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Tracks – Enabling extended physics

Ilja Jusupov edited this page Jun 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

To make sure everybody is racing in the same conditions, to use any features of extended track physics, you need to enable extended physics first. For that, open surfaces.ini, find WAV_PITCH of [SURFACE_0] section and add extended- to its value, like so:


The idea is that original AC, if it would encounter that WAV_PITCH value, would crash (because it can’t parse this value as integer). Custom Shaders Patch, on the other hand, would catch this value, stop AC from crashing and mark that the track can use extended physics. And this is the file that’s being checked for integrity with most online servers.

General Information

Car Physics

Track Physics

Car & Track Configs

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Other Things

Unrelated to Custom Shaders Patch

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