NLU tasks
- textual entailment/ question answering/ semantic similarity assessmen/document classification
Although large unlabeled text corpora are abundant, labeled data for learning these specific tasks is scarce, making it challenging for discriminatively trained models to perform adequately.
large gains on these tasks can be realized
by generative pre-training of a language model on a diverse corpus of unlabeled text,
followed by discriminative fine-tuning on each specific task.
pre-training fine-tuning characteristic generative discriminative problem a language model each specific task data diverse corpus of unlabeled text labeled data for learning these specific tasks learning type unsupervised supervised
make use of task-aware input transformations during fine-tuning to achieve effective transfer
- while requiring minimal changes to the model architecture.
general task-agnostic model outperforms
discriminatively trained models(use architectures specifically crafted for each task)- significantly improving upon the state of the art in 9 out of the 12 tasks studied.
- achieve absolute improvements of 8.9% on commonsense reasoning (Stories Cloze Test), 5.7% on question answering (RACE), and 1.5% on textual entailment (MultiNLI)
Our training procedure consists of two stages
learning a high-capacity language model on a large corpus of text.
followed by a fine-tuning stage,
- adapt the model to a discriminative task with labeled data.
dataset notation $\mathcal{U}$ an unsupervised corpus of tokens $\mathcal{U} = {u_1, . . . , u_n}$ $\mathcal{C}$ a labeled dataset each instance consists of a sequence of input tokens, $x^1, . . . , x^m$ , along with a label$y$ ![image-20201016191556484](/Users/csg/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20201016191556484.png)
![image-20201016192941884](/Users/csg/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20201016192941884.png)
Unsupervised pre-traning | Supervised fine-tuning | |
corpus | an unsupervised corpus of tokens |
a **labeled dataset **$C$ (each instance consists of a sequence of input tokens, |
objective function | $L_2(\mathcal{C}) = \sum_{(x,y)} log P(y | |
model |
$P(y |
input | contiguous sequences of text | convert structured inputs into an ordered sequence |
Given an unsupervised corpus of tokens
$\mathcal{U} = {u_1, . . . , u_n}$ ,-
use a standard language modeling objective to maximize the following likelihood: $$ L_1(\mathcal{U}) = \sum_{i} log P(u_i |u_{i−k}, . . . , u_{i−1};Θ) $$
$k$ : size of the context window, -
$P$ : conditional probability- is modeled using a neural network with parameters
$Θ$ . - These parameters are trained using stochastic gradient descent [51].
- is modeled using a neural network with parameters
use a multi-layer Transformer decoder [34] for the language model,
- is a variant of the transformer [62].
- a multi-headed self-attention operation over the input context tokens
- followed by position-wise feedforward layers to produce an output distribution over target tokens:
$$ h_0 = UW_e + W_p $$
$$ h_l = transformer_block(h_{l−1})∀i ∈ [1, n] $$
$$ P(u) = softmax(h_nW^T_e ) $$
$U = (u_k, . . . , u_1)$ : context vector of tokens -
$n$ : the number of layers -
$W_e$ : token embedding matrix -
$Wp$ : position embedding matrix
- is a variant of the transformer [62].
After training the model with the objective in Eq. 1,
- adapt the parameters to the supervised target task.
a labeled dataset
$C$ - each instance consists of a sequence of input tokens,
$x^1, . . . , x^m$ , along with a label$y$ .
- each instance consists of a sequence of input tokens,
The inputs
- passed through our pre-trained model to obtain the final transformer block’s activation
$h_m^l$ , - is then fed into an added linear output layer with parameters
$Wy$ to predict$y$ :
$$ P(y|x^1, . . . , x^m) = softmax(h_m^lWy) $$
- passed through our pre-trained model to obtain the final transformer block’s activation
This gives us the following objective to maximize: $$ L_2(\mathcal{C}) = \sum_{(x,y)} log P(y|x^1, . . . , x^m) $$
including language modeling as an auxiliary objective to the fine-tuning helped learning by
(a) improving generalization of the supervised model,
(b) accelerating convergence.
we optimize the following objective (with weight λ): $$ L_3(\mathcal{C}) = L_2(\mathcal{C}) + λ ∗ L_1(\mathcal{C}) $$
- task input
- some tasks(text classification) can directly fine-tune our model as described above.
- other tasks(question answering or textual entailment) have structured inputs
- such as ordered sentence pairs, or triplets of document, question, and answers.
- Previous work
- proposed learning task specific architectures on top of transferred representations [44].
- Such an approach re-introduces a significant amount of task-specific customization
- does not use transfer learning for these additional architectural components.
- use a traversal-style approach [52],
- convert structured inputs into an ordered sequence that our pre-trained model can process.
- All transformations include adding randomly initialized start and end tokens (
input transformations | note | |
Textual entailment |
concatenate the premise |
Similarity | modify the input sequence to contain both possible sentence orderings (with a delimiter in between) and process each independently to produce two sequence representations |
there is no inherent ordering of the two sentences being compared. |
Question Answering & Commonsense Reasoning | concatenate the document context and question with each possible answer, adding a delimiter token in between to get |
given a context document |
step | task | Dataset |
training LM | BooksCorpus dataset [71] | |
task | Natural language inference | SNLI [5], MultiNLI [66], Question NLI [64], RTE [4], SciTail [25] |
Question Answering | RACE [30], Story Cloze [40] | |
Sentence similarity | MSR Paraphrase Corpus [14], Quora Question Pairs [9], STS Benchmark [6] | |
Classification | Stanford Sentiment Treebank-2 [54], CoLA [65] |
- BooksCorpus dataset [71]
- It contains over 7,000 unique unpublished books from a variety of genres(Adventure, Fantasy, Romance)
- An alternative dataset, the 1B Word Benchmark, is approximately the same size but is shuffled at a sentence level - destroying long-range structure.
detail | |
model spec | - a 12-layer decoder-only transformer - masked self-attention heads (768 dimensional states and 12 attention heads) - Adam optimization - a max learning rate of 2.5e-4 - learning rate was increased linearly from zero over the first 2000 updates and annealed to 0 using a cosine schedule - 100 epochs on minibatches of 64 randomly sampled, contiguous sequences of 512 tokens. - a simple weight initialization of N(0, 0.02) - a bytepair encoding (BPE) vocabulary with 40,000 merges [53] and residual, embedding, and attention dropouts with a rate of 0.1 for regularization - a modified version of L2 regularization with w = 0.01 on all non bias or gain weights - Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU) - learned position embeddings |
fine-tuning | - reuse the hyperparameter settings from unsupervised pre-training. - add dropout to the classifier with a rate of 0.1. - For most tasks, a learning rate of 6.25e-5 and a batchsize of 32. - 3 epochs of training was sufficient for most cases. - use a linear learning rate decay schedule with warmup over 0.2% of training. - λ was set to 0.5 |
- use the ftfy library2
- to clean the raw text in BooksCorpus, standardize some punctuation and whitespace
- use the spaCy tokenizer.3
The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co. (How NLP Cracked Transfer Learning)
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