Note: This is the v1 version of the notifier. See the migration guide for instructions on how to upgrade your code to use the latest version of the Rollbar javascript notifier.
Copy-paste the following code into the <head>
of every page you want to monitor. It should be as high as possible, before any other <script>
with your project's post_client_item
access token, which you can find in the interface.
var _rollbarConfig = {
captureUncaught: true,
payload: {
environment: "production"
!function(a,b){function c(b){this.shimId=++h,this.notifier=null,this.parentShim=b,this.logger=function(){},a.console&&void 0===a.console.shimId&&(this.logger=a.console.log)}function d(b,c,d){a._rollbarWrappedError&&(d[4]||(d[4]=a._rollbarWrappedError),d[5]||(d[5]=a._rollbarWrappedError._rollbarContext),a._rollbarWrappedError=null),b.uncaughtError.apply(b,d),c&&c.apply(a,d)}function e(b){var d=c;return g(function(){if(this.notifier)return this.notifier[b].apply(this.notifier,arguments);var c=this,e="scope"===b;e&&(c=new d(this));var,0),g={shim:c,method:b,args:f,ts:new Date};return a._rollbarShimQueue.push(g),e?c:void 0})}function f(a,b){if(b.hasOwnProperty&&b.hasOwnProperty("addEventListener")){var c=b.addEventListener;b.addEventListener=function(b,d,e){,b,a.wrap(d),e)};var d=b.removeEventListener;b.removeEventListener=function(a,b,c){,a,b&&b._wrapped?b._wrapped:b,c)}}}function g(a,b){return b=b||this.logger,function(){try{return a.apply(this,arguments)}catch(c){b("Rollbar internal error:",c)}}}var h=0;c.init=function(a,b){var e=b.globalAlias||"Rollbar";if("object"==typeof a[e])return a[e];a._rollbarShimQueue=[],a._rollbarWrappedError=null,b=b||{};var h=new c;return g(function(){if(h.configure(b),b.captureUncaught){var c=a.onerror;a.onerror=function(){var,0);d(h,c,a)};var g,i,j="EventTarget,Window,Node,ApplicationCache,AudioTrackList,ChannelMergerNode,CryptoOperation,EventSource,FileReader,HTMLUnknownElement,IDBDatabase,IDBRequest,IDBTransaction,KeyOperation,MediaController,MessagePort,ModalWindow,Notification,SVGElementInstance,Screen,TextTrack,TextTrackCue,TextTrackList,WebSocket,WebSocketWorker,Worker,XMLHttpRequest,XMLHttpRequestEventTarget,XMLHttpRequestUpload".split(",");for(g=0;g<j.length;++g)i=j[g],a[i]&&a[i].prototype&&f(h,a[i].prototype)}return a[e]=h,h},h.logger)()},c.prototype.loadFull=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=g(function(){var a=b.createElement("script"),e=b.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];a.src=d.rollbarJsUrl,a.async=!c,a.onload=h,e.parentNode.insertBefore(a,e)},this.logger),h=g(function(){var b;if(void 0===a._rollbarPayloadQueue){var c,d,f,g;for(b=new Error("rollbar.js did not load");c=a._rollbarShimQueue.shift();)for(f=c.args,g=0;g<f.length;++g)if(d=f[g],"function"==typeof d){d(b);break}}"function"==typeof e&&e(b)},this.logger);g(function(){c?f():a.addEventListener?a.addEventListener("load",f,!1):a.attachEvent("onload",f)},this.logger)()},c.prototype.wrap=function(b,c){try{var d;if(d="function"==typeof c?c:function(){return c||{}},"function"!=typeof b)return b;if(b._isWrap)return b;if(!b._wrapped){b._wrapped=function(){try{return b.apply(this,arguments)}catch(c){throw c._rollbarContext=d(),c._rollbarContext._wrappedSource=b.toString(),a._rollbarWrappedError=c,c}},b._wrapped._isWrap=!0;for(var e in b)b.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(b._wrapped[e]=b[e])}return b._wrapped}catch(f){return b}};for(var i="log,debug,info,warn,warning,error,critical,global,configure,scope,uncaughtError".split(","),j=0;j<i.length;++j)c.prototype[i[j]]=e(i[j]);var k="//";_rollbarConfig.rollbarJsUrl=_rollbarConfig.rollbarJsUrl||k;var l=c.init(a,_rollbarConfig);l.loadFull(a,b,!1,_rollbarConfig)}(window,document);
If you're running Rollbar on an environment besides production, change the environment
value to something else (e.g. "staging"). See below for more configuration options.
- Navigate your browser to a page that has the above code installed
- Type the following code into the console and press enter:
window.onerror("TestRollbarError: testing window.onerror", window.location.href)
This simulates an uncaught error. It should appear in the Rollbar dashboard within a few seconds.
In addition to catching top-level errors, you can send caught errors or custom log messages. All of the following methods are fully-asynchronous and safe to call anywhere in your code after the <script>
tag above.
// Caught errors
try {
} catch (e) {
Rollbar.error("Something went wrong", e);
// Arbitrary log messages. 'critical' is most severe; 'debug' is least.
Rollbar.critical("Connection error from remote Payments API");
Rollbar.error("Some unexpected condition");
Rollbar.warning("Connection error from Twitter API");"User opened the purchase dialog");
Rollbar.debug("Purchase dialog finished rendering");
// Can include custom data with any of the above.
// It will appear as `custom.postId` in the Occurrences tab"Post published", {postId: 123});
// Callback functions
Rollbar.error(e, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error while reporting error to Rollbar: ", e);
} else {
console.log("Error successfully reported to Rollbar. UUID:", data.result.uuid);
To set configuration options at runtime, use Rollbar.configure
// Set the person data to be sent with all errors for this notifier.
payload: {
person: {
id: 456,
username: "foo",
email: ""
(Advanced) For fine-grained control of the payload sent to the Rollbar API, use Rollbar.scope
Rollbar.scope({fingerprint: "custom fingerprint to override grouping algorithm"}).error(err);
If you don't want to send data to Rollbar, just set the enabled
flag to false
for each notifier instance.
Rollbar.error("This will be reported to Rollbar");
Rollbar.configure({enabled: false});
Rollbar.error("This will *not* be reported to Rollbar");
If you want to ignore a specific exception message, say for a third-party browser plugin
that is throwing errors, you can add the message to the ignoredMessages
and Rollbar will ignore exceptions matching those messages.
var _rollbarConfig = {
ignoredMessages: ["Can't find Clippy.bmp. The end is nigh."],
captureUncaught: true,
payload: {
environment: "production"
// init your rollbar like normal, or insert rollbar.js source snippet here
If you would like to see what is being sent to Rollbar in your console, use the
var _rollbarConfig = {
verbose: true, // This will now log to console.log, as well as Rollbar
captureUncaught: true,
payload: {
environment: "production"
// init your rollbar like normal, or insert rollbar.js source snippet here
If you minify your JavaScript in production, you'll want to configure source maps so you get meaningful stack traces. See the source maps guide for instructions.
If you run into any issues, please email us at
You can also find us in IRC: #rollbar on
For bug reports, please open an issue on GitHub.
To set up a development environment, you'll need Node.js and npm.
git submodule update --init
npm install -D
To run the tests, run make test
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
). - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request