Cooking should not be hard. In fact if you’re following a recipe step-by-step, it is hard to mess up. However, the true difficulty when cooking is the organization of all the ingredients, time management, etc. It is the preparation of a meal that scares most people when cooking. Whether this is in terms of the ingredients one must buy at the grocery store or even picking a new recipe to learn, many individuals face cooking failures early on and often give up or go back to the same simple staples like scrambled eggs. The purpose of the Chef’s Agenda is to be an in depth cooking calendar that will give people new recipes and prepare them for a successful meal. It’ll do this by suggesting meals during the week (browsed through online recipes) and organizing a grocery list with a list of ingredients. When cooking, you can pull up the recipe and set timers to make sure everything is being correctly managed.
Ideally this product will be for anyone who cooks, but specifically on people who are still new to cooking or are looking to learn new recipes. By browsing online recipes and adding search queries for specific recipes, Chef’s Agenda will be able to offer user-customized meals. While this project should be reasonable in terms of workload for a team of 4-5 as there are multiple features that can be extended or reduced in the product, I think the biggest issue would be the user interface. The whole purpose of this project is meant to be a scheduler that simplifies cooking to clear, concise steps. Moreover, from a user’s standpoint, this app would only be as useful as the time it can save. Thus, the Chef’s Agenda must include many features while not overwhelming the user to overly complicate the product.