A home for links to some of my data science-adjacent work, and smaller notebooks that aren't (yet) worthy of their own repo.
- Personal eBird Stats - A notebook for processing an export of personal user data from eBird and displaying some interesting information about an individual birder's habits and species records.
- Optimal Big Day - A web app for birders to determine the birding route with the highest likelihood of seeing the most birds, based on data from eBird. Shiny App here.
- Counting Birds - Data Science class final project (Fall 2020). Exploring patterns in how people report large numbers of birds to eBird. Shiny App here.
- GLX Access - A Google Earth Engine project to show the difference in average walking time from various neighborhoods in Somerville, Medford, and Cambridge to a MBTA station before and after the opening of the Green Line Extension. GEE App here.
- Lake Ice Extent - A Google Earth Engine project that uses C-band SAR imagery to predict and display lake ice extent on Vermont's Lake Champlain. GEE app here.