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Create image for unsupported platform

Ycarus (Yannick Chabanois) edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 34 revisions

Any platform where images are not generated are unsupported platform. No support for any of them. This may or may not work

You need to be under Linux with all tools needed to compile OpenWrt. This should be enough for Debian:

apt-get install git-core build-essential libssl-dev libncurses5-dev unzip gawk zlib1g-dev busybox

To test on any other platform (supported by OpenWrt with kernel 5.4):

git clone
cd openmptcprouter
OMR_TARGET="myplatform" OMR_FEED_SRC="master" ./

Then select your arch in the menu and build it like this:

cd myplatform/source
make menuconfig 
make -j6