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Run multiple instances

Aahnik Daw edited this page May 13, 2021 · 7 revisions

A simple and good way to run different instances of telewater is to use different servers. Just deploy several Heroku apps or Digital ocean apps.


Multiple instances in the same server can be run using a terminal multiplexer like gnu-screen.

You can define a file called bots.yml with the username and token of the bot written in it like this:

username: token
username2: token2
# ...

If you are running using the docker method, just mount this bots.yml file into the container.


docker run -v /path/to/bots.yml:/app/bots.yml --env-file .env -it aahnik/telewater

If you have installed telewater on your host machine via pip, then you can just download and run this script The script must lie in the same directory as your .env and bots.yml.

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