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Redux Dev Tools: Inconsistencies in Redux Dev Tools vs Actions dispatched #64046



Redux Dev Tools doesn't seem to properly reflect the actions dispatched for some of the stores.

I added a local middleware to log all actions dispatched per store, and the output doesn't match the output of Redux Dev Tools for some stores.

For example, core/editor perfectly matches, but core/block-editor and core/blocks don't.

Shouldn't they all match? Is there anything I'm missing here?

In the Site Editor

core/editor Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 15 12 Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 16 02
core/block-editor Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 18 48 Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 19 27
core/blocks Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 21 48 Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 22 17

In the Post Editor

core/editor Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 51 05 Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 51 59
core/block-editor Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 45 55 I get this when I select "core/block-editor" store in the post editor Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 48 48
core/blocks Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 41 09 Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 08 41 49

How to reproduce this

Site Editor → http://localhost:8888/wp-admin/site-editor.php
Post Editor → http://localhost:8888/wp-admin/post.php?post=1&action=edit

Get redux developer tools output:

  • Install Redux Developer Tools
  • Go to the Site Editor and reload a page with the "Redux Dev Tools" tab opened
  • Select the store

Get logger output:

  • Clone in the plugins folder of a local dev environment
  • Install dependencies (npm i) and run build/watch mode (npm run dev)
  • Install and activate gutenberg plugin
  • Add the following code to plugins/gutenberg/packages/data/src/redux-store/index.js
Logger implementation details

I added this code to plugins/gutenberg/packages/data/src/redux-store/index.js

const loggerMiddleware = ( optionsLogger ) => ( store ) => ( next ) => {
		return ( action ) => {
			const { whatToLog, storeName, storesToLog } = optionsLogger;
			if ( storesToLog.includes( storeName ) ) {
				if ( whatToLog.includes( 'action' ) ) {
					console.log( { storeName, ...action } );
				if ( whatToLog.includes( 'prevState' ) ) {
					const prevState = store.getState();
					console.log( { storeName, prevState } );

			const result = next( action );

			if ( storesToLog.includes( storeName ) ) {
				if ( whatToLog.includes( 'nextState' ) ) {
					const nextState = store.getState();
					console.log( { storeName, nextState } );

			return result;

	const optionsLogger = {
		storesToLog: [ 'core/blocks' ],
		storeName: key,
		whatToLog: [ 'action' ],
	const middlewares = [
		createResolversCacheMiddleware( registry, key ),
		createReduxRoutineMiddleware( normalizedControls ),
		createThunkMiddleware( thunkArgs ),
		loggerMiddleware( optionsLogger ),
  • Change the value storesToLog: [ 'core/blocks' ] to log only actions of a specific store
  • Go to the Site Editor and reload a page with the Developer Tools "console" opened


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    Developer ExperienceIdeas about improving block and theme developer experience[Feature] ExtensibilityThe ability to extend blocks or the editing experience


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