- Added support for multiple pools
- Added support for default configuration parameters but allow a pool to override a parameter
- Added support for generic OTP compliant pools
- Create a pooly.conf configuration file in the priv directory
- Configure one or more pools in the configuration file
- Start up erlang
> application:start(pooly).
> {ok, Pid} = pooly:check_out().
> pooly:check_in(Pid).
All parameters are optional and the default will be used.
- acquire_increment - Default: 3 - Determines the number of members to acquire at a time when the pool requires more processes to fill the pool
- initial_pool_size - Default: 5 - Determines the number of members to acquire at startup
- max_pool_size - Default: infinity - Determines the maximum number of members the pool will hold.
Any requests above this will yield an error. - min_pool_size - Default: 3 - Determines the minimum number of members the pool will hold.
The pool will always have this many members in it at any time. - idle_timeout - Default: 7200000 (2 hours, Specified in milliseconds or infinity atom) - Determines the maximum amount of time a member will remain idle. If a member exceeds the time, it does not necessarily determine that it will be killed. The pool will automatically decide whether it wants to kill the idle process depending on the max and min pool size.
- max_age - Default: infinity (Specified in milliseconds or infinity atom) - Determines the maximum amount of time a member will exist. Sometimes you want the pool to expire stale processes, so you would set this configuration parameter according to how frequently to kill processes that your application considers stale. If the process is checked out and it is stale, it will be killed upon check in.
Any of the above global tuning parameters can be overridden for a specific pool. The pool will only call start_link on the module specific in the parameters
- module - The name of the worker module
- args - Any args that the worker module should be passed
See pooly.conf.sample for a sample configuration file.
Until I document the code, please refer here on how to use Pooly.
pooly:check_out(PoolName) -> {ok, Pid} -> {error, pool_exhausted} - The pool has reached maximum capacity as determined by the max_pool_size ** Checks out a process from the pool.
pooly:check_in(PoolName, Pid) -> ok ** Checks in a process from the pool.
pooly:size(PoolName) -> {ok, integer()} ** Returns the number of available workers (size of queue)
pooly:total(PoolName) -> {ok, integer()} ** Returns the total number of workers the pool is managing (available and busy workers)
Copyright ©2011 Andrew Berman
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.