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NoMapper is an NLP-based selector designed to search for specific sequences, markers, genes among DNA/RNA long-reads. Unlike traditional methods, NoMapper does not use alignment algorithms like Needleman-Wunsch or Smith-Waterman in its work. Instead, the entire concept of the system is based on the "noMapping mapping" approach, allowing for creating efficient sequence selector.
To use it, navigate to the "Use noMapper" section and follow the provided instructions. The tool requires a model and an encoder specifically tailored for the search of the desired sequence, marker, gene. For instance, if you are interested in searching for the FDXR gene, you can download and use the example NoMapper by obtaining the necessary files model.h5
and cv.pkl
(link). If you wish to search for sequences other than FDXR, you should go to the "Prepare noMapper" section. Here, you will find detailed instructions on how to train NoMapper to suit your specific needs. This flexibility allows you to adapt NoMapper for various genetic markers, enabling a wide range of applications.
- Go to the relevant directory
cd docker/nomapper/
- Insert in the
- the trained modelcv.pkl
- the encoder
- Set the configuration file
(if a custom configuration was used when training the model in "Prepare noMapper") - Download latest stable version
or build
docker pull drdext3r/nomapper
docker build . -t drdext3r/nomapper:latest
- Run the docker container
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/vol:/vol -p 8000:8000 --name nomapper drdext3r/nomapper:latest
- Predict in a new window
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"seq": "<long-read>"}'
{"result":"not found"}
- Exit the docker container
- Go to the relevant directory
cd docker/nomapper-maker/
- Insert in the
- sequences for training the modelref.fna
- a reference, i.e. the sequence you want to search for (an example)
- Download latest stable version
or build
docker pull drdext3r/nomapper-maker
docker build . -t drdext3r/nomapper-maker:latest
- Run the docker container
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/vol:/vol --name nomapper-maker drdext3r/nomapper-maker:latest
- Train the model
with default configurationor custom configurationdo-all
preprocess python3 train.py --help # show configuration python3 train.py --kmer_size=4 chmod 777 /vol/model.h5
- Clean out unnecessary files (optional)
- Exit the docker container
- the trained modelcv.pkl
- the encoder