Complete the function so that it finds the average of the three scores passed to it and returns the letter value associated with that grade.
Numerical Score | Letter Grade |
90 <= score <= 100 | 'A' |
80 <= score < 90 | 'B' |
70 <= score < 80 | 'C' |
60 <= score < 70 | 'D' |
0 <= score < 60 | 'F' |
Tested values are all between 0 and 100. Theres is no need to check for negative values or values greater than 100.
def get_grade(s1, s2, s3)
case (s1 + s2 + s3)/3
when 90..100
when 80..89
when 70..79
when 60..69
def get_grade(s1, s2, s3)
m = (s1 + s2 + s3)/3.to_f
m >= 90 ? 'A' : m >= 80 ? 'B' : m >= 70 ? 'C' : m >= 60 ? 'D' : 'F'