Simple Flask blog application which allows users to follow other users and view their posts. The app also has language translations to cater for a wide range of users.
Python - A programming language.
Flask - A microframework for Python.
Virtualenv - A tool to create isolated virtual environments
SQLITE - Small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL DB.
Vagrant - Development Environments Made Easy.
Docker / Docker-compose - set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.
- Run the following commands on your terminal.
- This commands are per a linux based OS.
Clone or download repo
git clone
Create virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 venv
Environment variables.
Copy .env file
cp .env.examples .env
Edit the following lines on .env file.
Replace your- with your actual value.
- export SECRET_KEY="your-secret-key"
- export DATABASE_URL=""
- export MS_TRANSLATOR_KEY="paste-your-key-here"
- export ADMINS=["admin-email2","admin-email2"]
- export
- export MAIL_PORT=587
- export MAIL_USE_TLS=1
- export MAIL_USERNAME=your-gmail-username
- export MAIL_PASSWORD=your-gmail-password
- export REDIS_URL="your-ip-address:your-port"
To change Enviroment add
- export FLASK_DEBUG=1
Activate virtual environment & export variables.
- source .env
Install Dependancies now with virtual environment active.
- pip install -r requirements.txt
Apply Database migrations
- flask db upgrade
Run the app
- flask run
- Pull individual docker images first for easier building, otherwise its not necessary
Create environment variable files for mysql and app files
- touch .envapp .envsql
Add/edit the following in the files
FLASK_CONFIG=development #optional SECRET_KEY="your-secret-key" DATABASE_URL=mysql+pymysql://akblog:your-db-pass@dbserver/akblog MS_TRANSLATOR_KEY=your-ms key ADMINS="["admin-email-1"]" ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elasticsearch:9200 FLASK_DEBUG=1 #optional MAIL_PORT=587 MAIL_USE_TLS=1 MAIL_USERNAME=your-gmail-username #optional MAIL_PASSWORD=your-gmail-password #optional REDIS_URL="redis://redis:6379/0"
- remove optional lines if not using.
- your-db-pass is same as the one defined in .envsql
Build/Run images
build images with the command:
docker-compose build
run the built images with:
docker-compose up
Access the app by going to the address with your browser
To view database changes
- Uncomment the adminer part of the docker-compose.yml file
# adminer: # image: adminer:latest # container_name: adminer # restart: always # ports: # - 8080:8080
head over to this address with your browser.
Use the same login credentials as defined in .envsql
App contains additional commands to help with language translations
- flask translate init LANG to add a new language. LANG is the new language
- flask translate update to update all language repositories.
- flask translate compile to compile all language repositories.
- vagrant up to create a virtual machine.