Here implemented the Grover and Deutsch_Jozsa search algorithms, as a matter of complexity, best in the world!
This project used python 3.9 and ran in an emulated Windows 10 Arm64-x86. Following instructions are required to run the codes.
- Create and Activate virtual environment:
python -m venv ./venv
- Install following packages:
python -m pip install numpy
python -m pip install matplotlib
python -m pip install absl-py
python -m pip install scipy
- The Grover and Deutsh-Josa algorithms implemented in /src directory, you can run each one via:
python .\
python .\
As seen above, the grover and deutsch-jozsa functions are called with various qubits according to the /doc.
- Good to mention helper functions implemented in /lib directory, also there is another Grover's algorithm using sympy which is not efficient for high numbers of Qubits, to run it need to add package:
python -m pip install sympy
- Any Question? Feel free to feedback