created by: ccs.uoguelph modified by: Cloud-Temple Grand Ouest maintained by: Zeta Alliance
Tested on 8.8.15 patch 22
SenderBlocker allows Zimbra users to block or allow incoming mails from given adresses and/or domains. The zimlet acts as a shortcut to the account Black/WhiteList, therefore revolves around Zimbra's blacklisting function.
- Select one or more messages.
- Right-click to open the context menu.
- Select the option to either allow or block the sender(s) or sender's domain(s).
The sender(s) email address will be added to the corresponding list (You may need to refresh the browser in order for the changes to show up in the Preferences panel).
Via the CLI for now:
zmprov ga amavisBlacklistSender
zmprov ga amavisWhitelistSender
su zimbra
cd /tmp
zmzimletctl deploy
Then go to the Admin Console and make sure to enable the Zimlet, Configure -> Class Of Service -> default (or any cos you want) -> Zimlets -> com_cloudtemple_senderblocker and check Available and Enabled.