Main code of BMVC2019 paper 'Photoplethysmograph Signal Measurement from Facial Videos Using Spatio-Temporal Networks'
How to train it?
#1. Inference the model
model = PhysNet_padding_Encoder_Decoder_MAX(frames=128)
rPPG, x_visual, x_visual3232, x_visual1616 = model(inputs)
#2. Normalized the Predicted rPPG signal and GroundTruth BVP signal
rPPG = (rPPG-torch.mean(rPPG)) /torch.std(rPPG) # normalize
BVP_label = (BVP_label-torch.mean(BVP_label)) /torch.std(BVP_label) # normalize
#3. Calculate the loss
loss_ecg = Neg_Pearson(rPPG, BVP_label)
It is just for research purpose, and commercial use is not allowed.
If you use the PhysNet please cite:
title={Remote Photoplethysmograph Signal Measurement from Facial Videos Using Spatio-Temporal Networks},
author={Yu, Zitong and Li, Xiaobai and Zhao, Guoying},
booktitle= {Proc. BMVC},
year = {2019}