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File metadata and controls

99 lines (73 loc) · 4.26 KB


A module for MagicMirror² showing the next scheduled Tvheadend recordings.

My next five scheduled recordings (as an example - don't judge!).


Install the module and required digest-fetch node.js module using Git into the modules directory of your MagicMirror installation:

git clone
cd MMM-TvheadendDVR/
npm install

Then add it to your config.js modules section like any other module:

modules: [
        module: "MMM-TvheadendDVR",
        header: "Upcoming TV recordings",    // for example
        position: "bottom_left",   // can be anywhere you like
        config: {
			server: "[your TVH server address and port]",
			username: "[username]",
			password: "[password]",

See below for details on configuring Tvheadend for access.


The required options are:

Option Description
server Enter the server name/IP, including the port number for the web interface (typically 9981).
For example,
Username and password of an account with access to view recordings (see below).

The following configurations are all optional:

Option Default Description
basicAuth false Set to true if you need to use basic (plain text) authentication (see below).
updateInterval 5*60*1000 Time between updates (in milliseconds, so 5*60*1000 means 5 minutes).
maxRecordings 5 Maximum number of recordings to show.
templateName default The name of your custom template; e.g., for custom.njk, just use custom).
timeFormats See below.

You can also change the time formats used in the module by adding this to the config and adjusting where needed:

timeFormats {
	now: "[Finishes at] LT",       // For currently recording programmes
	today: "[Today at] LT",        // For recordings happening the same day
	tomorrow: "[Tomorrow at] LT",  // For recordings happening the next day
	thisWeek: "dddd [at] LT",      // For recordings happening within the next week
	nextWeekOn: "MMM DD [at] LT"   // For all other dates


This module uses Nunjucks templates to render its output. These are easier to use than writing HTML through Javascript, and has the benefit of allowing the end user to simply create a new template to use without having to recode the module.

The default template shows a list of scheduled recordings with their channel and start times. Currently recording programmes are shown with a red 'recording' symbol.

If you'd like to use a different template, create a .njk (and optional .css) file in the module directory and set the templateName option in the config to the name of your template (minus the .njk extension). For example, if you've created a template called fabNewTemplate.njk, adjust your module config to include templateName: "fabNewTemplate".

The module will pass a list of scheduled recordings to the template as recordings. You can then iterate through the schedule using:

{% for r in recordings %}
	// Display each entry
{% endfor %}

You can make use of the timeFormats from above in the templates using the getTime() filter. Use getTime(true) to specify a currently recording programme which will use the .now format.

Tvheadend configuration

This module will need to use an account that has access to the web interface and both 'Basic' and 'View all' access to the Video Recorder.

You may also need to configure the Authentication Type under (in v4.3) Configuration > General > Base > HTTP Server Settings. Be sure to set the module to use the same type - if not set to Basic/Plain then MD5 Digest authentication will be used (default in Tvheadend 4.3+; previous versions use plain/basic).

To test authentication/permissions before loading the module, you can open the API page in a browser or use curl:

  • For basic authentication: curl -u [username]:[password] http://[server]/api/dvr/entry/grid_upcoming
  • For digest authentication: curl -u [username]:[password] --digest http://[server]/api/dvr/entry/grid_upcoming