Metadadata for any Filesystem
SpiceFS (Spice File System Extension) is a node.js module for extending files and especially directories with custom metadata, by adding metadata subdirectories and -files.
The basic concept of SpiceFS is to create a .spice directory inside the directory that is the target of extension, or contains the target files to be extended.
By design, SpiceFS is more suited to directories, as a copy of the whole directory would automatically include a copy of it's metadata.
The spice directory contains a spice.repository file, containing a BSON representation of the so called spice repository (the metadata). Each spice repository, short repo, contains a unique id, and other general data in a container called the public rack. Additionally, there are protected and private racks, linked to the specific user who created them. These racks are stored in files nearby the repo file, in files called USERID.spice.rack.
Represents a reference to a filesystem directory.
Path : readonly string : The path of this directory on the filesystem (given by OS)
DirectoryRef.load(string path, callback) : Static : Tries to open a directory at the given path. : The callback receives two arguments (err, directoryRef)
Represents a Spice Repository
repository.ID : readonly string : A globally (nearly) unique ID, generated freshly on repository generation.
repository.Directory : readonly DirectoryRef : The directory this repository is made for.
repository.Path : readonly string : The filesystem path to the .spice directory.
repository.IsNew : readonly bool : Is true, if this repo only exists in memory until now (i.e. was not loaded from, or saved to disk). : Write the metadata to the filesystem. Serializes all linked racks, ignoring readonly racks. : > Because just overwrites any file with the new data, avoid opening multiple repositories at the same ime, as they would not merge their changes on disk. : The callback gets two arguments (err, repository).
repository.purge(callback) : Deletes the complete .spices directory from the filesystem and purges all metadata. : The callback gets one argument (err).
repository.openPublicRack(callback) : Tries to open (or create) a public rack of this repository. Beware that the public rack is completely unprotected. : The callback gets two arguments (err, publicRack) : > Opening a rack always means to open the current version of it on the filesystem. This could mean inconsistencies between multiple, different 'open' calls, if the filesystem has been updated in between.
repository.openProtectedRackOf(userid, keychain, callback) : Tries to open (or create) a protected rack of the given userid. Uses the keychain to try out various keys and determine read/write access. : The callback gets two arguments (err, protectedRack), whereas the protectedRack will be null, if no read-access key (publicKey) was found in the keyChain. If no write-access key is found, the rack would be set in readonly mode (they cannot be saved). The newest keypair on the keychain will automatically be infused on the rack, so no keychain is needed for the save workflow. : > If the newest keypair contains no write-key, the newest keypair that is at least as young as the keypair used to open rack is used. If there is none with a write key, the upper rule applies, and saving of this rack will be impossible.
repository.openPrivateRackOf(userid, keychain, callback) : Tries to open (or create) a rack of the given userid. Uses the keychain to try out various keys and determine read/write access. : The callback gets two arguments (err, privateRack), whereas the privateRack will be null, if not both, the read-access (publicKey) and the write-access key (privateKey) were found in the keyChain. The newest keypair on the keychain will automatically be infused on the racks, so no keychain is needed for their respective save workflow.
repository.openRacksOf(userid, keychain, callback) : Combines repository.openPrivateRackOf() and repository.openProtectedRackOf(). : The callback gets three arguments (err, protectedRack, privateRack) to which the upper described rules apply.
Repository.openAt(string path, callback) : Static : Opens a directory and creates or loads a repository for this directory. : The callback gets two arguments (err, repository) whereas repository will be null if the directory could not be loaded.
Represents a Spice Rack which contain actual metadata. Can only be obtained through the open..() methods of a repository.
rack.UserID : readonly string|null : The UserID this rack belongs to. (null if none)
rack.ReadOnly : readonly bool : True, if the method would ignore this rack and the Spices member would be sealed.
rack.Repository : readonly Repository : The parent repository this rack belongs to
rack.Spices : [readonly] Object : Plain javascript object, containing the actual data. This object will be sealed if the rack is ReadOnly