django-sesame provides one-click login for your Django project. It uses specially crafted URLs containing an authentication token, for example:
It's useful if you want to share private content without requiring your visitors to remember a username and a password.
django-sesame requires Django >= 1.4 and django.contrib.auth
It uses django.contrib.session
when it's available, but it also supports
stateless authenticated navigation, provided all links in the page include the
authentication token.
django-sesame is released under the BSD license, like Django itself.
Before using django-sesame in your project, you should review the following advice carefully.
The major security weakness in django-sesame is a direct consequence of the feature it implements: whoever obtains an authentication token will be able to log in to your website. URLs end up in countless insecure places: browser history, proxy logs, etc. You can't avoid that. So use django-sesame only for mundane things, like photos from your holidays. If a data leak would seriously affect you, don't use this software. You have been warned.
Otherwise, a reasonable attempt has been made to provide a secure solution. django-sesame uses Django's signing framework to create signed tokens.
Tokens are linked to the primary key of the User
object and they never
expire. However changing the user's password invalidates his token. Provided
your authentication backend uses salted passwords — I hope it does — the token
is invalidated even if the new password is identical to the old one.
If you want a more advanced logic, like timed expiration, you should subclass
:AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS += 'sesame.backends.ModelBackend',
:MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += 'sesame.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
Generate authentication tokens with
That's all!
provides two simple functions to generate authentication
tokens. get_query_string(user)
returns a complete query string that you can
append to any URL to enable one-click login. If you already have a query string,
returns a dictionary of additional GET parameters to