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Vitis Database Library

The AMD Vitis™ Database Library is an open-sourced Vitis library written in C++ and released under Apache 2.0 license for accelerating database applications in a variety of use cases.

The main target audience of this library is SQL engine developers, who want to accelerate the query execution with FPGA cards. Currently, this library offers three levels of acceleration:

  • At the module level, it provides an optimized hardware implementation of the most common relational database execution plan steps, like hash-join and aggregation.
  • In the kernel level, the post-bitstream-programmable kernel can be used to map a sequence of execution plan steps, without having to compile FPGA binaries for each query.
  • The software APIs level wraps the details of offloading acceleration with programmable kernels, and allow you to accelerate supported database tasks on AMD Alveo™ cards without heterogeneous development knowledge.

At each level, this library strives to make modules configurable through documented parameters, so that advanced users can easily tailor, optimize, or combine with property logic for specific needs. Test cases are provided for all the public APIs and can be used as examples of usage.

For more details, refer to the comprehensive HTML document.


FPGA Accelerator Card

The Database Library relies heavily on HBM, so that high-level APIs (L2 and L3) are mostly targeting Alveo cards with HBM. For example:

The low-level L1 modules are actually device-agonostic, so that they can be instantiated into a Vitis project targeting any platform, as long as the resources budget can be met.

Software Platform

Supported operating systems are RHEL/CentOS 7.4, 7.5 and Ubuntu;® 16.04.4 LTS, 18.04.1 LTS.

GCC 5.0 or above is required for C++11/C++14 support. With CentOS/RHEL 7.4 and 7.5, C++11/C++14 should be enabled via devtoolset-6.

Development Tools

This library is designed to work with Vitis 2022.2, and a matching version of XRT should be installed.


This library depends on the Vitis Utility Library, which is assumed to be placed in the same path as this library with name utils. Hence the directory is organized as follows:

/cloned/path/database # This library, which contains L1, L2, etc.
/cloned/path/utils # The Vitis Utility Library, which contains its L1.

Source Files and Application Development

Vitis libraries are organized into L1, L2, and L3 folders, each relating to a different stage of application development.

L1 : Makefiles and sources in L1 facilitate the HLS based flow for quick checks. Tasks at this level include:

  • Check the functionality of an individual kernel (C-simulation)
  • Estimate resource usage, latency, etc. (Synthesis)
  • Run cycle accurate simulations (Co-simulation)
  • Package as IP and get final resource utilization/timing details (Export RTL)

NOTE: Once RTL (or XO file after packaging IP) is generated, the AMD Vivado™ flow is invoked for XCLBIN file generation if required.

L2: Makefiles and sources in L2 facilitate building the XCLBIN file from various sources (HDL, HLS, or XO files) of kernels with host code written in the OpenCL™/XRT framework targeting a device. This flow supports:

  • Software emulation to check the functionality
  • Hardware emulation to check RTL level simulation
  • Build and test on hardware

L3: Makefiles and sources in L3 demonstrate applications are developed involving multiple kernels in the pipeline. These Makefiles can be used for executing tasks, as with the L2 Makefiles.

Running Test Cases

This library ships two types of case: HLS cases and Vitis cases. HLS cases can only be found in the L1/tests folder and are created to test module-level functionality. Both types of cases are driven by makefiles.

Shell Environment

Build environment needs setup with the Vitis and XRT scripts before running any case.

For command line developers, the following settings are required before running any case in this library:

source /opt/xilinx/Vitis/2022.2/
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/
export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms

For csh users, look for corresponding scripts with .csh suffix, and adjust the variable setting command accordingly.

Setting PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS to the installation folder of the platform files can enable makefiles in this library to use PLATFORM variable as a pattern. Otherwise, the full path to the .xpfm file needs to be provided via the PLATFORM variable.

HLS Cases Command Line Flow

cd L1/tests/hls_case_folder/


Test control variables are:

  • CSIM for high level simulation.
  • CSYNTH for high level synthesis to RTL.
  • COSIM for co-simulation between the software test bench and generated RTL.
  • VIVADO_SYN for synthesis by Vivado.
  • VIVADO_IMPL for implementation by Vivado.

For all these variables, setting to 1 indicates execution while 0 for skipping. The default value of all these control variables are 0, so they can be omitted from command line if the corresponding step is not wanted.

Vitis Cases Command Line Flow

cd L2/tests/vitis_case_folder

# build and run one of the following using U280 platform
make run TARGET=sw_emu PLATFORM=/path/to/xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3.xpfm

# delete generated files
make cleanall

Here, TARGET decides the FPGA binary type

  • sw_emu is for software emulation.
  • hw_emu is for hardware emulation.
  • hw is for deployment on physical card (compilation to hardware binary often takes hours).

Besides run, the Vitis case makefile also allows host and xclbin as build targets.

Benchmark Result

In L1/benchmarks, a list of key primitives are combined with data-loading/storing modules and built into xclbins targeting Alveo U280. For more details about the benchmarks, please kindly find them in Database Library's Benchmarking section of documentation.


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