When it's spring Japanese cherries blossom, it's called "sakura" and it's admired a lot. The petals start to fall in late April.
Suppose that the falling speed of a petal is 5 centimeters per second (5 cm/s), and it takes 80 seconds for the petal to reach the ground from a certain branch.
Write a function that receives the speed (in cm/s) of a petal as input, and returns the time it takes for that petal to
reach the ground from the same branch
- The movement of the petal is quite complicated, so in this case we can see the velocity as a constant during its falling.
- Pay attention to the data types.
- If the initial velocity is non-positive, the return value should be
def sakura_fall(v)
return 0 if v <= 0
400.0 / v