Training must begin with the generic user model which is trained with the logs from all users. This model serves as a fallback model for users and accounts without sufficient training data. The name of the generic user is defined in the ae.fallback_username
attribute of the Morpheus config object and defaults to generic_user
After training the generic model, individual user models can be trained. Individual user models provide better accuracy but require sufficient data. Many users do not have sufficient data to train the model accurately.
The DFPTraining
(examples/digital_fingerprinting/production/morpheus/dfp/stages/ trains a model for each incoming DataFrame
and emits an instance of morpheus.messages.multi_ae_message.MultiAEMessage
containing the trained model.
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
model_kwargs |
dict or None |
Optional dictionary of keyword arguments to be used when constructing the model. Refer to AutoEncoder for information on the available options. |
epochs |
int |
Number of training epochs. Default is 30. |
validation_size |
float |
Proportion of the input dataset to use for training validation. Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is 0.0. |
The DFPMLFlowModelWriterStage
(examples/digital_fingerprinting/production/morpheus/dfp/stages/ stage publishes trained models into MLflow, skipping any model which lacked sufficient training data (current required minimum is 300 log records).
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
model_name_formatter |
str |
Optional format string to control the name of models stored in MLflow, default is dfp-{user_id} . Currently available field names are: user_id and user_md5 which is an md5 hexadecimal digest as returned by hash.hexdigest . |
experiment_name_formatter |
str |
Optional format string to control the experiment name for models stored in MLflow, default is /dfp-models/{reg_model_name} . Currently available field names are: user_id , user_md5 and reg_model_name which is the model name as defined by model_name_formatter once the field names have been applied. |
databricks_permissions |
dict or None |
Optional, when not None sets permissions needed when using a databricks hosted MLflow server |
Note: If using a remote MLflow server, users will need to call
before starting the pipeline.
The DFPInferenceStage
(examples/digital_fingerprinting/production/morpheus/dfp/stages/ stage loads models from MLflow and performs inferences against those models. This stage emits a message containing the original DataFrame
along with new columns containing the z score (mean_abs_z
), as well as the name and version of the model that generated that score (model_version
). For each feature in the model, three additional columns will also be added:
<feature name>_loss
: The loss<feature name>_z_loss
: The loss z-score<feature name>_pred
: The predicted value
For a hypothetical feature named result
, the three added columns will be: result_loss
, result_z_loss
, result_pred
For performance models fetched from MLflow are cached locally and are cached for up to 10 minutes allowing updated models to be routinely updated. In addition to caching individual models, the stage also maintains a cache of which models are available, so a newly trained user model published to MLflow won't be visible to an already running inference pipeline for up to 10 minutes.
For any user without an associated model in MLflow, the model for the generic user is used. The name of the generic user is defined in the ae.fallback_username
attribute of the Morpheus config object defaults to generic_user
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
model_name_formatter |
str |
Format string to control the name of models fetched from MLflow. Currently available field names are: user_id and user_md5 which is an md5 hexadecimal digest as returned by hash.hexdigest . |
This stage filters the output from the inference stage for any anomalous messages. Logs which exceed the specified Z-Score will be passed onto the next stage. All remaining logs which are below the threshold will be dropped. For the purposes of the DFP pipeline, this stage is configured to use the mean_abs_z
column of the DataFrame as the filter criteria.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
threshold |
float |
0.5 |
The threshold value above which logs are considered to be anomalous. The default is 0.5 ; however, the DFP pipeline uses a value of 2.0 . All normal logs will be filtered out and anomalous logs will be passed on. |
copy |
bool |
True |
When the copy argument is True (default), rows that meet the filter criteria are copied into a new dataframe. When False sliced views are used instead. This is a performance optimization, and has no functional impact. |
filter_source |
FilterSource |
FilterSource.Auto |
Indicates if the filter criteria exists in an output tensor (FilterSource.TENSOR ) or a column in a DataFrame (FilterSource.DATAFRAME ). |
field_name |
str |
probs |
Name of the tensor (filter_source=FilterSource.TENSOR ) or DataFrame column (filter_source=FilterSource.DATAFRAME ) to use as the filter criteria. |
This stage adds a new event_time
column to the DataFrame indicating the time which Morpheus detected the anomalous messages, and replaces any NAN
values with the a string value of 'NaN'
A module is a type of work unit that can be utilized in the Morpheus stage and can be registered to a MRC segment module registry. Modules are beneficial when there is a possibility for the work-unit to be reused. We can load the module from the registry into a multiple contexts without having to be familiar with the inner workings of the Module; all that is needed is that we pass an input and it returns the output.
Let's first look at the module implementation structure before diving deeper into the DFP Training pipeline as a module.
Note: Modules can be used for more than just creating middle nodes to connect sources and sinks. Additionally, it can be used to construct Source and Sink nodes.
import mrc
import typing
from morpheus.utils.module_utils import get_module_config
from morpheus.utils.module_utils import register_module
@register_module("SimpleModule", "morpheus_modules")
def module_init(builder: mrc.Builder):
module_id = "SimpleModule"
config: typing.Dict[str, str] = get_module_config(module_id, builder)
sep = config.get("sep", ",")
def on_data(message: str):
# Your implementation goes here...
def node_fn(obs: mrc.Observable, sub: mrc.Subscriber):
obs.pipe(, ops.filter(lambda x: x is not None)).subscribe(sub)
# Here we are creating a node.
node = builder.make_node_full(module_id, node_fn)
# Register input and output port name for a module.
builder.register_module_input("<input port name>", node)
builder.register_module_output("<output port name>", node)
The register_module
decorator on the module initializer function registers the module with the SimpleModule
(module_id) and the morpheus_modules
Note: While registering the module, the user has the opportunity to choose the input and output port names. When the module has been registered. To obtain the input /output port connection, the same names must be used.
Required key meta fields for module configuration as shown below.
: Unique identifier for a module in the module registry.module_name
: Specifies the module name.namespace
: Virtually cluster the modules.
# Module configuration
module_config = {
"module_id": "SimpleModule",
"module_name": "simple_module",
"namespace": "morpheus_modules",
"sep": ":"
The module must be packaged as a stage, as illustrated below, in order to be used in the Morpheus pipeline.
from morpheus.config import Config
from morpheus.stages.general.linear_modules_stage import LinearModulesStage
# Morpheus configuration
c = Config()
module_stage = LinearModulesStage(c,
input_port_name="<input port name>",
output_port_name="<input port name>",
output_type="<module output type>")
LinearModulesStage is an utility stage that loads an existing, registered, MRC SegmentModule and wraps it as a Morpheus SinglePortStage.
Argument | Type | Description |
c |
morpheus.config.Config |
Morpheus config object |
module_config |
dict or None |
Module configuration |
input_port_name |
str |
Name of a module input port, as used during registration |
output_port_name |
str |
Name of a module output port, as used during registration |
output_type |
typing.Any [default] |
Module output data type |
A module can serve as a wrapper for a chain of complex constructs-containing child modules. The example below demonstrates how to establish a chain module, presuming modules_1
through module_n
are already registered.
import mrc
import typing
from morpheus.utils.module_utils import get_module_config
from morpheus.utils.module_utils import register_module
@register_module("ChainModule", "morpheus_modules")
def simple_module(builder: mrc.Builder):
module_id = "ChainModule"
config: typing.Dict[str, str] = get_module_config(module_id, builder)
# Get module configurations
module_1_config = config.get("module_1", None)
module_n_config = config.get("module_n", None)
# Load modules from the registry
module_1 = load_module(module_1_config, builder=builder)
module_n = load_module(module_n_config, builder=builder)
# Make an edge between the modules.
# input/output port names used at 'builder.register_module_input' and 'builder.register_module_output'.
builder.make_edge(module_1.output_port("<output port name>"), module_2.input_port("<input port name>"))
builder.make_edge(module_n-1.output_port("<output port name>"), module_n.input_port("<input port name>"))
# Register input and output port for a module.
builder.register_module_input("<your input port name>", module_1.input_port("<input port name>"))
builder.register_module_output("<your output port name>", module_n.output_port("<output port name>"))
Let's look at the DFP Training process based on modules. On a higher level, the complete DFP training process has been divided into two modules.
This module constructs a chain module by combining the separate modules listed below into a single module that contains all of the internal components for preprocessing the Azure Active Directory and Duo Authentication logs.
This module creates a chain module by integrating the individual modules described below into a single module that incorporates all of the internals for consuming preprocessed data, training the model, and writing the trained model to MLFLow server to serve inference requests.
To run the DFP pipelines using modules with the example datasets, within the container run:
- Duo Training Pipeline
python --train_users=all --start_time="2022-08-01" --input_file="/workspace/examples/data/dfp/duo-training-data/*.json"
- Azure Training Pipeline
python --train_users=all --start_time="2022-08-01" --input_file="/workspace/examples/data/dfp/azure-training-data/*.json"
DFP pipeline benchmarks setup and execution instructions are provided here