A small and simple python image processor to apply, view and save a variety of different custom image filters like threshold, brightness, contrast, blur, sharpen, dilate, erode, edge detection and mirror. Modified images can also be saved. Can also be used using command line arguments. This project was part of some of my university coursework.
To use the program first mage sure that you have python installed. The program was made using Python 3.10. Lower versions have not been tested and might or might not work. You can either run the program by using your command line or by running it using an IDE like Pycharm. To use the program via the command line (e.g. cmd.exe), navigate to the folder where the "Python-Mini-ImageProcessory.py" script is located by typing "cd [Absolute Path to folder in which Python-Mini-ImageProcessory.py is located]. After that, type "python Python-Mini-ImageProcessory.py [Optional: --contrast 2 --blur 2 etc.] [Optional: Absolute Path to image you want to modify or name of image if it is located in the same directory of the script]. Example 1: python Python-Mini-ImageProcessory.py --blur 2 --contrast 3 --brightness 2 example_image.jpg If no image path or name is given, a file explorer window will open where you can select the image file to modify. After pressing enter, a GUI will open up where you can see the changes made