Web Exploitation, 100 points
Can you break into this super secure portal?
We visit the website and get the following page:
<title>Secure Login Portal</title>
<body bgcolor=blue>
<!-- standard MD5 implementation -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="md5.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function verify() {
checkpass = document.getElementById("pass").value;
split = 4;
if (checkpass.substring(0, split) == 'pico') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*6, split*7) == '6a8e') {
if (checkpass.substring(split, split*2) == 'CTF{') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*4, split*5) == 'ts_p') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*3, split*4) == 'lien') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*5, split*6) == 'lz_5') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*2, split*3) == 'no_c') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*7, split*8) == 'b}') {
alert("Password Verified")
else {
alert("Incorrect password");
<div style="position:relative; padding:5px;top:50px; left:38%; width:350px; height:140px; background-color:yellow">
<div style="text-align:center">
<p>This is the secure login portal</p>
<p>Enter valid credentials to proceed</p>
<form action="index.html" method="post">
<input type="password" id="pass" size="8" />
<input type="submit" value="verify" onclick="verify(); return false;" />
There are obviously many easy ways to solve this, but just for fun(?) - here's a bash command that uses sorting and string replacement to display the flag:
root@kali:/media/sf_CTFs/pico/dont-use-client-side# curl -s https://2019shell1.picoctf.com/problem/21888/ | grep substring | sed "s/') {/\n/g" | sed "s/[[:space:]]*if (checkpass.substring(\(split\*\|\)//g" | sort -n | awk '{ printf $4 }' | tr -d "'" && echo