Releases: ZinggJM/GxTFT
Releases · ZinggJM/GxTFT
Version 2.1.10
Version 2.1.8
- added controller class GxCTRL_ILI9486_WSPI for RPi SPI ILI9486 displays - this class works with the "special" SPI interface of Waveshare ILI9486 boards - tested on Wemos D1 R2, Arduino Due, STM32 Nucleo-64 F103RB and L476RG
Version 2.1.7
- added support for 4" ST7796S 480x320 34 pin TFT display
Version 2.1.6
- added suport for 3.97" NT35510 800x480 display - added support for STM32F407VxT6 board with FSMC 34 pin female TFT connector - details available here: - supported by classes GxIO_STM32F407VxT6_P16 and GxIO_STM32F407VxT6_FSMC
Version 2.0.2
- added support for 1.6" transflective SSD1283A TFT display - added missing typecast for ESP8266 (pgm_read_dword)