A nextflow pipeline for aligning, mapping & estimating abundances of RNASeq data (.bam files). The following are the components of the pipeline:
- regtools
- stringtie
- intron_analysis
Install nextflow and docker CE.
git clone https://github.com/YounisLab/splicing-analysis
cd splicing-analysis
docker image build -t splicing-analysis .
cd ../
git clone https://github.com/YounisLab/rnaseq-pipeline
cd rnaseq-pipeline
docker image build -t rnaseq-pipeline .
Usage: nextflow run rnaseq-pipeline.nf [OPTIONS] --ref_dir <REF_DIR> --fastq_dir <FASTQ_DIR> --star_index <STAR_INDEX_DIR> --genome <GENOME_VERSION> --cores <NUM_CORES> --output_dir <OUTPUT_DIR>
Mandatory args:
<REF_DIR> Directory containing reference files
<FASTQ_DIR> Directory containing .fastq file(s) to run through the pipeline.
Unless --single_end is specified, files in this directory
must be of the form '<SAMPLENAME>_[A-Z]_R{1,2}.fastq',
where [A-Z] refers to statistical replicates and R{1,2} refers to paired-ends.
SAMPLE_A_R1.fastq SAMPLE_A_R2.fastq SAMPLE_B_R1.fastq SAMPLE_B_R2.fastq
This will be run in STAR as:
--readFilesIn SAMPLE_A_R1,SAMPLE_B_R1.fastq SAMPLE_A_R2.fastq,SAMPLE_B_R2.fastq
Here 'SAMPLE_A_R1.fastq' and 'SAMPLE_A_R2.fastq' are paired end reads, while
'SAMPLE_A_R1.fastq' and 'SAMPLE_B_R1.fastq' are statistical replicates
belonging to the same paired end read.
<STAR_INDEX_DIR> Directory containing STAR indices
<GENOME_VERSION> Human Genome version prefix used in REF_DIR files
<NUM_CORES> Number of CPU cores to use in pipeline.
<OUTPUT_DIR> Directory to save output from pipeline.
Optional args ([OPTIONS]):
--single_end Specifies that the --fastq_dir input contains single end reads only.
If enabled, files in the --fastq_files directory must be of the form
'<SAMPLENAME>_[A-Z].fastq', where [A-Z] refers to statistical replicates.
SAMPLE_A.fastq SAMPLE_B.fastq SAMPLE_C.fastq SAMPLE_D.fastq
This will be run in STAR as:
--readFilesIn SAMPLE_A.fastq,SAMPLE_B.fastq,SAMPLE_C.fastq,SAMPLE_D.fastq
--no_replicates Specifies that each .fastq file in the input directory
should be run through the pipeline individually.