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Wifi Speed Test Automation


This project automates the process of running speed tests across multiple WiFi profiles, collecting the results, and visualizing the data. It connects to each WiFi network in a list of profiles, performs a speed test, and stores the results in a file. The results can then be analyzed with graphs that display download speed, upload speed, and ping for each WiFi network.


  • Automated WiFi profile switching: The script automatically connects to multiple WiFi networks in sequence, based on profiles stored in a JSON file.
  • Speed testing: Uses the speedtest-cli tool to run speed tests for each WiFi network and store the results.
  • Data visualization: Displays the results of speed tests in a bar chart format, showing download speed, upload speed, and ping for each network.


  • Python 3.x
  • Libraries:
    • pywifi (for managing WiFi connections)
    • speedtest-cli (for running speed tests)
    • matplotlib (for plotting graphs)
    • argparse (for command-line arguments)
    • json (for reading WiFi profiles)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd wifi-multitest
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install pywifi speedtest-cli matplotlib
  3. Set up profiles

    • Create a profiles.json file containing the WiFi network profiles you want to test. Each profile should include the SSID and password. Example format:

              "ssid": "Network1",
              "key": "password1"
              "ssid": "Network2",
              "key": "password2"


Run WiFi Speed Test

To run the script and perform the speed tests, execute the following command:


This will:

  1. Connect to each WiFi network in the profiles.json file.

  2. Perform a speed test using speedtest-cli.

  3. Save the results in a text file named speedtest-<SSID>.txt.

You can optionally specify a server for the speed test using the --server flag:

python --server <server_id>

Where <server_id> is the ID of the speed test server you want to use.

Data Analysis

Once the speed tests have completed, you can analyze the results by running the analysis script:


This will:

  1. Read the speed test results from the speedtest-<SSID>.txt files.

  2. Generate a bar chart showing:

    • Download speed (Mbps)

    • Upload speed (Mbps)

    • Ping (ms)

Script Explanation

This script:

  • Reads WiFi profiles from the profiles.json file.
  • Connects to each WiFi profile.
  • Runs the speed test using speedtest-cli.
  • Stores the results in a text file.

This script:

  • Reads the speed test result files.
  • Extracts the data for download speed, upload speed, and ping.
  • Sorts the data by download speed.
  • Displays the results as bar charts using matplotlib.


You can configure the following settings in

  • MAX_ATTEMPTS: The maximum number of attempts to connect to a WiFi profile before moving to the next one.
  • ATTEMPT_LENGTH: The amount of time (in seconds) to wait between each connection attempt.
  • WAIT_BETWEEN_TESTS: The wait time (in seconds) between each WiFi connection and speed test.
  • PROFILE_DATA_FILENAME: The name of the JSON file containing the WiFi profiles (profiles.json).


  • Speedtest-cli not found: Ensure that the speedtest-cli executable is in your PATH. You can install it using:

    pip install speedtest-cli
  • Unable to connect to WiFi: Ensure that your WiFi interface is up and that the profiles in profiles.json are correct.

  • Permission issues: You might need to run the script with administrator privileges on certain systems to allow network interface management.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.