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Lion Message

It is a final project of COMSW4156 Spring 2021.
Github Repository
Demo Video
Heroku Deployment Link

Team Members

  • Yuankai Xu yx2622
  • Yu Li yl4736
  • Minhe Zhang mz2864
  • Yen-Lin Chen yc3936

Running Instructions

  1. Install yarn & WebPacker: The tutorial we used.

  2. Install Gems

    bundle install --without production

  3. Database

    bundle exec rake db:migrate:reset
    bundle exec rake db:seed

Product Testing Instructions

In our Heroku deployment, you can use:

username: minhezhangmz2864
password: 123456

to test student account features,

username: cs1
password: 123456

to test faculty account features.

Both accounts have some existing data.

Test Coverage

Iteration 2: 100%

User Stories

All the cucumber files are under lion-message/features. Examples:

  • If the user has not logged in, he can only access to login and signup page.
    • GET /users/new: show the sign up page.
    • POST /users/create: given the username and password, create a user account.
    • GET /sessions/new show the login page.
    • POST /sessions/create given the username and password, if they are valid, set a session that indicates the user has logged in. If not, show an alert message and redirect to login page.
  • Once a user has logged in, he can see all the post he has made and can create a new post.
    • GET /post/show: show all the posts created by this user.
    • GET /post/new: show create post page.
    • POST /post/create: given the post parameters, create a new post which belongs to the current user.

Unit Test

All the Rspec files are under lion-message/spec

SaaS Prototype & Features

The whole folder lion-message is the source file of our Saas prototype.


  • Sign up
  • Login
  • Logout
  • Create posts
  • Edit posts
  • Reply to posts
  • Edit reply
  • Search posts
  • Filter posts by topic
  • Filter posts by tag
  • Add tag to post (faculty)
  • Sort posts by department
  • Sort post by created time

Heroku Deployment Link

Try Lion Message!!!


Development Document

These information are for team members only. Feel free to ignore!

Deployment Command

  1. Login to Heroku: heroku login --interactive.
  2. Push code to Heroku: git push heroku master.
  3. Drop db: heroku pg:reset
  4. Migration: heroku run rake db:migrate.
  5. Generate data from seed: heroku run rake db:seed

Iteration 2


  • User profile

Faculty Features

  • Login and logout


  • Sorting & filtering
  • Topic and department mapping
  • Status attribute


  • Model
  • View (Ajax or new page)
  • Controller

Test Ongoing

Iteration 3


  • Updating email to students

Test Finished


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
