is a simple tool for comparing two Cartfile.resolved
files and printing a list of dependencies in the latter which are new or differ in pinned version.
Building dependencies from source with Carthage can be time consuming, especially for large projects or on slower hardware. Carthage does not currently figure out which dependencies need rebuilding when running carthage bootstrap
which can result in lengthy build times, even if only one dependency needs rebuilding.
In combination with a cache, you can use cartfilediff
to dramatically speed up your CI builds. Store the Carthage build products and the Cartfile.resolved
in the cache, and compare the cached Cartfile.resolved
with the current Cartfile.resolved
at the start of the build. Then run carthage bootstrap
with the modified dependencies, if necessary:
if [ -e "$CACHED_CARTFILE" ]; then
OUTDATED_DEPENDENCIES=$(cartfilediff "$CACHED_CARTFILE" Cartfile.resolved)
echo "Bootstrapping outdated dependencies: $OUTDATED_DEPENDENCIES"
carthage bootstrap "$OUTDATED_DEPENDENCIES"
echo "Cartfile.resolved matches cached, skipping bootstrap"
echo "Cached Cartfile.resolved not found, bootstrapping all dependencies"
carthage bootstrap
See Releases for prebuilt pkg
Alternatively, clone this repository and run make install
cartfilediff <old Cartfile.resolved> <new Cartfile.resolved>
The tool prints a list of dependencies which need bootstrapping. If nothing needs bootstrapping, the tool prints nothing.
CartfileDiff is released under the MIT License.
Carthage, for providing the Carthage tool and for portions of source code used in this project.