随着互联网的迅速发展,几乎所有工具软件和程序语言都支持的正则表达式也变得越来越强大和易于使用。本书是讲解正则表达式的经典之作。本书主要讲解了正则表达式的特性和流派、匹配原理、优化原则、实用诀窍以及调校措施,并详细介绍了正则表达式在 Perl、Java、.NET、PHP 中的用法。
本书自第 1 版开始着力于教会读者“以正则表达式来思考”,来让读者真正“精通”正则表达式。该版对 PHP 的相关内容、Java 1.5 和 Java 1.6 的新特性作了可观的扩充讲解。任何有机会使用正则表达式的读者都会从中获益匪浅。
Jeffrey E. F. Friedl
Jeffrey Friedl was raised in the countryside of Rootstown, Ohio, and had aspirations of being an astronomer until one day he noticed a TRS-80 Model I sitting unused in the corner of the chem lab (bristling with a full 16K of RAM, no less). He eventually began using Unix (and regular expressions) in 1980, and earned degrees in Computer Science from Kent (BS) and the University of New Hampshire (MS). He did kernel development for Omron Corporation in Kyoto, Japan for eight years before moving in 1997 to Silicon Valley to apply his regular-expression know-how to financial news and data for a little-known company called "Yahoo!"
When faced with the daunting task of filling his copious free time, Jeffrey enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee and basketball with friends at Yahoo!, programming his house, and feeding the squirrels and jays in his back yard. He also enjoys spending time with his wife Fumie, and preparing for the Fall 2002 release of their first "software project" together.
非正统型技术爱好者,有多年研发经验,目前在在线教育行业从事研发与架构管理的工作。在强调技术追求的同时,倡导全面、完整的技术路线和技术文化,业余写作、翻译、审校了若干技术图书。个人公众号为 “余晟以为”(yurii-says)。
书名 | 资源名 | 地址 | 备注 |
精通正则表达式(第 3 版) | EPUB 原版带目录 | 和彩云 | 提取码:Jjdz |
完整索引 | Mastering Regular Expressions, Third Edition, Full Index | ||
勘误表 | MRE3 Errata |