Multi-Scale Information Granule-Based Time Series Forecasting Model with Two-Stage Prediction Mechanism
The model is implemented using Python 3.9 with dependencies specified in requirements.txt
Download Traffic, Electricity, Exchange-rate datasets from Uncompress them and move them to the data folder.
conda create -n basisformer -y python=3.9
conda activate MSIG
Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
We follow the same setting as previous work. The datasets for all the six benchmarks can be obtained from [Autoformer]. The datasets are placed in the 'all_six_datasets' folder of our project. The tree structure of the files are as follows:
The length of the historical input sequence is maintained at
sh script/
If there are any issues, please ask in the GitHub Issue module
We appreciate the following github repos a lot for their valuable code base or datasets: