Playwright-Framework-Template - This project is based on Microsoft Playwright, Appium, Artillery which enables reliable end-to-end testing, Web testing, API testing, Mobile testing, load testing.
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_☝ If you want new feature to be added or you believe you've encountered a bug [Open an issue] ( .
- Easy to Configure
- Auto wait for all elements & checks
- Generate HTML report
- Generate detailed trace file which helps to debug
- Generate snapshot for each step
- Record video for test case execution
- Support Web automation with support for chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari
- Support Mobile automation with support for Android native, web and hybrid apps automation
- Support iOS native, web and hybrid apps automation
- Support execution of Web tests on Microsoft Azure (can scale on demand)
- Support API testing (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE HTTP methods)
- Dynamic data handling using external JSON files
- Support taking screenshots
- Run functional test for load testing using Artillery
- Support Serial and Parallel execution
- Environment configuration using .env files
- PlayWright - for web automation
- PlayWright - for Api automation
- Artillery - for load testing
- Appium - for mobile app automation
- ESLint - pinpoint issues and guide you in rectifying potential problems in both JavaScript and TypeScript.
- Prettier - for formatting code & maintain consistent style throughout codebase
- Dotenv - to load environment variables from .env file
- Secrets - to load secrets from AWS Secrets Manager
contains functions for making HTTP requests/load/loadHelper.ts
contains functions generating load on UI/Api/mobile/mobileHelper.ts
contains functions for interacting with mobile apps/web/webHelper.ts
contains functions for interacting with browser
contains utility functionsapi
place to write api testsexample
contains example api tests using this framework
place to write web testsexample
contains example api tests using this framework
place to write load testsexample
contains example api tests using this framework
place to write mobile testsexample
contains example api tests using this framework
contains utility functionsconfig
contains config filesreport
contains report function filesdataStore.js
acts as a in-memory data store. It is used to save data that needs to be shared between different test case
contains test resultshar
contains har file generated by playwright testslogs
contains logs
: Download and install Node JS from
Visual Studio Code/Aqua/IntelliJ
: Download and install code editor
clone the repo using below URL
Navigate to folder and install npm packages using:
npm install
For first time installation use below command to download required browsers:
npx playwright install
In case you want to do fresh setup of playwright
- Create a folder & run command
npm init playwright@latest
- select
& select default for other options
- Create a folder & run command
- For browser configuration, change required parameters in playwright.config.ts
- To run your suite on MS Azure, copy the below code in
to root folder, update following key & run your suite- PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN
- run command
npx playwright codegen
- Browser gets opened & navigate to web app & perform test actions
Playwright test generator generates tests and pick locator for you. It uses role,text and test ID locators.
To pick a locator, run the codegen
command followed by URL, npx playwright codegen
- Create test files in
Note: Refer to sample-web-test
Pls go through different \*.ts
file, which has tests example for different purpose.
Note: Refer to sample-web-test
Note: Refer to sample-api-test
Pls go through different \*.ts
files, which has tests example for different api tests.
npx playwright test (name-of-file.spec.ts) --headed
to run test in ui modenpx playwright test (name-of-file.spec.ts) --headed
to run test in ui mode on chrome browsernpx playwright test (name-of-file.spec.ts) --headed --config=playwright.config.firefox.ts
to run test in ui mode on firefox browsernpx playwright test (name-of-file.spec.ts) --headed --config=playwright.config.edge.ts
to run test in ui mode on edge browser
npx playwright test --workers=5 --headed --repeat-each=5
- This will run test 5 times, at a time 5 instance will run.
will run 5 instances
npx playwright test --workers=1 --headed --repeat-each=5
- This will run test 5 times, at a time single instance will run,
will run 5 times
artillery run artillery-script.yml --output report.json
npx playwright test --grep @smoke
This will run only test tagged as @smoke
- Open
- Upload
file to above site, it will show trace details
npx playwright test UIBasictest.spec.js --debug
This will start running script in debug mode & open PlayWright inspector
artillery report report.json --output report.html
Create isolated test cases
: Each test case should be independent.Write Meaningful Test Case Titles
: Make your test case titles descriptive and meaningful.Follow the AAA (Arrange-Act-Assert) Pattern
: Align your Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach with the clarity of Arrange, Act, and Assert.Maintain Cleanliness
: Separate additional logic from tests for a tidy and focused codebase.
We love our contributors! Here's how you can contribute:
- Open an issue if you believe you've encountered a bug.
- Make a pull request to add new features/make quality-of-life improvements/fix bugs.
Alternative: Use ts-node (Run Without Compilation) To execute TypeScript files directly without manual compilation, install ts-node:
sh Copy Edit npm install -g ts-node Then, run your TypeScript file directly:
sh Copy Edit ts-node app.ts
App to run UI test-