Beside the default Elasticsearch storage, the user can use shardingJDBC and MySQL as storage implementor. Note: it only supported MYSQL database sharding, and due to the license restrictions, the users need to import MYSQL Driver manually.
- Manually import MySQL Driver package mysql-connector-java-5.1.36.jar to collector libs directory.
- In config/application.yml, delete the ElasticSearch configuration and add the following shardingjdbc configuration.
driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# JDBC Datasource connections for ShardingJDBC, multiple should be separated by comma
url: jdbc:mysql://ip1:port1/skywalking,jdbc:mysql://ip2:port2/skywalking
# Usernames, which match the sequence of Datasource URLs
userName: admin,admin
# Passwords, which match the sequence of Datasource URLs
password: 123456,123456
- ShardingJDBC now named as ShardingSphere since its 3.x, see here