VALE-BPF module is an extension of VALE software switch.
This module makes VALE possible to program with eBPF. It uses generic-ebpf as a backend eBPF system. It may works on the platform which both of generic-ebpf and netmap are supported.
Assume you already installed netmap and generic-ebpf on your system. Please see the documentation of them for more details.
Create switch named vale0 and attach two interfaces
# vale-ctl -n vi0 //interface 0
# vale-ctl -n vi1 //interface 1
# vale-ctl -a vale0:vi0 //attach interface 0 to vale0
# vale-ctl -a vale0:vi1 //attach interface 1 to vale0
$ make
# make load
Now module is loaded to vale0. However, eBPF program is not yet loaded. You need to load eBPF program. Below is an example of running sample application.
$ cd apps/l2_bridge
# ./l2_bridge -v vale0