C++ code to implement the Class of Binary Search Trees. Recursive insert operation, recursive inorder traversal, and some other recursive operations on BST.
Implement the following Tree Node:
template <typename k, typename v> struct TNode { k key; v value; TNode<k, v> *leftChild; TNode<k, v> *rightChild; }
Now implement a binary search tree class “BST” which contains root of type TNode as data member. You have to implement the following member functions for your binary search tree:
a. A default Constructor which sets the root to nullptr.
b. A recursive “insertRec” function which is passed as parameter a key and a corresponding value. It then uses recursion to insert the <key, value> pair while considering the insertion rules. If the key already exists in the BST, it simply replaces the value. void insertRec(k const key, v const value)
c. A function “insert” which is passed as parameter a key and a corresponding value. It then iteratively inserts the <key, value> pair while considering the insertion rules. If the key already exists in the BST, simply replace the value. void insert(k const key, v const value)
d. A function “search” which is passed as parameter a key. The function then uses recursion to return pointer to the corresponding value. If the key does not exist, the function returns null. v* search(k key)
e. A function “search” which is passed as parameter a key. The function then uses iteration to return pointer to the corresponding value. If the key does not exist, the function returns null. v* search(k key)
f. A function “inorderPrintkeysRec” which prints the keys using recursive inorder traversal. void inorderPrintKeysRec() const
g. A function “inorderPrintkeys” which prints the keys using iterative inorder traversal. void inorderPrintKeys() const
h. A function “NoofNodes” which uses recursion to return the count of total nodes in BST. int NoofNodes() const
i. A function “NoofNodes” which uses iteration to return the count of total nodes in BST. int NoofNodes() const
j. A function “heightofTree” which uses recursion to return the height of BST. int heightofBST() const
k. A function “heightofTree” which uses iteration to return the height of BST. int heightofBST() const
i. destructor
int main() { BST<int, int> tree; //the key and value both are of type int
tree.insert(500, 500);
tree.insertRec(1000, 1000);
tree.insert(1, 1);
tree.insert(600, 600);
tree.insertRec(700, 700);
tree.insert(10, 10);
tree.insert(30, 30);
tree.insertRec(9000, 9000);
tree.insert(50000, 50000);
tree.insertRec(20, 20);
cout << "Printing keys using iterative inorder traversal: ";
cout << endl << endl << "Printing keys using recursive inorder traversal: ";
cout << endl << endl<< "Tree Length: " << tree.length() << endl << endl;
int *val = tree.search(1);
if (val != nullptr)
cout << "1 found" << endl;
val = tree.search(123);
if (val == nullptr)
cout << "123 not found" << endl;
cout <<endl<<
cout<<tree. NoofNodes(); //display number of nodes
cout<<tree. heightofBST(); //display height of BST