In this project we evaluate static and dynamic branch prediction methods. The main goal of this project is to understand how different branch prediction methods work, and evaluate these methodes performance. To perform this analysis we chose four different branch prediction methods:
1-Static always Taken 2-Static always Not-Taken 3-Bit Dynamic 4-Bits Dynamic
We implement these four methods seperately, evaluate theier performance, and compare their performance.
To perform a comprehensive evaluation on static and dynamic branch prediction methods we designe an experiment. Our experiment has three main phases:
Phase 1: Trace generator implementation Phase 2: Branch Prediction metods implementation Phase 3: Performance evlautation and comparison
Figure 1 shows the design of our experiment.
This project is implementing and simulating different branch prediction algorithms and comparing their performance.
Setting up pin-tool to generate our own execution traces to evaluate different branch prediciton algorithms' performance.
Implementing static-taken, static-nottaken, dynamic-1bit, and dynamic-2bit branch prediction algorithms.
Evaluating performance by calcualting the accuracy.
tar -zxvf pin-3.22-98547-g7a303a835-gcc-linux.tar.gz
mv collect_traces to pin-3.22-98547-g7a303a835-gcc-linux/source/tools
make all TARGET=intel64
cd pin-3.22-98547-g7a303a835-gcc-linux/source/tools/collect_traces
./../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -- sample_C/sample : binary generated from our branchpred.cpp sample: program we to get traces for traces generated on: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
./snt traces.txt
./st traces.txt
./dynamic_1bit traces.txt
./dynamic_2bit traces.txt
we refernced these links to collect traces and modify branchpred.cpp script