Tiled TMX/TSX and JSON map/tileset loader
cl-tiled is a Common Lisp library for importing TMX/TSX and JSON tilemaps and tilesets generated by Tiled. It aims to fill the same role as other engine-agnostic Tiled importers. Meaning it is not a renderer nor does it provide integration with renderers on its own. Instead it aims to provide an easy, logical way to read map data so it may be imported/rendered in whatever way you wish.
alpha quality. API changes to come. Mostly additions to missing features.
Note that as a current goal, this library aims to be feature complete, not fast nor space efficient.
- Full TMX/TSX and JSON reading support
- Support for embedded and external tilesets
- Support for embededd and external images
- API support for all layer, tile, object, and terrain types
- Full support for property objects with distinct data-types (string, number, bool, color, pathname)
- Orthogonal map support
- Defining API for isometric, staggred, and hexagonal maps
- Make the library more efficient
- Modifying map and writing TMX/TSX and JSON files (if enough demand for this)
Please post any requests/bugs on the issues page.
- alexandria - general utilities
- asdf - building
- chipz - decompressing tileset and image data
- cl-base64 - Decode base64 binary data in XML text
- cl-json - JSON parser
- nibbles - Decode encoded/compressed tile data
- parse-float - parsing floats (xml data)
- split-sequence - split sequences (CSV type XML data)
- uiop - pathname handling
- xmls - XML parser
(defpackage #:my-cool-package
(:use #:cl)
(#:tiled #:cl-tiled)))
(in-package #:my-cool-package)
(defgeneric render-layer (layer))
(defmethod render-layer ((layer tiled:tile-layer))
(dolist (cell (tiled:layer-cells layer))
;; tiled:cell-x and tiled:cell-y for pixel positions
;; tiled:cell-tile for `tiled:tile' information
;; what image, which row/column within image
(defmethod render-layer ((layer tiled:image-layer))
;;tiled:layer-image gets you the relevant image to render
(defmethod render-layer ((layer tiled:object-layer))
(dolist (object (tiled:object-group-objects layer))
;; render each object according to type
(defmethod render-layer ((layer tiled:group-layer))
;;Render each sub-layer
(dolist (layer (tiled:group-layers layer))
(render-layer layer)))
(let ((tiled-map (tiled:load-map "assets/map.tmx")))
(dolist (layer (tiled:map-layers tiled-map))
(render-layer layer)))
Wilfredo Velázquez-Rodríguez zulu.inuoe@gmail.com