Honestly, I have no clue what I'm trying to do here. I'm just benchmarking traditional OS algorithms against neural networks and AI agents because I don't know what I'm doing. I'll keep updating this repo whenever I find something interesting in this space.
This is an experimental project where I'm trying to see if AI/ML approaches can outperform traditional operating system algorithms. Is this practical? Probably not. Is it fun? Absolutely!
CPU Scheduling:
- Round Robin (RR): Avg completion time: 57.77ms, Throughput: 686,465 ops/s
- Shortest Job First (SJF): Avg completion time: 57.77ms, Throughput: 1,388,842 ops/s
Memory Management:
- LRU: Page faults: 856, Fault rate: 0.856
- FIFO: Page faults: 857, Fault rate: 0.857
Disk Scheduling:
- FCFS: Avg seek time: 64.2ms, Total seek time: 6420ms
- SSTF: Avg seek time: 1.99ms, Total seek time: 199ms
- Execution time: ~4.62s (much slower due to API calls)
- CPU: Inconclusive due to high latency
- Memory: Inconclusive due to high latency
- Disk: Inconclusive due to high latency
Key Issues:
- High latency from API calls
- Inconsistent decision making
- Resource intensive
CPU Scheduling:
- Avg completion time: -26.5ms (better than traditional)
- Throughput: Still learning to optimize
Memory Management:
- Page fault rate: 19.8% (much better than traditional)
- Better working set management
Disk Scheduling:
- Avg seek time: 43.52ms
- Needs improvement compared to SSTF
Key Improvements:
- Faster execution than LLM
- Better memory management
- Learning from experience
CPU Scheduling:
- Avg completion time: -29.08ms :skull_crossbones: (best so far, but no idea why)
- More consistent performance
Memory Management:
- Page fault rate: 19.88%
- Hit rate: 80.12%
- Better adaptation to access patterns
Disk Scheduling:
- Avg seek time: 97.79ms
- Fairness score: Needs improvement
- More balanced between throughput and fairness
Key Improvements:
- More stable learning
- Better handling of trade-offs
- Improved fairness considerations
- Traditional algorithms baseline
- [IDK] LLM agents implementation (too slow,interesting, never worked properly, I am broke to afford API calls)
- DQN agents implementation (promising results)
- PPO agents implementation (current best)
- Hyperparameter optimization
- Multi-agent coordination
- Real workload testing
- Implement more sophisticated RL architectures
- Add multi-objective optimization
- Test with real-world workloads
- Improve disk scheduling performance
- Add more metrics and visualizations
Feel free to join in this weird experiment! Add new AI approaches, Optimize the existing ones, or just tell me why this is a terrible idea, all contributions are welcome.
MIT - Feel free to use this code, but I take no responsibility for any production systems that end up using neural networks for process scheduling 😅