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2 4 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 14 1414 15 15 15 16 16 18 19 20 20 20 2121 21 2122 2323 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 2525 26 27 27 28 28 33 34 37 37 38 40 GAME MATERIALS ...............................................................................................SETUP ........................................................................................................................SCENARIO SHEETS ...............................................................................................CHARACTER SHEETS ..........................................................................................OVERVIEW ..............................................................................................................GAME FLOW ...........................................................................................................Event Phase ....................................................................................................
Morale Phase.................................................................................................. Production Phase .........................................................................................How to assign pawns................................................................................Requirements for placing Action pawns...............................................Special requirements via effect tokens...................................................Assigning Action pawns..........................................................................Additional neutral Action pawns...........................................................Resolving Actions.....................................................................................Action Phase..................................................................................................Threat Actions...........................................................................................
Hunt ............................................................................................................ Combat .......................................................................................................Build ...........................................................................................................Gather .........................................................................................................Explore .......................................................................................................Discovery tokens.......................................................................................Spending the Night Phase outside of camp ...........................................Mystery cards............................................................................................Discovery tokens.......................................................................................
Arrange Camp ........................................................................................... Rest ..............................................................................................................End of the Action Phase ...........................................................................Weather Phase................................................................................................Night Phase.....................................................................................................Moving the camp .......................................................................................End of the game.............................................................................................ADDITIONAL RULES ............................................................................................Unfulfilled Demand ..................................................................................
Token and marker exclusivity .................................................................. Available and future resources.................................................................Using Starting Equipment, Items, Treasures..........................................Discarding cards, Discovery tokens, etc................................................Golden rule ................................................................................................Important terms ........................................................................................2-player and solo variant..........................................................................Additional figures (Friday and Dog)......................................................Variants .......................................................................................................APPENDIX ................................................................................................................
Scenarios......................................................................................................... Character special abilities...........................................................................Special card effects........................................................................................Other inventions........................................................................................Discovery tokens............................................................................................Game overview ...............................................................................................Icons and symbols.........................................................................................Ouch!Damn it!That was the third time William had hit his thumb with the hammer.Whose idea had it been to have him repair the storm-battered palisade?F inger in mouth, he glanced at the woods.
T ypical, leaving the heavy work to the cook while J ane is out somewhere “exploring”, accompanied, of course, by carpenter Mark. T o make things worse, he’d had no success fishing that morning.T he only hope was that Rose would return from the hunt successfully - or they’d have to go to bed with empty stomachs.Again.William’s mood darkened further and further.T he pile of wood was nowhere near large enough for a ship to see the signal fire from a distance, and it was getting colder daily.Without the blankets they’d found, they’d already have frozen to death.H ow could one not abandon hope of ever being rescued from this cursed island?2 GAME MATERIALS 3 x 1 x3 x 1 x3 x 1 x9 Action dice 3 Weather dice front back11 Island tiles1 First Player token 30 Pawn stickers 3 Adventure tokens 22 Discovery tokens 20 Determination tokens 3 Weather tokens 1 Shortcut token camp shelter1 Camp/Shelter token 15 Black markers15 White markers5 Blue markers1 Round markerCustom wooden Resource markers min.
18 x woodmin. 7 x furmin.12 x foodmin.
5 x nonperishable food 5 Wound markers 8 Player Action pawns 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 10 Neutral Action pawns 3 x 4 x 1 x 2 x 4 x 4 x 4 x12 Special Wound tokens 5 x time- consuming Action4 x additional food5 x additional wood4 x reroll4 x greater danger22 Additional tokens +(for scenario effects)6 Number tokens 1 Sack token 1 Basket token 3 1 Game board front back73 Event cards front/back30 x Build 30 x Gather 30 x Explore front/back front/back90 Adventure cards card and Action pawn (white)card and Action pawn (purple)Friday Dog front back3 Wreckage cards 13 x trap front26 x treasure front13 x creature frontback52 Mystery cards Invention side Item side30 Invention cards for the 4-player game1 “Arrange Camp” card front back8 Starting Equipment cards front back16 Beast cards (with male and female sides) (double-sided)4 Scenario sheets 4 Character sheets 4 Morale trackFuture Resources space Available Resources space Playing area of the island Hunting Deck space Threat spaces Action spaces Place the board in the middle of the table.
Decide which scenario to play. We recommend the introductory scenario, Castaways, for your first game.Place the chosen Scenario sheet next to the board and place the Round marker on the first space of the round track.More information on Scenario sheets can be found on page 6.The following rules describe the setup for 3 and 4 players.Adaptations for 1 or 2 players can be found on page 26.If any other rules should differ, they are listed on the Scenario sheet and in the Appendix on pages 28-32.Each player draws a Character sheet at random and places it in front of them.Alternatively, players can choose which character they want to play.Unused sheets are returned to the box.More information on Character sheets can be found on page 7.Additionally, each player takes: a) 2 Action pawns of the same color (blue, yellow, black, or orange).b) 1 Wound marker, which they place on the square start space to the left of their Wound Track.
c) The Invention card mentioned on the right-hand side of their Character sheet, which they place Invention side up, next to the right edge of their Character sheet. Take all remaining Invention cards (including Inventions of unused characters).a) Gather the 9 default Invention cards (identifiable by two arrows and the lighter background behind their name ) and place them, Invention side up, in no specific order, on the available Inventions area of the board.b) Shuffle the remaining Invention cards and place them next to the board, Invention side up, as the Invention deck.c) Draw the top 5 cards from the Invention deck, and place them, Invention side up, next to the default Invention cards on the board.d) Finally, place 1 black marker on the Shovel (a default Invention), covering up its terrain type (beach).Note: Do not do this if playing a Scenario which does not start on the beach (Scenario 4).Place a white marker on the 0 space of the Morale track on the board.
Place a black marker on the topmost space of the Weapon level track (level 0). The space for the Shelter and the tracks for the Roof and Palisade levels will gain black markers during the game.Sort the Adventure cards by their backs into three decks, shuffle each thoroughly, and place them face down on their respective spaces on the board together with the 3 Action dice corresponding to each deck, as per the image opposite.SETUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 72 1 10a 10c10b 14 9 815511 5 Future Resources space Shelter Roof level Palisade level Weapon level Available Resources space Action spaces Spaces to place Invention cardsShuffle the Beast cards and place them face down next to the board to form the Beast deck.Note: The space on the game board is for the Hunting deck, which will be created during the game.Shuffle the Mystery cards.Place them face down next to the board.Take the 11 Island tiles.a) Find tile 8 and place it, face up, on the leftmost space in the center row on the board.
b) Place the Camp token on the tile with the camp side up . c) Shuffle the remaining Island tiles and stack them, face down, next to the board.Take the 8 Starting Equipment cards, draw 2 at random, and place them next to the board.They are available to all players, but can only be used twice each.Place 2 white markers on each card, in the respective spaces (1 for each use).Put the remaining Starting Equipment to one side.Shuffle the Discovery tokens and stack them, face down, next to the board.Place all resources, Action and Weather dice, additional Action pawns, and all additional tokens and markers next to the board.Place the Wreckage card Food Crates on the right-hand Threat space of the board.Take the Event cards.a) Sort them into two piles: one with all cards showing a book symbol (), another with all cards showing adventure symbols (//) in any of the 3 colors.
b) Shuffle both piles separately and draw a number of cards from each pile equal to half the number of rounds of the selected scenario (round up if necessary). For example, Scenario 1 has 12 rounds, so you draw 6 cards from each pile.c) Shuffle the cards you drew from both piles together, without looking at the front of the cards.Place them face down in the corresponding space on the board to form the Event deck.All other Event cards are returned to the box.When playing with 4 players, cover the “Arrange Camp” space on the board with the “Arrange Camp” card.The youngest player becomes the First Player and receives the First Player token.SETUP 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 746 16 13 12317 16 178 6 SCENARIO SHEETS A B C D E F G H I J K L A B CD E F G HI J KLAll Scenario sheets are similar in structure, but each scenario has its own design and some special rules.We recommend starting with the first scenario and continuing in order as each scenario is harder than the previous one.Scenario name.
Scenario description. Goal of the scenario.Round track.Weather conditions (shows which Weather dice are to be used in each game round).Additional rules for scenario setup.Special rules for this scenario.Explanation of totem symbols.If an Island tile with such a symbol is revealed, the effect noted here applies.Sometimes this is an immediate effect, and sometimes a Number token is placed which later allows a player to perform special Actions on that Island tile ( explore special locations).Special Discovery tokens, whose function differs between scenarios.Explanation of the book symbol for this scenario.If an Event card with this symbol is drawn, this effect must be applied.2 special Inventions only available in this scenario (only printed on the sheet and not available as cards).Some scenarios have additional elements (like Jenny’s Wound track in this example).
7 CHARACTER SHEETS 11 22 33 44 55 THE CHARACTER A character is a person represented by a Character sheet and two Action pawns. When the game mentions a character, it always refers to such a person.Each Character sheet has a male and female side so each player can choose their character’s gender at the start of the game.Gender has no in-game effect.SPECIAL ABILITIES Each character has 4 special abilities they can use at any time.To use an ability, the player must discard the specified number of Determination tokens.Each ability can be used only once per round; place 1 black marker on a used ability to indicate it has been used.The marker is removed at the end of the Night Phase.All special abilities are described in the appendix (pages 33-34).WOUNDS Each character has their own Wound track.Whenever a character suffers , the Wound marker ( ) is moved 1 space to the right (skip the morale arrows).
Whenever a morale arrow is skipped, the group’s morale is lowered: the character is showing great pain, dampening everyone’s mood. To indicate this, move the Morale marker 1 space to the left, if possible.If the Wound marker reaches the last space ( ), the character immediately dies and everyone loses the game.Characters can heal wounds: for each , the Wound marker is moved 1 space to the left.If a morale arrow is skipped in this way, the group’s morale does not improve.Characters can only heal at night, either through Item and treasure effects or through Discovery tokens.Exceptions: the Rest Action and cards/effects with the “immediate” keyword.Special Wounds (see point 4) cannot be healed by normal healing.PORTRAIT AND SPECIAL WOUNDS Each Character sheet shows the character’s portrait with spaces marking the head, one arm, the stomach/torso, and a leg.These body parts can suffer special wounds throughout the game, which are marked with respective Special Wound tokens.
Each space can hold multiple tokens. Special Wounds only result in placing these tokens; characters do not gain a normal Wound when this occurs.Special Wounds remain on the portrait until a card effect removes them.PERSONAL INVENTION Each character in play has 1 personal Invention assigned to them.This Invention can be built only by that character (following the usual rules, see page 18), but other characters are allowed to assist.If the Invention is built successfully, the character immediately gains 2 Determination tokens and places them in their reserve.The card is flipped to the Item side, moved to the board and treated like a normal Item thereafter.Should it be flipped back by an effect, it is placed next to the Character sheet again; if it is rebuilt, the character gains 2 Determination tokens again.8 I.EVENT PHASE You must work together to reach the scenario goal within the set number of rounds.
Often, this requires building special Items or exploring specific locations (see the Scenario sheets and the appendix on pages 28-32). You must cooperate to overcome the obstacles; you only win as a group.If you do not manage to reach the scenario goal within the time limit, or if one of the characters dies, all players lose the game.A Game round comprises 6 Phases: 1.EVENT PHASEAn Event card is revealed and its Event Effect applied.The card is then placed in the right-hand Threat space, moving the other cards, which can trigger Threat Effects.Sometimes multiple cards may need to be drawn and resolved.2.MORALE PHASE Depending on the position of the Morale marker, the First Player gains 1-2 Determination tokens (if the group’s morale is high) or loses 1-3 tokens (if the group’s morale is low).3.PRODUCTION PHASE Resources are gained depending upon which Island tile your camp is on.These resources are immediately available.4.
ACTION PHASE This Phase is split into two parts and is the core of the game. First, players discuss which Actions the characters will perform, and Action pawns are placed on the respective areas of the board.Once everyone has placed their pawns, the Actions are resolved in a set order.5.WEATHER PHASE Depending on the result of any Weather dice and/or Weather tokens, the group may have to face the harsh weather conditions of the island and possibly hungry animals.6.NIGHT PHASE The group can choose to move their camp and each character must eat food.The characters can finally get some rest (hopefully after finding or building a Shelter).The Phase symbols above correspond with those on the board.The Event deck, for example, is under the corresponding symbol at the top left of the board.The following pages explain each Phase in detail.This Phase is skipped in the first round.Starting from the second round, the First Player draws the top card from the Event deck.
At the start of the game, there are only Event cards in the Event deck. However, during the course of the game, some Adventure and/or Mystery cards may get shuffled in.If you draw an Adventure or Mystery card from the Event deck, look at the bottom half of the card, read out the card name and story text written in italics, and then apply its Event Effect.Then, discard this card and draw another one from the Event deck (as indicated on the Adventure card or Mystery card itself).It is possible that you may draw multiple Adventure and/or Mystery cards from the Event deck before you finally draw an Event card.When you draw an Event card, follow these steps in order: 1.Read the card name and italic story text.2.If there is an Adventure icon (//) in the top part of the card, place the Adventure token of the corresponding color on top of the deck of the same color (brown - Build, grey - Gather, green - Explore) unless there already is one.
If the card instead shows a , apply the effect from the Scenario sheet (see the sheet or the appendix on pages 28-32). 3.Apply the card’s Event Effect.4.Place the card in the right-hand Threat space on the board.Any card that was already in that space is moved to the left-hand space.If the left-hand space is already occupied, its card is pushed off the board.Any cards not moved by other cards remain where they are.5.If a card is pushed off the board, its Threat Effect (at the very bottom of the card) is immediately applied and then the card is discarded.OVERVIEW GAME FLOW Card name Book icon (or Adventure icon) Event Effect Threat EffectThreat Action 9 GAME FLOW Example: You draw an Adventure card (obvious from its back) and apply the Storm Event Effect.You then discard this card and draw another card, which is also an Adventure card, this time with the Crack!Event Effect.This card is also resolved and then discarded.The next card is an Event card: Unusually Cold Night.
You apply the effect triggered by the book symbol (described on the Scenario sheet), then the Event Effect is applied. Finally, you put the card in the right-hand Threat space, moving the card already there to the left, which in turn moves the card from the left-hand Threat space off the board, triggering its Threat Effect.Most Event Effects burden players with additional problems and challenges (e.g.through placement of various markers).Sometimes they reduce morale, or the level of the Roof, Palisade, or Weapons.These losses apply immediately.If you cannot fulfill the loss requirements (or reduce the Roof/Palisade/Weapon level any further), each character suffers 1 wound (see also Unfulfilled Demand on page 24).The only exception is the Morale track; if morale is already at its lowest point, it does not sink further, and characters do not suffer wounds because of this.An Event card can also demand combat.This is resolved the same way as during a Hunt (see page 15).
However, the First Player must do the combat and suffer all of the consequences alone. Any resources gained during this Phase (e.g.through combat or treasures) are placed in the Available Resources space; they can be used immediately.Other positive effects are also applied immediately.The First Player checks the group’s morale: If the marker is left of center, morale is low and the First Player must discard 1-3 Determination tokens (corresponding to the morale).If the marker is right of center, morale is high and the First Player gains 1-2 Determination tokens (corresponding to the morale).If the marker is on the rightmost space, the First Player can choose to either take 2 Determination tokens, or heal a wound instead.If the marker is on the center space, the First Player neither gains nor discards tokens.During the game, the Morale marker cannot move further left than the leftmost space, or further right than the rightmost space.
If a game effect causes this to happen, do not move the marker. If you must discard more Determination tokens than you have, you must discard all your Determination tokens and then suffer 1 wound for each token you are unable to discard.You cannot choose to suffer wounds instead of discarding your tokens.Example: Morale is on the lowest level.You must discard 3 Determination tokens, but you only have 1.You must discard it and suffer 2 wounds.Determination tokens can only be used by the player who gained them; they cannot be traded between players.They can be used immediately upon gaining them.II.MORALE PHASE 11 22 33 44 10 GAME FLOW In this Phase, you gain 1 resource from each source on the Island tile that contains the camp.Each source of food / produces 1 food and each source of wood produces 1 wood .The number of resources produced may be modified by the presence of various markers and/or tokens (see page 13) or Event cards.
Resources gained are placed in the Available Resources space and can be used this round. Example:Your camp is on an Island tile with and .You gain 1 wood and 1 food, which are placed in the Available Resources space.All available resources, Starting Equipment, Items, and special card effects (not on the Future Resources space) can be used by any character.The Action Phase is the main Phase of the game and consists of two stages: Planning and Resolving Actions.In the Planning stage, you must decide as a group how to use your Action pawns.Each character has two Action pawns, meaning that each character can take up to 2 Actions.Some effects can reduce the number of Action pawns you have, but you always have at least 1 Action pawn available.You must assign all of the Action pawns belonging to your character, but neutral pawns (including Friday and the Dog - see page 27) need not be assigned.Note: Some Actions require more than 1 pawn to be assigned to them for the Action to be resolved.
These pawns do not have to come from the same player. Actions are resolved only after all available Action pawns have been assigned and an Action is only resolved if 1 or more Action pawns was assigned to it.Once planned, an Action must be resolved.A BRIEF EXPLANATION OF THE ACTIONS 1.Threat: This Action is taken to gain a benefit described in the bottom half of the Event card (usually Determination tokens or resources).Resolving a card also prevents the triggering of the Threat Effect (shown on the very bottom of the card).2.Hunting: This Action allows the group to fight a beast to collect food and/or fur.If the Weapon level is not high enough, the resolving character will take wounds.3.Build: A variety of things can be built during the game, including a Shelter with a Roof and Palisade, and Weapons.This Action also allows you to turn Inventions into usable Items.4.Gather: This Action is taken to gather resources from sources of food and wood on Island tiles away from the camp.5.
Explore: This Action allows you to place Island tiles onto unexplored Island spaces on the board. 6.Arrange Camp: Each time a character performs this Action, they gain 2 Determination tokens and the group’s morale increases by 1.In a 4-player game, this is either 2 Determination tokens or 1 morale.7.Rest: Each time a player takes this Action, they heal 1 wound.III.PRODUCTION PHASE IV.ACTION PHASE 11 GAME FLOW Unless specified otherwise, each Action may be carried out multiple times during a round, by one or more characters.The Threat Action requires 1 or 2 Action pawns, as shown on the card.Hunting requires 2 Action pawns and can only be carried out if there is at least 1 Beast card in the Hunting deck.When performing the Build, Gather, or Explore Actions, the Action is automatically successful if 2 Action pawns are assigned.If only 1 pawn is assigned, the Action dice of the appropriate color must be rolled to determine what happens (see page 16).
Also, see page 19 for Actions taking place more than 1 space away from the camp.) Arranging the Camp and Resting require 1 Action pawn, but may be carried out multiple times by the same or different characters. HOW TO ASSIGN PAWNS To indicate which Actions have been selected during this Phase, the Action pawns should be placed in the appropriate spaces on the board as follows: • For the Threat Action, place the pawn(s) on the respective Event card(s) • For the Hunt Action, place the pawns on the Hunt Action space • For the Build Action, depending on what you intend to build, place the pawn(s) on the Shelter, Roof, Palisade, or Weapon track, or on the Invention card.
• For the Gather Action, place the pawn(s) above the source on the Island tile you want to gather from • For the Explore Action, place the pawn(s) on the unexplored Island spaces you want to explore • For the Arrange Camp Action, place the pawn(s) on the Arrange Camp Action space • For the Rest Action, place the pawn(s) on the Rest Action space REQUIREMENTS FOR PLACING ACTION PAWNS Several Actions have additional requirements which must be fulfilled to allow the placement of Action pawns. These are noted on the Action itself: For Threat Actions, it is on the Event card, and for the Build Action, it is on the upper part of Invention cards or on the cost table for the Shelter, Roof, Palisade or Weapons.For example, requirements could include resources that must be discarded, or having a minimum Weapon level.Often, pre-existing Items are also required, or a specific terrain type must have been explored to either resolve a Threat Action or build a certain Item.
These requirements must be fulfilled during the Planning stage, i.e. when placing Action pawns.Any resources required must be in the Available Resources space 12 and assigned to the Action; required Inventions must have already been built (have their Item side face up) and any required Weapon level must exist.You cannot use anything from the Future Resources space to plan (or carry out) your Actions.If the requirements cannot be fulfilled during the Planning stage, the Action may not be planned (no Action pawns may be placed there this round).Example: In a 3-player game, you need to spend either 3 wood or 2 furs to build a Shelter.Thus, when planning this Action, you need to already have the 3 wood (or 2 furs) to place an Action pawn on the Shelter building space.To prevent planning mistakes, any required resources should be placed with the Action pawns when assigning them to their respective Actions.
This makes it easy to see which resources are tied up by which Actions and what resources are left for other Actions. Resources assigned to an Action are no longer available for required discards.Example: You want to build a Roof for your Shelter this round, which (in a 3-player game) requires 3 wood (or 2 furs).4 wood is available, so you place 3 wood on the Action space for the Shelter, alongside your Action pawns.Since only 1 wood remains available, the Palisade cannot be built in the same round.However, you could use the wood to increase your Weapon level.A similar rule applies to Items; you can only use Items which you already have from previous rounds.Example: To build the Bow, you need the Knife.This means that you cannot build the Knife and the Bow in the same round.The Bow cannot be built if the Knife isn’t already available when placing the Action pawns, even if a player builds the Knife in that same round.If an Action requires specific Items (e.g.
a Threat Action or building an Invention), the Items are depicted on that card. These Items only need be available, they do not need to be assigned.This means that multiple characters can use the same Item for multiple different Actions in the same round.Examples: • If the Fire has already been built, then both the Lantern and/or Fireplace could be built during the same subsequent round.• One character can carve a Spear with the Knife while another builds the Belts with it at the same time.When built, Items usually provide some additional benefits which can help you during the game.Examples: • The Fire raises the Palisade level by 1.It also allows the Fireplace to be built.• The Map gives players an additional neutral Action pawn for the Explore Action, and also allows the Shortcut to be built.If a specific Weapon level is required, ( resolve a Threat Action or the Hunt Action), it only needs to be available; it does not need to be assigned.
The same Weapon level can be used by multiple Actions in the same round (although see the top-left of page 15 for an exception). Note: It is possible to Hunt with a Weapon level of 0.Example: With a Weapon level of 2, one character can resolve the Threat Action on the Fight for Food Event card while a second character can resolve the Hunt the Beast card.A third character could also simultaneously use it for the Hunt Action.Most Actions have additional specific requirements (the Hunt Action, for example, requires a Hunting deck).These are explained with the respective Action.SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS VIA EFFECT TOKENS Sometimes, special requirements need to be fulfilled in order to assign Action pawns.These are generated by effect tokens or scenario-specific markers during the course of a game.Adventure tokens are only relevant when resolving an Action and have no influence on Action pawn assignment.Tokens on Action spaces only affect the next Action of that type (see below).
If multiple Actions of the same type are resolved in one round, the tokens only need be considered for the first such Action. For all further Actions, they can be ignored when assigning Action pawns.Example: A token is on the Build Action space.The first Build Action that is planned, whether in this or a future round, requires an additional Action pawn which must be provided during planning.All other Build Actions in the same round follow the normal rules and require no additional pawns.If an effect or Adventure token is placed during an Action Phase (e.g.due to a card effect), its effect only triggers after the current Action Phase.These tokens are irrelevant for additional Actions in the same round.Reroll If this token is on an Action space, its effect triggers during the die roll of the next Action of this type (see page 16).If a success is rolled on the Success die, it must be rerolled, and then the token is discarded.The new result of the die is the one that is applied.
If the die does not initially show a success, the token remains in place and applies to the next Action of this type (even in the same round). GAME FLOW 13 GAME FLOW + Greater Danger If this token is on the Hunt Action space, the Beast’s strength is increased by 1 during the next Hunt Action (see page 15).The token is discarded after the Action is resolved.If this token is on an Island tile/space (other than the camp), the Weapon level must be at least 1 for all Actions planned there, or the character taking the Action suffers 1 wound when placing the Action pawn (if a stack of pawns is placed, only the character on top suffers the wound).The token is not discarded in this case.If this token is on the Island tile with the camp, any character performing an Action in the camp (the Build, Arrange Camp, and Rest Actions) suffers 1 wound unless the Weapon level is at least 1.
Time-Consuming Action If this token is on an Action space, the next Action of this type that is planned must be assigned an additional Action pawn (2 instead of 1, 3 instead of 2, etc.). This token should be placed with the Action pawns to indicate that one extra was required.After the Action is resolved, the token is discarded.If this token is on an Island tile/space (other than the camp), all Actions resolved there must be assigned an additional Action pawn.The token is not discarded in this case.If this token is on the Island tile with the camp, it affects the Build, Arrange Camp, and Rest Actions./ Additional Food / Additional Wood If the token is on the Build Action space, the next time a Build Action is planned which requires wood, it must be assigned 1 additional wood.Place the token with the Action pawns and the extra wood to remind you.If the Action is successful, discard the token.
If the Action is unsuccessful, return the token to the Build Action space, and it applies to the next round. Exception: If another Build Action requiring wood is successful in the same round, the effect of the token is applied to that Action and then discarded.Example: The token is on the Build Action space.This round, you want to build the Pit (which costs 1 wood) and increase the Weapon level by 1 (also costs 1 wood).The first Action you plan is to build the Pit, so you assign 2 wood with your Action pawn, and the token.You also assign an Action pawn and 1 wood on the Weapon space.During resolution, you choose to resolve the building of the Pit first and fail.The 2 wood goes back to the Available resource pool.You then resolve the Weapon space, and it is successful, so you spend 1 additional wood and discard the token.If there was no other build Action planned requiring wood, or the weapon build was also unsuccessful, the token would be returned to the Build Action space.
If the token is on any of the Action spaces for the Shelter, Roof, Palisade, or Weapons, 1 additional wood must be assigned every time the respective feature is built, but only if there is wood in the requirements (i.e. not if using fur).The token is not discarded when these spaces are used.If the token is in the Night Phase space, each character must eat 1 additional food during the Night Phase or suffer 1 wound.The token is then discarded.If either the or token is on an Island tile, it produces 1 additional food or wood, but only if there is a corresponding source that has not been exhausted (covered with a marker).The extra resource is gained either in the Production Phase (if the token is in the same space as the camp) or during the Action Phase (if it is gathered).Note: in order to gather the extra food/wood, you must gather the appropriate resource.The token is not discarded from the Island tile in either case.
Example: An Island tile has a source of food, a source of wood, and a token. If you gather wood from this space, you gather 1 wood only; you do not gain the extra food from the token.If however, you gather food instead, you get 2 food.Adventure Tokens If any of these tokens are on top of an Adventure deck, an Adventure card must be drawn (and the top part resolved) the next time an Action of that type is resolved (Build, Gather, Explore), whether or not the Adventure die is rolled.If the Adventure die is rolled, and the result is a “?”, only 1 Adventure card is drawn.After resolving the Adventure card, the token is discarded.The effects of scenario-specific markers are explained on the Scenario sheets and in the appendix.All tokens in Action spaces or on card decks are discarded after applying their effect.Tokens in other spaces on the board remain until the end of the game unless removed by a card effect.
14 ASSIGNING ACTION PAWNS If all requirements for an Action are met (resources and Items are available, etc.), Action pawns can be placed on those Actions. The number of pawns and where they must be placed depends on the Action.If an Action requires more than 1 Action pawn, more than one character can provide them.In this case, you must decide who the resolving character is and who is supporting them.The Action pawns are placed in a stack with the resolving character’s pawn on top.Only the resolving character suffers the consequences of an Action (positive or negative).For example, a severely wounded character could still support another without danger of suffering additional wounds.Examples: • You want to resolve the Threat Action of the Agreement Event card.This discards the Event card, increases morale, and provides 1 Determination token.If two players decide to each place 1 Action pawn, they must decide which of them resolves the Action and thus, gains the Determination token.
• You want to resolve the Hunt Action, which requires 2 Action pawns (see page 15). Since the carpenter is severely wounded, you decide to have a different character resolve the Action.The carpenter could support the other character without the risk of suffering additional wounds.For some Actions (Hunt, Building the Roof/Palisade/Weapons, Arrange Camp, or Rest), you can assign multiple Action pawns to the Action in order to resolve it multiple times.In this case, place the Action pawns next to each other (not in a stack).Different sources of Food and Wood may be gathered during a round, but the same source cannot be gathered from twice.Similarly, only one attempt can be made to build each Invention in a round.Example: You want to increase the Weapon level twice this round.Two players (or the same player twice) could assign an Action pawn each (side by side) to resolve this Action twice.
GAME FLOW ADDITIONAL NEUTRAL ACTION PAWNS Additional neutral Action pawns can be acquired during the game, e.g. as the side effect of an Item (like the Map or Lantern), from Mystery cards (e.g.Candles or Compass), or from Discovery tokens.These Action pawns are used exactly like a character’s Action pawns, but can only be used for certain Actions.The red pawn can only be used for the Hunt Action, brown pawns for the Build Action, grey pawns for the Gather Action, and green pawns for the Explore Action.Additionally, neutral Action pawns can only be used as support, i.e.after at least 1 Action pawn has been assigned by a character who then resolves that Action.No Action may be resolved with only neutral Action pawns.Example: The Explore Action cannot be resolved by only assigning the Compass’ neutral Action pawn and the Map’s neutral Action pawn.How often a neutral Action pawn can be used depends on how it was gained.Action pawns gained from Items can be used every round.
Action pawns gained from Discovery tokens can only be used once. All other cards indicate whether they are single use (or two uses, like the Action pawn provided by Hammer & Nails) or if they can be reused every round.RESOLVING ACTIONS After all Action pawns have been assigned, the selected Actions are resolved in order.The execution order is always the same - left to right as shown on the bottom part of the board, starting with Threat Actions and ending with the Rest Action.Any Actions where Action pawns have not been assigned are skipped.After resolving each Action, return the Action pawns used back to the players.This allows you to more clearly see which Actions are still left to be performed.Any returning additional neutral Action pawns are either removed from the game or placed back on their cards or the Scenario sheet.During the resolution of each Action, there is no set order.
For example, if there are two cards in the Threat space, and Action pawns are placed on both of them, they can be resolved in any order. Also, when the Build Action is resolved, you can choose the order in which things are built.During the Action Phase, some card effects may change the state of the game.However, Actions are resolved as initially planned, and changes only apply after the current Action Phase.Examples: • The Adventure card Broken Tools caused the Map Invention to be flipped back over to its Invention side.The Action pawn provided by the Map had already been assigned to an Explore Action later in the round.This Action can still be resolved - the additional pawn is only discarded at the end of the Action Phase.• The Adventure card Winter Freezing caused a food source to be covered.However, another Action pawn is still on that source, and that Gather Action has not been resolved yet.
The Action can still be resolved as the covering marker has no effect on the game until the end of this Action Phase. 15 GAME FLOW Exceptions to this are as follows: • The Camp token is immediately flipped to the Shelter side when it is built.• Any gain or loss of Determination tokens is applied immediately.• Any loss of resources is applied immediately and they are discarded.• Wounds are applied immediately, with any morale loss also applying immediately.• Changes to the Roof/Palisade/Weapon level take effect immediately.Subsequent Actions in the same Action Phase must always use the current track values.Examples: • A Hunt Action has reduced the Weapon level to 0.A second Hunt Action in the same round must now be resolved with the new Weapon level of 0, with the resolving character of the second Action suffering the consequences.• An Adventure card has lowered the Palisade level to 0.
A later Action demands a further decrease of the Palisade level from the resolving character but since it is already at 0, the character suffers 1 wound instead. Any resources, Treasures, Discovery tokens, and built Inventions gained during an Action are always placed in the Future Resources space (including cards).They are not available until the end of the Action phase.If a character must discard anything, they must do so immediately.They can only discard resources and Discovery tokens from the Available Resources space.Resources assigned to Actions are not available (and plans may not be changed).If everything required cannot be discarded, the character instead suffers 1 or more wounds (see Unfulfilled Demand, page 24).IV.ACTION PHASE 1.THREAT ACTIONS Placing Action pawns on Threat Actions gives a benefit as printed on the Event card (normally Determination tokens).
Also, resolving a Threat Action discards the card, thus preventing the Threat Effect from occurring later in the game. To resolve a Threat Action, the required number of Action pawns and resources must have been placed on the card.Often, a specific Item or minimum Weapon level is also required.No dice are rolled to resolve a Threat Action, it is automatically successful.When resolving the Action, follow the instructions on the card (which only affect the resolving player).Then discard the card and all used resources.Each Threat Action can only be resolved once.Wreckage cards are special Event cards, only one of which is put in play when setting up the game.You can gain an early advantage by either assigning 1 Action pawn and taking the smaller amount of resources or assigning 2 Action pawns and taking the larger amount.You must decide on exactly 1 of these options when placing Action pawn(s) onto the card; you cannot do both.
Wreckage cards are moved like other Event cards when new Event cards are drawn, but do not cause negative consequences when pushed off the board; you merely lose the chance to gain an advantage. 2.HUNT The Hunt Action provides you with food and possibly fur, but the resolving character is at risk of suffering wounds if the Weapon level is not high enough.This Action can be resolved once per Beast card in the Hunting deck, as each Beast can only be hunted once.Once the Hunting deck is empty, this Action can no longer be taken, but as long as enough cards are available, the Action can be resolved multiple times per round.Each Hunt Action requires exactly 2 Action pawns.For each Hunt Action, the Action pawns are placed in the Action space stacked on top of each other, with the character owning the topmost Action pawn resolving the Action.When the Action is resolved, the topmost Beast card is drawn from the Hunting deck and combat commences (see below).
The combat procedure is identical to combat caused by other situations. Once combat ends, the Action is complete.The Beast card is discarded and any food, fur and/or Discovery tokens gained are placed in the Future Resources space.The Hunt always counts as a successful Action, even if combat commences without any weapons, you take wounds, etc.16 COMBAT Once combat commences (during the Hunt Action, due to an Event, Adventure, or Mystery card, or the Hungry Animals die), the following steps are resolved in order (printed left to right on the card): 1.The Beast’s (or other enemy’s) strength is compared to the current Weapon level.If the Weapon level is lower, the resolving character suffers as many wounds as the difference between the values.Before combat, you can use Treasures, Starting Equipment and Special abilities to temporarily increase the Weapon level (this applies only for the current combat; the Weapon level track is not adjusted).
If this is done, compare this new temporary total (which can include multiple sources) to the enemy’s strength. 2.The actual Weapon level (on the board, not counting the temporary increase) is reduced by the indicated value.If this is not possible, the resolving character suffers 1 wound for each missing level of Weapon level (see Unfulfilled Demand - page 24).3.The indicated amount of food is placed in the Future Resources space.4.The indicated amount of fur is placed in the Future Resources space.5.The Palisade level is reduced, if applicable.If this is not possible, the resolving character suffers 1 wound for each missing Palisade level (see Unfulfilled Demand - page 24).6.Any additional effects on the card must be applied.Finally, unless stated otherwise, the card is discarded.In some cases (Adventure cards, Mystery cards, rolling “Combat against strength 3 Beast” on the Hungry Animals die) only the enemy strength is given and no additional values are provided.
In these cases only the first and the last step of combat are resolved.3. BUILD With each Build Action, you can attempt to build a Shelter, a Roof, a Palisade, Weapons, or turn an Invention into an Item.A Shelter protects the group during the night, and the Roof and Palisade protect from the weather and dangerous animals.Weapons are needed for hunting and defense, and Inventions help in a variety of situations.In order to build something, the required Items and resources (wood or fur) must be available at the start of the Action Phase.These resources and the required Action pawns are placed on the appropriate Action space during the Planning stage.Example for a 3-player game: Build Actions generally happen “in camp” and each one requires 1 or 2 Action pawns.Assigning 2 Action pawns results in an automatic success, as the characters work more slowly and meticulously.Assigning only 1 Action pawn is more risky and requires rolling the 3 brown Action dice (see below).
This can lead to a character wounding themselves while working, having an adventure, or even failing completely. If the Action succeeds, any allocated resources are discarded.If the Action fails, any assigned resources are not lost, they are returned to the Available Resources space instead.Any Determination tokens that were assigned are returned to the relevant Character sheet.ROLLING THE ACTION DICE If only 1 Action pawn is placed for a Build, Gather, or Explore Action, the 3 Action dice must be rolled when resolving the Action.There are 3 Action dice for each type of Action: Each set of 3 dice is comprised of a Wound die, a Success die, and an Adventure die.When a die roll is necessary, all 3 dice of of one color are rolled together (and nothing else is specified).Some special abilities allow characters to reroll a die by spending Determination tokens.These abilities can only be used immediately after the dice have been rolled and before any of them are resolved.
Therefore, any Determination tokens gained from the result of the success die may not be used to reroll any of the dice just rolled during this Action. GAME FLOW Build Gather Explore Beast’s strengthWeapon level decrease Food gainedFur gained Additional effects 17 Each die shows one of 2 possible results: Wound die Success die Adventure die Each die’s result is independent of each other.Even if the Action fails, the character can still be wounded (or not) or have an adventure (or not).Example: You attempt to gather resources and roll .You suffer 1 wound, are unsuccessful at gathering (gaining 2 Determination tokens instead), and then draw 1 grey Adventure card.If there is an Adventure token on top of the respective deck, the Adventure die need not be rolled, as an Adventure card must be drawn in any case.The Adventure token is then removed from the deck and placed back by the side of the board.Some scenarios specify Items (e.g.
the Crosses in scenario 2) to be built on specific Island tiles. The rules for these special cases can be found on the Scenario sheet and in the appendix (pages 28-32).Generally, the Build Action can be resolved any number of times in one round as long as the requirements are fulfilled and the needed resources are available.However, each Invention can only be attempted once per round.The same is true for building the Shelter.If such an Action fails, it can only be retried in the following round.Shelter The Shelter offers protection during the night, preventing characters from taking wounds that they would normally take from sleeping under an open sky.As soon as the Shelter has been built, and only then, the Camp token is flipped to the Shelter side.To build the Shelter, a specific amount of wood or fur (not a combination) must be assigned.The costs are displayed on the board and are based on the number of players.
In a 3-player game for example, the cost to build a Shelter is either 3 wood or 2 fur. Once the Shelter has been built, it cannot be lost, even if the camp is moved onto a different Island tile.To indicate this, place a black marker in the Shelter space on the game board.This does not apply to a temporary shelter found on an Island tile (see page 21).If the camp has a Shelter (natural or constructed), the Roof and/or Palisade can be built starting in the following round (see below).Roof and Palisade A Roof helps to protect characters from negative effects due to adverse weather, while the Palisade protects from severe storms and some other effects (like attacking animals).Both can only be built when a Shelter (natural or constructed) is present; if an effect causes the Roof or Palisade level to increase but there is no Shelter, it is ignored.
The Roof and Palisade level can be increased any number of times during a round, but each attempt to do so requires its own stack of Action pawns. The costs are identical to building a Shelter and based on the number of players (see the table on the board).Every time a Roof or Palisade is built or improved, the level is increased by 1; move the marker on the respective track.Roof and Palisade levels may exceed the highest printed value.In this case, use additional markers to indicate this.Example: You want to increase the Roof level twice in a round.To do this, the Action needs to be planned twice, it cannot be increased twice with only 1 Action (even with 2 Action pawns).A second Action (with 1 or 2 Action pawns) is needed.As usual, Action pawns can be from the same or a different character.Weapons Weapons are needed to hunt or resist other dangers of the island.
Like the Roof and Palisade, they can be built any number of times per round, with each attempt requiring 1 Wood and 1 or 2 Action pawns. The Weapon level is indicated on the corresponding track with a marker.The maximum value can be exceeded, use additional markers to represent this.Example: You want to build 2 weapons this round.To do this, Action pawns must be assigned side by side (i.e.attempting the Action twice).GAME FLOW The character suffers 1 wound The topmost Adventure card is drawn from its respective deck (and its top half part resolved).Nothing happens.The Action is successful and thus resolved (things are built, resources gathered, or places explored).The Action is unsuccessful and not resolved.
The character gains 2 Determination tokens.Nothing happens 18 BUILDING ITEMS Inventions can be found in several locations: • On the main board (can be built by anyone) • Next to each of the Character sheets (can be built only by that character) • On the Scenario sheet (can be built by anyone) Other Inventions might be added during the game. Inventions can be built into Items as long as the requirements (depicted in the upper part of the Invention card) are met.Requirements include: • An explored terrain type • Another Item already built • Resources to discard Once a terrain type has been explored (is visible on an Island tile), all Inventions with the same symbol will have that symbol covered up with a black marker.If the symbol is not covered, the Invention cannot be built until the required terrain type has been explored.Items Built Items confer useful effects (single-use or permanent).Many of the default Inventions are needed to build other Items.
Generally, any Item can be built by any character, with the exception of the cards next to the Character sheets, which can only be built by the owning character. They must resolve the Action themselves, but can be supported by other characters.If an Invention is built, it is placed in the Future Resources space, Invention side up.A personal Invention that was next to a Character sheet is also placed in the Future Resources space and the character immediately gains 2 Determination tokens.At the end of the Action Phase, any Inventions in the Future Resources space will trigger their effect, be flipped to the Item side and then placed in the Invention spaces on the board (even personal Inventions).Special Inventions printed on the Scenario sheet cannot obviously be put in the Future Resources space.Instead, a black marker is placed on them to indicate they have been built.
Like other cards in the Future Resources space, they and their effects only become available at the end of the Action Phase. Each Invention can be built only once, with some scenario-specific Inventions being the exception.During the game, an effect may force players to flip Items back to their Invention side.From the start of the following round, such an Item ceases to be available (it is still available for the current round).It must be built again before it can be used.If a personal Invention is flipped back to its Invention side, it is returned to the side of the appropriate Character sheet.It can also be built again, but only by the owning character, who gains another 2 Determination tokens when doing so.Items on Scenario sheets are never affected by such an effect.If a flipped Item is required for any Actions in the same round, they can still be resolved.
Since the Item was available during planning (and while assigning Action pawns), the Action remains valid and is resolved as if the Item were still present. Built Items that had the flipped Item as a requirement are not affected.Effects of Items that apply in the current Action Phase (e.g.neutral Action pawns or the effects of Basket, Sack, or Bed) also remain available throughout the Phase, as they were available during planning.Actions using these effects remain valid and continue to use the cards’ effects.Example: If you lose the Map, you can no longer build the Shortcut.If you had already built the Shortcut, you keep it.If an Item flipped to the Invention side had an additional positive effect, it must be reverted if possible.If the effect is only partially reversible (e.g.not enough food or Weapon level to discard), revert as much as possible.Being unable to (fully) revert a positive effect has no negative impact on the players.
Examples: • The Brick increases the Palisade level by 1. If, later in the game, it is flipped to the Invention side, the Palisade level must be reduced by 1.If this is not possible, nothing happens.• If you lose the Dam, you must discard 2 nonperishable food.If you don’t have any, nothing happens.• If you lose the Map, but the Map’s Action pawn has been assigned to an Action, it remains active for the current Action, but is no longer available in the following round.• If you lose the Sling (which gives +2 Weapon level when built) but only have a Weapon level of 1, Weapon level is reduced to 0, and no further penalty is applied.4.GATHER The Gather Action requires 1 or 2 Action pawns for any Island tile adjacent to the tile with the camp.2 Action pawns guarantee a success, whereas 1 Action pawn requires the grey Action dice to be rolled as described on page 16.Place the Action pawns just above the source to be gathered from.
Resources can also be gathered from Island tiles that are not adjacent to the camp; the required number of Action pawns increases by 1 for each Island space between the camp and the tile that resources are being gathered from. See the next page for a more detailed explanation.Resources can only be gathered from explored Island tiles (as the source is printed on the tile).Each source can only be harvested once per round.Therefore, the Gather Action cannot be resolved on the Island tile containing the camp (even if the Production Phase was skipped), nor can sources be harvested that already provided resources due to the effect of the Shortcut Item.GAME FLOW Beach Hills Mountains River Plains 19 GAME FLOW Sources that are exhausted (whose symbol is covered with a black marker) cannot be harvested.If an Island tile contains a / token, and there is also a source of the same type present on the tile, players can gather 2 of that resource with 1 Action.
If there is no source of the same type (or it is exhausted), the presence of the token does not allow the resource to be gathered. Example: An Island tile with a food source and a token allows gathering 2 food with 1 Action once per round.If the source is exhausted, food cannot be gathered on this tile.If you successfully gather, place 1 resource of the specified kind (food or wood, depending on the source the character is gathering from) in the Future Resources space.As explained earlier, various effects can modify the amount of resources gathered (e.g.tokens).GATHERING RESOURCES & EXPLORING ON TILES NOT ADJACENT TO THE CAMP To resolve the Gather or Explore Actions, players start on the tile containing the camp.A tile or space adjacent to the camp always requires 1 or 2 Action pawns, with 1 Action pawn requiring a roll of the Action dice, and 2 Action pawns meaning an automatic success.These rules also apply on the Island tile containing the camp (e.g.
for exploring special locations). If the destination is not adjacent to the camp, additional Action pawns are required.Each Island tile that is crossed on the way to the destination adds 1 Action pawn to the total.Additionally, a fully explored path to the destination tile is required.An Island tile or space that is an additional step from the camp can be explored with 2 or 3 Action pawns (see illustration).When placing 2 Action pawns, the Action dice must be rolled, while 3 Action pawns lead to an automatic success.5.EXPLORE By exploring Island spaces, you will find new sources of food and wood, interesting discoveries, and new terrain types (allowing you to build more Items).Some Island tiles also contain hunting areas, natural shelters, or even mysterious locations.Only unexplored Island spaces adjacent to at least 1 already explored Island tile can be explored.Some scenarios allow exploring special locations on already-explored tiles.
This is handled exactly like exploring unexplored Island spaces. Special locations (temple, cave, etc.) are described on the Scenario sheet (or in the appendix on pages 28-32).Exploration of any space can only be attempted once per round.Players are not allowed to send 2 separate teams of explorers to the same Island space.This also applies to special locations and previously explored tiles.Additionally, incomplete hexes at the top and right of the map cannot be explored.When exploring an Island space adjacent to the camp, it is automatically successful if 2 Action pawns are assigned.If only 1 Action pawn was placed, the green Action dice must be rolled (see page 16).It is also possible to explore Island spaces or special locations that are further away; this requires additional pawns (see illustration on the left).If the exploration was successful, draw the topmost Island tile from the stack and place it face up on the Island space explored.Then follow these steps in order: 1.
Check the terrain type. All Invention cards on the board and Scenario sheet showing the same terrain type gain a marker covering that icon.These Inventions can now be built as long as all other requirements are fulfilled.2.If the Island tile shows the beast symbol, the topmost card of the Beast deck is taken and added (unseen) into the Hunting deck.The first Beast card drawn in the game begins the Hunting deck.The Hunting deck is then shuffled.3.If the Island tile shows the totem symbol, a scenario-specific effect is triggered.This is explained on the respective Scenario sheet.The first symbol uncovered triggers the first listed effect, and so on.4.Draw the indicated amount of Discovery tokens and place them face up in the Future Resources space.They are not yet available.Wood source Food sourcesBeast card Terrain type Totem symbolDiscovery tokenNatural shelter1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 2 344 55 66 7 20 Example: You draw an Island tile and place it on the successfully explored Island space.
It shows the “plains” terrain type. All Invention cards with that required terrain type (e.g.Basket, Medicine, Bed, and Rope) have a marker placed on them to indicate that the required terrain has been found.The Island tile also shows the Beast symbol, so the topmost Beast card is shuffled into the Hunting deck.Finally, 2 Discovery tokens are drawn and placed face up in the Future Resources space.Some Island tiles offer a natural shelter.This works just like a normally built shelter, but the Camp token is not flipped to the Shelter side.A Roof and Palisade can also be built with a natural shelter, but unless a normal shelter was also built there, if the camp is moved, the entire Roof and Palisade is lost instead of just half (see Moving the Camp on page 23).GAME FLOW MYSTERY CARDS The Mystery deck consists of several types of mysteries and is only used in the game under certain conditions.
A card or token effect, or a special location (in some scenarios) may require a player to draw a Mystery card. The types of Mystery cards to draw and the maximum amount of each is always specified - treasure , creature , or trap .Treasures (with a few exceptions) have only positive effects, while creatures and traps are always dangerous.If you have to draw Mystery cards, reveal cards one after the other until you reveal a card of any of the stated types, placing cards of other types aside for now.Then, the card is resolved; Treasures are placed in the Future Resources space unless stated otherwise (their effect only applies at the end of the Action Phase), and Creature or Trap effects are immediately applied (but you may use special abilities, treasures, etc.first).After resolving the first card, you can decide whether to keep drawing or stop.If you stop, no further Mystery cards are drawn.
If you decide to keep going, keep revealing cards as described above until encountering another card of a stated type, which is then also resolved. The maximum number for each card type may not be exceeded; if you reveal a type for which you have reached that maximum, it is also put aside.Once drawing cards ends (either by drawing the last card of an allowed type or because you decide to stop), all resolved traps and creatures are discarded while all cards previously placed aside are shuffled back into the deck.Cards that are revealed and put aside because the type does not match do not count as being drawn, i.e.if a card says “Draw 1 Mystery card (only resolve )”, it means that you keep revealing cards until you have drawn 1 Mystery card with on it.Example: You are resolving the effect of the Remains of a Settlement Adventure card which allows you to draw cards until finding a maximum of 2 treasures and 1 trap.
The first card you reveal is a creature, which is put aside as it is not of one of the stated types. The second card is a treasure, hurrah!You could now decide to stop, but you decide to continue.The third card is a trap, which would normally mean that something bad will happen, but on a previous round the group found the Whip, which allows you to ignore 1 trap.Since the only card type remaining to be drawn is treasure, you keep revealing cards until you find one.Both Treasures are placed in the Future Resources space and the drawn trap is discarded.All other cards that you put aside are shuffled back into the Mystery deck.Treasure Creature Trap 21 GAME FLOW SPENDING THE NIGHT PHASE OUTSIDE OF CAMP Some green Adventure cards and several Mystery cards force a character to spend the Night Phase outside of camp.
In this case, you place all gained Mystery cards, Discovery tokens and resources gained during the Action which caused you to spend the night outside of the camp on your Character sheet instead of the Future Resources space. These materials and their effects (if any) until the end of the round are only available to you.Resources previously gathered by you in the round, if any, remain in the Future Resources space.If you resolve another Action in the same round and gain additional Treasures, Discovery tokens, or resources, place them in the Future Resources space as usual, unless another effect makes you spend the Night Phase outside of camp again.In this case, you can choose which of the tiles to spend the Night Phase on.During the Weather Phase, a character outside of camp is not affected by weather effects.Sleeping under an open sky (if there is no natural shelter on the respective Island tile) causes you to suffer 1 wound during the Night Phase.And, naturally, you must eat.
If you have no food on your Character sheet, you suffer 2 wounds (see also the Night Phase on page 23). You return to camp at the start of the following round.All resources you still own are then placed in the Available Resources space.DISCOVERY TOKENS When found, Discovery tokens are placed on the Future Resources space.At the end of the Action Phase, any tokens are moved to the Available Resources space, where they are now available to the players and can be traded in for the benefit printed on them.For more information on Discovery tokens, see page 37.6.ARRANGE CAMP Arranging the Camp increases the group’s morale.For each Action pawn placed on this Action, that character gains 2 Determination tokens and increases the morale (on the Morale track) by 1 space to the right (if possible).This Action can be resolved any number of times during a round (up to twice per character).When playing with 4 players, the Arrange Camp card is placed on this space.
This means that each Action resolved on this space gives either 2 Determination tokens or 1 morale. 7.REST Each Action pawn placed here heals 1 of the character’s wounds.If the Bed has been built or the Hammock found, the Action becomes more effective (the two effects cannot be combined).The Action can be resolved any number of times during a round (up to twice per character).Resting cannot cure a character of Special Wounds.END OF THE ACTION PHASE After resolving all Actions, players follow these steps in order: 1.Move all the resources from the Future Resources space to the Available Resources space.2.Move all Discovery tokens from the Future Resources space to the Available Resources space.They can remain there until used.However, a Discovery token providing 2 food or 1 wood must be traded in immediately.3.Apply all effects of Invention cards in the Future Resources space (if any).Then flip them to the Item side and put them on the board with the other Items/Inventions.4.
Apply the effects of all treasures in the Future Resources space. If they have a permanent or future effect, place them next to the board where they are available to all players from now on.22 During this Phase, you must deal with the weather on the island, which is determined by a combination of the Weather dice and also any tokens in the Weather space.The number of Weather dice to roll varies during the game and depends on the scenario and the round number.Example: In Scenario 1: • In rounds 1-3, roll no Weather dice.• In rounds 4-6, roll the Rain die only.• In rounds 7-12, roll all 3 Weather dice.There are 3 different Weather dice: Additionally, the effect of any Weather tokens in the Weather space are also applied (even if no dice are rolled).First, you must face the weather, then any hungry animals, followed by a possible storm.1.THE WEATHER To deal with the weather, follow these steps in order: 1.Count the number of (on dice and tokens).
For each snow cloud, 1 wood must be discarded. If this is not possible, each player in camp suffers 1 wound (according to the rules for Unfulfilled Demand, see page 24).The Roof level is irrelevant (the camp is cold and must be heated).2.Then, count all clouds ( and on dice and tokens) and compare the total with the current Roof level.The Roof level indicates how many clouds the characters are protected from.If the number of clouds exceeds the Roof level, you must discard 1 food and 1 wood for each cloud you are not protected from.All characters suffer 1 wound for each resource that cannot be discarded.Example: The rain die has been rolled and shows 2 rain clouds.The Weather space also contains the snow cloud token.The Roof level is 1, and you possess 3 wood and 1 food.First, you must discard 1 wood due to the snow cloud token.Then, a total of 3 clouds are visible and the Roof level is only 1, so 2 levels of protection are missing.You must discard 2 wood and 2 food.
You only have 2 wood and 1 food, so this is discarded, and then each character suffers 1 wound (Unfulfilled Demand).2. HUNGRY ANIMALS Unless a blank side was rolled on the Hungry Animals die, the group must face further adversity.If food cannot be discarded or the Palisade level cannot be decreased, each character suffers 1 wound (Unfulfilled Demand).In combat, if the Weapon level is lower than 3, each character suffers 1 wound for each missing level.Example: • If the Palisade level must be decreased, but is already at 0, each character suffers 1 wound.• If the Weapon level is 1 and the characters must combat a strength 3 Beast, each character suffers 2 wounds.Any effect which temporarily increases the Weapon level can be used in this step and helps protect the group.Example: You must combat a strength 3 Beast, but the Weapon level is only 1.You can use the Pistol (Starting Equipment) to temporarily increase the Weapon level to 4, preventing all characters from taking wounds.
If a card effect indicates that the Hungry Animals die must be rolled, and the Scenario sheet also says to roll it, it is only rolled once. 3.STORM If the Storm token is in the Weather space, its effect applies after all other steps in the Weather Phase.The Palisade level must be decreased by 1.If this is not possible, each player suffers 1 wound.All Weather tokens are discarded at the end of the Weather Phase.V.WEATHER PHASE GAME FLOW Rain die Winter die Hungry Animals dieDiscard 1 food Decrease the Palisade level by 1Combat against strength 3 Beast 23 The Night Phase gives players the opportunity to heal via Items, Treasures or Discovery tokens.With the exception of the Rest Action and cards/effects with the “immediate” keyword, healing is only possible during the Night Phase (but at any time during that Phase).
Example: If you own the Bottle of Wine (a Treasure card) and the Vegetables (a Discovery token), you can use them during the Night Phase to heal 4 wounds, divided however you choose between the characters. The rules for a character who has to spend the Night Phase outside of camp are explained on page 21.The Night Phase consists of the following steps which are performed in order: 1.Characters must eat.Discard 1 food / nonperishable food for each character.If there is not enough food available, players decide who eats and who goes hungry.Each character that does not eat suffers 2 wounds.You must eat if there is food available, although food available from the Biscuits (Starting Equipment) does not have to be eaten (you will probably want to use it, though).2.You then decide whether or not to move the camp to an adjacent tile.
The Island tile containing the camp determines the resources gained during the Production Phase and the distance from camp is important for the Explore and Gather Actions. See the sidebar for how to move camp.3.If you have not built a Shelter and the camp is not on an Island tile with a natural shelter, each character suffers 1 wound for sleeping under an open sky.4.Any perishable food that cannot be stored ( the Cellar, Boxes, or Barrel), perishes and must be discarded.All other resources and Discovery tokens remain in the Available Resources space.5.All markers on characters’ special abilities (indicating that these abilities have been used that round) are removed.6.Move the Round marker on the Scenario sheet to the next round and pass the First Player token clockwise to the next player.The next round can begin.VI.
NIGHT PHASE END OF THE GAME GAME FLOW MOVING THE CAMP During the Night Phase, you can move the camp to adjacent Island tile (even if all characters spend the night outside the camp). If you choose to do so and have built the Shelter, it is retained, but you must reduce the Roof and Palisade level by half (rounding up the result).If you have not built the Shelter and are leaving a natural shelter, the Roof and Palisade level are reduced to 0.This is also true when moving from one natural shelter to another.Example: You decide to move the camp from the mountains to the plains.You are leaving a natural shelter with a Roof level of 3.The Roof level is reduced to 0.Several rounds later, you have built the Shelter and decide to move the camp again.The Roof level is 3 and the Palisade level is 1.You keep the Shelter, but the Roof level is reduced to 2 (halved, rounded up), and the Palisade level remains at 1 (halved, rounded up).
If you have previously built a Shortcut, the Shortcut token must be removed from the board and the Shortcut item flipped to the Invention side. It must be built again before it can be used.If the camp is moved from an Island tile that contains or that were placed there due to an Item or the Hatchet Mystery card, the tokens are moved to the new Island tile.However, each Island tile may only contain 1 token of each kind (see page 24).Tokens already on the tile take precedence over the ones which are moving, so the ones on the old tile are discarded instead.Accompanying Items must be flipped to the Invention side, and accompanying Treasure cards discarded.Example: The Hatchet places a token on the tile with the camp.If the camp is moved to a location that already has a token on it, the Hatchet (along with the token it gave) is discarded.The camp may also be forcibly moved due to some other effect.This is handled exactly like a voluntary move and has the same consequences.
The game ends immediately when one of the following situations occurs: • You win immediately if you fulfill the scenario goal (unless the scenario contradicts this). • You lose immediately if a character dies.• You lose if the last round of the scenario ends without the scenario goal being fulfilled.• You lose immediately if the Camp/Shelter is located on a tile that becomes inaccessible.24 UNFULFILLED DEMAND During the game, you are often affected by negative effects (e.g.from cards).You can be required to discard things (e.g.resources, cards, or Determination tokens); to have a specific Weapon level; to reduce the Roof, Palisade, or Weapon level; etc.If such a demand cannot be fully fulfilled, you suffer 1 wound for each resource/level you cannot fulfill (e.g.2 wounds if 2 food must be discarded but none is available).During the Action Phase, the character currently resolving the Action suffers the wounds - other characters are not affected.
Combat during the Event Phase only affects the First Player. Other occurrences during the Event Phase, or during another Phase, cause all characters to suffer 1 wound.Exception: During the Night Phase, if a character cannot eat, they suffer 2 Wounds; this does not count as Unfulfilled Demand.If morale must be lowered and is already at the lowest level, nothing happens (nobody suffers wounds).Examples: • If the First Player must discard 3 Determination tokens but only has 1, they suffer 2 wounds.• You are in combat with a Beast of strength 3, but the Weapon level is only 2.Consequently, you suffer 1 wound.If the Beast damages the Palisade (-1) and the Palisade level is at 0, you suffer another wound.• During the Weather Phase, 3 rain clouds are showing, and the Roof level is 0.You must therefore discard 3 wood and 3 food.If you only have 2 food and no wood, each character suffers 4 wounds.• An event (during the Event Phase) reduces the Palisade level by 1.
If no Palisade has been built, each character suffers 1 wound. If something can be discarded, it must be.You cannot decide to suffer wounds in order to prevent having to discard something.However, you are not forced to trade in a Discovery token or use any Starting Equipment to meet the loss.Some cards have effects that only apply if this is possible (keyword “if possible”).If that effect cannot be applied, no further consequences arise.Example: If the Termites effect is applied, you need only discard 1 wood if you have any.If you cannot, nothing else happens.TOKEN AND MARKER EXCLUSIVITY Tokens and markers are not the same thing.Tokens are cardboard, and markers are wooden.Each area of the board (Island spaces, Island tiles, Action spaces, Adventure decks, Weather space, and the Night space) can only hold 1 token or marker of each kind.If additional tokens or markers with the same meaning must be placed, they are not placed (see also “Moving the camp” on page 23).
Special Wound tokens are an exception (see page 7). Tokens not placed this way do not cause characters to suffer wounds.However, being unable to place a marker because of this rule causes characters to suffer wounds, similar to the rule for Unfulfilled Demand.Example: It is not possible to have 2 tokens in the same Action space.Similarly, a second token cannot be placed in a space that already contains one.If an effect causes a marker to be placed on a source that is already exhausted, the extra marker cannot be placed and this causes 1 wound for each character.AVAILABLE AND FUTURE RESOURCES In general: if players gain resources, Discovery tokens, etc.outside of the Action Phase (e.g.due to combat in the Event Phase, an Item in the Production Phase, a special ability, etc.), these are put in the Available Resources space and are thus immediately available.Anything gained during the Action Phase is put in the Future Resources space and is only available after the Action Phase ends.
No resources in the Future Resources space can be discarded. STARTING EQUIPMENT, ITEMS, AND TREASURES Many Items built during the game have a permanent effect and need not be used explicitly (e.g.the Medicine Item or Shortcut).These Items list the effect on both sides of the card.Others have a one-time effect (e.g.Knife or Bow) that applies as soon as the Item is available.These cards only depict an image on the Item side.Starting Equipment, Treasures, and some built Items often have an effect that need to be deliberately used.Unless noted otherwise, they can be used by any character at any time, including during the Event Phase, while resolving an Action, or (for Starting Equipment) at the start of the game.Only the Basket and Sack are exceptions and must be assigned during planning (see appendix, pages 34 and 36).Some Items and Treasures can only be used by 1 character per round.
The use of a card only needs to be announced when needed during an Action; until that time the card remains available to any character. When you use such an Item or Treasure, place it next to your character sheet - only you can use it (any number of times) that round.Return it to the board at the end of the round.ADDITIONAL RULES 25 Examples: • An Adventure card forces you to lose 2 Determination tokens.You only have 1 and decide to use the Pipe & Tobacco (Starting Equipment).You immediately receive 2 Determination tokens and can now meet the demand.• You draw Mystery cards while exploring a temple and must resolve cards.You draw the Poison trap.This round, no other character has used the Whip (a Treasure found in a previous round), so you decide that your character has the Whip with them, and you place it next to your Character sheet.The same rule applies to Discovery tokens - they can be used at almost any time.
There are a few exceptions (Vegetables, Large Leaves, Candles, and Goat) explained in the appendix. Special Discovery tokens can also have exceptions (see the Scenario sheet and the appendix on pages 28-32).If a Discovery token is used, it is discarded.If Starting Equipment is used, discard 1 of the markers from the card (and the card itself when discarding the second marker).It is permitted to use the Starting Equipment twice at the same time.A character’s special abilities can also be used at any time as long as they can discard the required amount of Determination tokens.Exceptions and additional explanations can be found on page 33-34.Example: You are playing as the cook and must discard 1 food due to an Adventure card effect.There is no food available, but you have 3 Determination tokens, which you discard to use your special “Stone Soup” ability to gain 1 food.DISCARDING CARDS, DISCOVERY TOKENS, ETC.
Any cards or Discovery tokens discarded during the game are removed from the game entirely. Mystery and Invention cards are an exception to this.Resolved Mystery cards are placed in a discard pile, while Mystery cards that were put aside when revealing cards from the Mystery deck are shuffled back into the deck.If the Mystery deck is empty, the discard pile is shuffled and used as the new deck.If Invention cards are discarded (i.e.removed from the board), they are shuffled back into the Invention deck.Exception: the carpenter’s “A New Idea” special ability (see the appendix on page 33).Discarded resources, tokens and markers are returned to the stock.INFORMATION DURING THE GAME No information in the game is secret.Any card, token or Island tile should be drawn openly, so other players can see what risks and rewards they offer.When an Adventure card is drawn, you can look at the bottom half of the card to know what to expect in future.
GOLDEN RULE If a Scenario sheet or card text contradicts the rules, the former takes precedence; if a Scenario sheet and card contradict each other, the card text takes precedence. Additional information can be found in the appendix.If any game effect instructs you to do something and there is more than one option when resolving that effect, the group decides the outcome.For example: if an effect instructs you to place a marker on an adjacent tile, and there are two possible tiles, you choose which tile receives the marker.IMPORTANT TERMS Many cards use several specific terms which are explained below.Refer to this section when drawing such cards during the game.RESOLVING ACTIONS An Action is always resolved by the character whose Action pawn is topmost in a stack.That player gains all the rewards and suffers all consequences.Every other Action pawn counts as supporting.
FLIP TO INVENTION SIDE An Item must be flipped to the Invention side and from the following round is no longer available. It must be built again before it can be used (see page 18).KEEP THIS CARD These cards have effects that are active until the end of the game or until a certain condition is fulfilled.When gained, they are placed next to the board, but are not available for use until the end of that Action Phase.Treasures are available to all players.All other conditions are printed on the cards.CLOSEST SOURCE The closest source to the camp is on the Island tile containing the camp.If there is none there, the closest source is on adjacent tiles, then tiles further away.Exhausted sources (with a marker on them) are not counted.USE ONCE This effect can be used once during the game; usually, the card is then discarded.DECIDE Players have the choice between 2 or more alternatives listed on the card.Alternatives that have unfulfillable requirements cannot be chosen.
EXHAUSTED SOURCE If a source is exhausted, it does not produce 1 resource in the Production Phase and cannot be gathered from in the Action Phase. If a source is exhausted, the / token of the matching type does not allow that resource to be harvested.RESOLVE THE EFFECT AGAIN The effect text of an instant event is resolved again.This phrase is used to save space on the cards.ISLAND SPACE/TILE An Island space always refers to an empty hexagonal area on the board.Incomplete hexes at the top and right borders do not count and cannot hold Island tiles.Island tiles are the hexagonal tiles that are placed on the board (onto Island spaces) during the Explore Action.ADDITIONAL RULES 26 FLIP/INACCESSIBLE ISLAND TILE If a tile is flipped face down, all tokens and markers on it are discarded.If the camp is on the tile when it is flipped, players automatically lose the game!Inaccessible Island tiles cannot hold markers or tokens and cannot be entered by characters.
They count as unexplored Island spaces. This can lead to greater distances for the Explore and Gather Actions or, in case of the volcanic island, even lead to a bisected island.No Action can be resolved on an inaccessible Island tile and the tile itself cannot be re-explored.The camp cannot be moved onto an inaccessible tile.If this becomes necessary, all characters suffer 1 wound instead (and the camp stays where it is).UNEXPLORED TERRAIN TYPE A terrain type counts as unexplored when the symbol on the Island tile is covered by a marker.This indicates that the respective terrain type is no longer available to fulfill Item build requirements.If no other Island tile shows the same (uncovered) terrain type, Inventions requiring this terrain type cannot be built.Markers on those Inventions should be removed to indicate this.
An unexplored terrain type remains unavailable until another Island tile with the same terrain type has been placed or explored or until the effect leading to the unavailability is reverted. Example: • If players have discovered only 1 Island tile with the mountain terrain type and it is marked as unexplored, Knife and Fire can no longer be built until another Island tile with the same terrain type is explored.MARKER Markers are the black, white, and blue discs.Everything else is a token.This is important because many effects only target 1 of these groups.If by any chance all black markers are used, use white markers instead SPENDING THE NIGHT PHASE OUTSIDE OF CAMP This effect is explained on page 20.TEMPORARY WEAPON LEVEL +X When a character is fighting a Beast, the current Weapon level is compared to the Beast’s strength.If the current Weapon level is not high enough, the character suffers wounds equal to the difference.
Some Items or Treasures grant a temporary +X to the Weapon level, and a character can use them to temporarily increase the Weapon level by the indicated amount. The Weapons level track is not adjusted.Temporary Weapon level can be used to meet a requirement such as the Weapon level of 1 needed to use the Goat Discovery token.Temporary Weapon level can also be used to resolve any temporary situation (Event/Adventure/Token, etc.) Example: A character is fighting a bear (strength 6).The Weapon level is currently 4.You can remove a marker from the Pistol (Starting Equipment) to temporarily increase the Weapon level to 7, but the marker on the track is not moved because the +3 increase is only temporary.IF POSSIBLE The effect is only resolved if it is possible to do so (the requirements are fulfilled).If not, no further penalties apply (characters suffer no wounds).The rule regarding Unfulfilled Demand does not apply to effects that say “if possible”.
Example: An effect says “Lose 3 Determination tokens, if possible”. If the character only has 1 Determination token, they lose that but suffer no further penalties.ADDITIONAL RULES 2-PLAYER AND SOLO VARIANTS 2 PLAYERS If players randomly draw characters, it is recommended they should select from the carpenter, cook and explorer.The special abilities of the soldier are less useful in the 2-player game for most scenarios.The 2-player game also adds an additional character - Friday.When setting up the game, place Friday next to the board in reach of both players and place the white Action pawn representing Friday on it.Friday is explained in greater detail on page 27.SOLO The solo variant uses the same rules as the 2-player game.Additionally, the sole character also has the Dog available alongside Friday.The Dog’s card is placed next to the board and the purple Action pawn placed on it.
The costs for building the Shelter, Roof and Palisade in the solo game are equal to those in the 2-player game. The sole character is always First Player (neither Friday nor the Dog can be First Player).Additionally, morale is increased by 1 at the start of each Morale Phase, before the effect is resolved.The character is simply happy to be alive.27 ADDITIONAL RULES ADDITIONAL FIGURES FRIDAY Friday is represented by his card and 1 white Action pawn.In the solo and 2-player game, place his card next to the board and the Action pawn on it.Place a Wound marker on the square space on the left of his Wound track.Friday counts as an additional character, but has the following rules: • Friday can never be the First Player.• Friday is not affected by Event cards - neither immediate nor Threat Events Exception: the Argument card, see appendix.• Friday can be assigned to any Action.If it is successful, it is resolved like any other character’s Action.
• Friday can be assigned to an Action as the only Action pawn or with neutral Action pawns (including the Dog). • If Friday is assigned to an Action along with another player’s Action pawn, he may only support.In this case, the character always resolves the Action.• If Friday needs to roll the Action dice, players roll for him.If the adventure die shows a “?”, he does not draw an Adventure card, but suffers 1 wound instead.The same rule applies if there is an Adventure token on the Adventure deck; the token is removed after Friday takes the wound.• If Friday gains Determination tokens, he can use 2 of them to reroll any one Action die rolled for him.• If Friday dies, players do not immediately lose the game, but they can no longer use his Action pawn.• If Friday dies during a successful Action (including a Hunt), players nevertheless gain all resources, cards, etc.• Like other characters, Friday can be healed through card, token, or special ability effects.
• Friday is not affected by the weather and suffers no wounds from it. • Friday needs neither shelter nor food at night, suffering no wounds.• Friday can use Starting Equipment as well as built Items and treasures, except the Bed.• Friday must draw Mystery cards if an Action requires it; they affect him like any other character.He can also explore special locations.The Blowgun card has no effect on him.• Friday’s Action pawn need not be assigned to any Action if the players do not wish it.• Friday does not count as another player for the building costs for the Shelter, Palisade, and Roof.DOG The Dog is represented by his card and 1 purple Action pawn.In a solo game, place his card next to the board and the Action pawn on it.He is used like a neutral Action pawn in all respects.He can be used every round for either the Hunt or Explore actions only.Dog’s Action pawn need not be assigned to any Action if the players do not wish it.He cannot die.
VARIANTS EASIER GAME If players think a scenario is too hard for them, they can make it easier by: • Adding the Dog. This is especially recommended for 3 players.• Adding Friday • Drawing more Starting Equipment • Using fewer Event cards with the book symbol and more Event cards with the adventure symbol when creating the deck (step 15 of the setup).For example, using 4 cards and 8 // cards instead of 6 and 6.Note: this makes the first scenario harder instead of easier!HARDER GAME Experienced players can increase a scenario’s difficulty if they think it is too easy by: • Drawing fewer Starting Equipment (1 or none) • Playing without Friday in the 2-player game • Playing without Dog in the solo game • Using more Event cards with the book symbol and fewer Event cards with the adventure symbol when creating the deck (step 15 of the setup).For example, using 8 cards and 4 // cards instead of 6 and 6.Note: this makes the first scenario easier instead of harder!
RANDOM WRECKAGE CARDS Instead of placing the Food Crates on the board (step 14 of the setup), draw 1 of the 3 Wreckage cards randomly and place it in the right-hand Threat space on the board. The following rules explain individual scenarios in detail.28 1.CASTAWAYS To reach the scenario’s goal, the wooden pile must be fully erected (each stage must contain the number of wood markers depicted).With the exception of the Mast and Oil (see below), wood can only be placed on the pile before the Action Phase.Wood can only be placed on 1 stage per round, and only on the leftmost incomplete stage.If a stage is filled during a round, wood can only be placed on the next stage beginning in the following round; it takes at least 5 rounds to complete the pile.Once placed on the pile, wood cannot be removed.Y ou win immediately if the wood pile is complete, the Fire Item has been built, and the ship is nearby (round 10, 11, or 12).In this scenario the and symbols have no meaning.
Special Discovery Token: Oil When traded in, the wood must be used for the pile immediately; this can be done outside of the normal opportunity to put wood on the pile. If there are fewer free spaces in the current column than wood gained, the rest of the wood is discarded (not placed in the resource spaces or the next column).Special Discovery Token: Medallion of the Lady The 3 Determination tokens can be freely distributed among all characters.Special Invention: Hatchet The Island tile containing the camp gains a token, unless it already contains one.It is moved along with the camp as usual.Special Invention: Mast The wood you receive from building the Mast must be used for the pile immediately; this can be done outside of the normal opportunity to put wood on the pile.If there are fewer free spaces in the current column than wood gained, the rest of the wood is discarded (not placed in the resource spaces or the next column).APPENDIX SCENARIOS2.
THE CURSED ISLAND To win the game, players must build 1 Cross on each of 5 different Island tiles. A Cross can be built on any Island tile (not just the one containing the camp).Depending on the distance to the camp, this might require more than 1 (or 2) Action pawn(s).See the rules for Gathering Resources and Exploration on page 19.Since flipped Island tiles cannot be entered, Crosses cannot be built there.As soon as the 5th Cross has been built, characters must survive until the end of the round (and the Cross must remain standing).The players then win.Whenever is shown on a card, players must place a white marker (representing fog) on 2 different spaces or Island tiles (the choice is up to the players).Each space/tile may only contain 1 such marker.If an Island tile is flipped, all tokens and markers are removed from it as usual.Fog markers may not be placed onto them.If all markers cannot be placed, there are no consequences (no wounds are suffered).
Each Action taken on an Island tile/space with a fog marker (including building a Cross) requires 1 more Action pawn than normal. Furthermore, the terrain type for that island part counts as unexplored.A fog marker on the Island tile containing the camp means the players gain no resources from it (neither from sources nor tokens).Shortcut and Pit confer their usual resources.If the Island tile with the Shortcut also contains a fog marker, the Shortcut loses its effect, but its sources’ resources can be gathered from as normal.If the first Island tile with is placed, put the on it.Players can resolve an Explore Action there as normal to draw Mystery cards.A maximum of 3 and 1 are resolved.If players stop before resolving all 4 cards, the Action still counts as being successfully resolved.The second Island tile with gains the , and its effect triggers immediately (and only once).The same applies for the third through sixth Island tile with .
Special Discovery Token: Cultist’s Candles When trading in this token, players gain a brown Action pawn which can be used once for the Build Action, following the normal rules. Special Discovery Token: Mysterious vials The Medicine is built without requiring an Action.If the Discovery token is used while resolving Actions in the Action Phase, the Invention card is placed in the Future Resources space; otherwise, it is available immediately.29 APPENDIX Special Discovery Token: Sacrificial Dagger Keep the token.It can be used by 1 character per round in any number of combats, providing its Weapon level bonus but causing the character to suffer 1 wound.The character using the token first in a round keeps it until the round ends.Special Invention: Sacred Bell This Item can be built repeatedly, including more than once in the same round.Whenever it is built, players may remove up to 3 fog markers from the board.
Special Invention: Cross This Item can be built repeatedly, including more than once in the same round. Crosses can be built on any Island tile, including tiles with fog markers.3.JENNY NEEDS HELP In this scenario, players must build 2 specific Items as well as rescue - and keep alive - a comrade until they can all escape.First, they must build the raft, then Jenny must be brought into camp as quickly as possible, as she grows weaker each round.Once the Lifeboat is built, the players win.The Lifeboat can only be built after Jenny has been rescued, but players then win immediately.Additional Setup The Storm Glass is not available in this scenario and cannot be drawn via any effect.Special Rules Jenny suffers 2 wounds during each Night Phase until she arrives at camp.Until such time, she cannot be healed through Item effects, special abilities, Discovery tokens, or treasures.At camp, she is treated as an unproductive character.
She cannot resolve any Actions other than Rest (once per round). She must be fed like any other character, however, and gains wounds when sleeping under an open sky.All events, effects of the Hungry Animals die, and Unfulfilled Demand rules apply to her as well (see page 24).Like Friday, Jenny does not increase the costs of building shelter, Palisade or Roof and cannot become the First Player.Jenny can also not use the Bed or the Hammock.Whenever is encountered, the Palisade level must be reduced by 1.If impossible (level = 0), all characters except Friday suffer 1 wound.Whenever an Island tile with is placed, also place the corresponding Number token - on the first, on the second, etc.The effects apply immediately (and only once).When placing the token, place the Rope Invention in the Future Resources space.At the end of the Action Phase, it will be flipped to the Item side and built.A 5th and 6th have no effect.Special Invention: Raft Jenny can only be rescued with this Item.
Once built, an Explore Action in any following round (on the Raft , using 1 or 2 Action pawns) must be resolved to rescue Jenny and transport her to camp. This Action must be resolved before building the Lifeboat.When resolved with 1 Action pawn and the Action die shows a “?” , do not draw an Adventure card; rather, the character suffers 1 wound.Special Invention: Lifeboat When Jenny is at camp and the Lifeboat has been built, players win immediately.The Lifeboat can only be built after Jenny arrives at camp.4.VOLCANO ISLAND Players must explore a specific number of Island spaces and special locations on Island tiles with .This number depends on the number of players (excluding Friday).See the table on the Scenario sheet.When all necessary Explore Actions have been resolved, players can build a Jolly-Boat to escape the island, winning immediately.Additional Setup The game begins on Island tile 10.
Tile 8 is flipped to its volcano side and both are placed on the board as shown on the Scenario sheet. The Camp token is placed on tile 10 (Camp side up).The and on this tile are ignored in this scenario.Y ou start the game with the Shovel and Knife Items already built.Additionally, a token is placed in the Explore Action space.It remains there until the end of the game, meaning that each Explore Action in the game requires 1 additional Action pawn.Special Rules When building a Shelter or increasing the Roof or Palisade level, you may use fur as if it were wood.If you use only fur, the lower cost applies.Example: In a 4-player game, the Shelter can be built with 4 , 3 and 1 , 2 and 2 , or 3 .During the game, the volcano tile cannot be entered, crossed, gain markers or tokens, and no Actions can be resolved on it.30 Starting in round 4, Island tiles (or spaces, if unexplored) can become inaccessible through lava.
At the start of the round (before the Event Phase) Island tiles whose number is equal to the one listed on the Scenario sheet for the current round are flipped and all markers and tokens on them discarded. Example: At the start of round 4, the Island tile you started on is flipped.In the following round, the two Island tiles listed for round 5 are flipped, and so on.If the camp is on a tile that is flipped, you lose the game immediately.The camp cannot be moved onto such a space.If a card effect would force the players to do so, they all gain 1 wound instead.Whenever is shown on a card, you must place white markers (representing Volcanic Ash) on 2 Island tiles or spaces.Each tile/space may only contain 1 such marker.Markers may be placed on any non-volcano tile, either flipped or not.If all markers cannot be placed, there are no consequences (no wounds are suffered).Each Action taken on an Island tile/space with Volcanic Ash requires 1 more Action pawn than normal.
This is cumulative with the token in the Explore Action space and any other effects requiring additional Action pawns. Number tokens are not automatically placed on Island tiles with in this scenario.Instead, the symbol offers players the opportunity to explore a special location there.If this is the first such location, players place the token on it, on the second such location, etc.Each special location can only be explored once.The number of Action pawns required for this exploration depends on the distance from the camp (see page 19).Do not forget the token in the Explore Action space.When exploring a special location, draw and resolve Mystery cards (or place them in the Future Resources space) equal to the maximum number of cards shown on the Scenario sheet.Y ou cannot decide to abort after each card but must draw and resolve cards until the limit is reached.If instructed by a card to stop drawing, the Action counts as successfully resolved.
The last two special locations require an additional Action pawn. The on the starting tile (10) is ignored.Special Discovery Token: Old Map When you discard this token, you draw and resolve 1 fewer Mystery card when performing a special Explore Action (exploring at one of the ).The token must be discarded before drawing any cards.Special Discovery Token: Indy’s Diary If this token is used, ignore the effect of a drawn trap.The card counts as successfully resolved.Special Discovery Token: Torch If this token is used, ignore the effect of a drawn creature.The card counts as successfully resolved.Special Discovery Token: Old Canvas When this token is used in the Weather Phase, ignore 1 .Special Invention: Rope Ladder The neutral Action pawn used for the Explore Action may only be used to explore special locations (on Island tiles with ).Special Invention: Jolly-Boat The Jolly-Boat can only be built after the last Explore Action required to win the game has been resolved.5.
CANNIBAL ISLAND In this scenario, you must destroy the City of Cannibals on the (initially hidden) #4 Island tile. This requires a Hunt Action and involves the city’s strength.The city’s strength starts at 21 but is reduced whenever the players burn down Cannibal villages.If you survive until the end of the round after destroying the city, you win.Additional Setup Instead of choosing Starting Equipment at random, you begin this scenario with the Rum and the Pipe & Tobacco .Additionally, the #4 Island tile is placed face-down as indicated on the Scenario sheet.It contains the Cannibal city which you will need to attack later in the game.Special Rules The #4 Island tile is automatically explored at the very beginning of the 4th round.To mark this, place the Number token on it.It can be attacked from that point forward.Y our camp may never be on an Island tile containing a Cannibal village, unless the village has been burnt down.
If forced to move camp there, all players gain 1 wound instead. Additionally, each Gather Action on a tile containing a cannibal village requires an additional Action pawn unless the village has been burned down.To attack a village or the city, resolve 1 Hunt Action, no matter where on the board the village is.The resulting combat only takes the village’s or city’s strength - no Beast card is drawn.A Cannibal village’s strength is 4 + the number of visible (not the number of villages, see below) on Island tiles.If the Cannibal city is face up, its symbol counts as well.Compare strengths as usual; the resolving character gains as many wounds as the difference between the values.If a village is successfully burned down without the attacker dying (which would mean losing the game), cover the respective with a black marker.It no longer counts towards village strength.APPENDIX 31 Example: The soldier attacks a Cannibal village.
The board shows 3 additional Island tiles with , 1 of which has been covered. The village’s strength is therefore 4+2=6.The soldier has a Weapon level of 5 and suffers 1 .The city’s strength is calculated by subtracting the number of burned-down villages, multiplied by 3, from 21.Example : 2 Cannibal villages have been destroyed, therefore the city’s strength is 21-(2x3)=15.To win the game, the city must be attacked exactly like a village (by resolving a Hunt Action).There must be a fully explored path to the city in order to attack it.If the resolving character does not die, everyone must survive to the end of the round - then the players win the game.Friday can neither attack villages nor the city by himself; he can support other characters in combat.Whenever appears, all characters suffer a number of wounds depending on the number of burned-down Cannibal villages.The latter is subtracted from 3 and specifies the number of wounds each character suffers.
If the difference falls below 0, characters suffer no wounds. Example: If the cannibals attack when 2 villages have been burned down, each character suffers 1 wound.After an attack by the cannibals, you must immediately move camp (with all usual consequences).If you cannot do this, you must lose your Shelter, Roof and Palisade (a natural Shelter does not count).If you have not built the Shelter, each character suffers 2 wounds.The first 4 on the Island tiles represent the various Cannibal villages which are marked with Number tokens in order of exploration ( on the first uncovered , etc.) Only 4 villages exist in the game, but 5 Island tiles with could potentially be placed on the board.In this case, the 5th tile counts towards the strength of the Cannibal villages, but cannot be burned down (as it is not a village).Only 5 Number tokens are required in the game (1-4 for the villages, and 6 for the City of Cannibals).
Each uncovered results in the exploring player suffering 1 , the 4th symbol causes the player to suffer 3 unless the Medicine Item has been built (in which case, suffer 1 ). Afterwards, you must, if possible, discard 1 or 1 .Y ou may not choose an unavailable resource.For example, if you had 2 and 0 , you could not choose , you must choose and lose 1 .Special Invention: CanoeIf this Item has been built, an exploring player takes the top 2 tiles from the Island tile stack and chooses 1.The other is shuffled back into the stack.Special Invention: Ballista When this Item is built, the Palisade level is increased by 2 if the Shelter has already been built.Also, the Weapons level is increased by 1.6.FAMILY ROBINSON In this scenario, you must build all 9 randomly drawn Inventions (not counting the 9 default Inventions).It must be these exact 9 cards.If you have to discard 1 or more of these cards and cannot get them back until the final round, you lose the game.
Additionally, you must have enough food for newly-born children in later rounds. When all characters and children have survived any given round in which all 9 Items as well as the Shelter have been built and Roof, Palisade and Weapon level are at least 1, you win.Additional Setup During setup, draw 9 instead of the usual 5 Inventions.All of these 9 Inventions must be built to win the game (see above).Special Rules During the game, children are born in rounds 7, 9, and 11.They must be fed with 1 additional food each.This is marked as -1/-2/-3 food on round spaces 7-12 on the Scenario sheet.If there is not enough food for the children, the game is immediately lost (they cannot hunger like grown-ups).The exclusivity for tokens does not apply for the Island tile containing the camp, allowing the gathering of more than 1 or 2 resources from that tile during the Production Phase.This exception only applies to that particular token and that particular tile.
Finally, the special Recultivation Action space on the Scenario sheet allows using exactly 2 Action pawns to remove a black marker from any one Island tile or space regardless of the marker’s meaning. During the Production Phase, you only produce half (rounded down) the total number of resources.Example: Y ou would normally produce 2 and 3 in the Production Phase.Half of this rounded down is 2, so you can choose between 2 , 1 and 1 , or 2 .APPENDIX 32 When placing an Island tile with , compare its terrain type to all other tiles’ .If it is the first tile of that terrain type, cover it with a black marker - it counts as unexplored.Special Discovery Token: Old Tools This Item can be built without spending an Action.If the Discovery token is used while resolving Actions in the Action Phase, the Invention card is placed in the Future Resources space; otherwise, it is available immediately.Special Discovery Token: Plow This has the same effect as the Recultivation Action.
Special Discovery Token: Gunpowder When rolling the Hungry Animals die in the Weather Phase, players can reroll it if they dislike the outcome. The new outcome replaces the old one (players cannot choose between the 2 results).7.THE DREADFUL ADVENTURE ON KING KONG ISLAND In this scenario, you have traveled to an unexplored island with a group of other film-makers to shoot a movie about a large ape.However, things have not gone to plan, as the ‘ape’ became hostile and started killing members of the crew.Y ou must build 3 Traps across the island and then capture King Kong by performing a special Hunting Action, while also ensuring that the actress and director stay alive.Additional Setup Y ou start the game with a Shelter; flip the Camp token to the Shelter side and place a marker in the Shelter Action space.Y ou do not start with any Roof or Palisade.Special Rules A member of the film crew (shown on the bottom of the Scenario sheet) is killed by King Kong.
Place a black marker on the character. The actress is an exception; instead of being killed by King Kong, she is taken captive (see next column).If the director is killed, you lose the game.Each time an Island tile with is explored, place a Number token on it.During the Weather Phase, roll the Hungry Animals die once for each Number token on the board, applying all results.For example, during the Weather Phase, if Number tokens , , and are on the board, roll the Hungry Animals die three times.Each time the result of the Hungry Animals die would reduce the Palisade below level 0, reduce morale by 1, each player takes 1 wound, and the living film-maker with the lowest number is killed (or the actress is captured.) During the Production Phase, if your camp is located on a tile with a totem, each player gets 1 wound.Rescuing the Actress If the actress is captured by King Kong, she must be rescued before the scenario can be won.
She is being held captive on the 4th explored Island tile with a . If you have not yet explored and found all four , you need to keep exploring until you find it.To rescue her, you must perform a Special Explore Action on this tile, resolving one from the Mystery deck.Special Discovery Token: Film-Maker’s Lost Item Gain the bonus according to the lowest-numbered living member of the film crew (as seen on the Scenario sheet).Special Discovery Token: Firecracker Y ou may discard this token to ignore any one result on a Hungry Animals die.Special Discovery Token: Giant Footprint Y ou may discard this token to gain a green Action pawn for use that turn only.Special Invention: Trap This Item can be built three times but only on Island tiles with .Traps can be built on the Island tile with the camp or Island tiles up to 2 spaces away (requiring 1 more pawn if not on or adjacent to camp).
Once all 3 Traps have been built, you can (on a subsequent round) capture King Kong with a special Hunting Action. Special Invention: Tranquilizer When fighting King Kong, this Item decreases the weapon loss from 5 to 1, making him much easier to defeat.APPENDIX 33 This section summarizes the characters’ special abilities and, if necessary, explains them in more detail.Each character can use each of their abilities at any time, once per round.In some cases, an ability can only be used by the character itself; the reroll abilities, for example, can only be applied to a die rolled by that character.When a special ability is used, cover it with a black marker to help you remember this, and remove the marker at the end of the round.CARPENTER Economical Construction Discard 2 Determination tokens to use 1 fewer during 1 Action.
Determination tokens that the carpenter has at the start of the Action Phase can be assigned to the Action during planning, meaning that 1 fewer needs to be assigned. Alternatively, Determination tokens can be used during the resolution of the Action to discard 1 fewer (the is returned to the Available Resources space).However, the player cannot assign fewer during planning, knowing that they will get the Determination tokens needed during the Action Phase; all resources (and in this case, Determination tokens too) must be assigned during planning.The cost of building something can be reduced to 0 .Example : The players have 3 but want to build a Shelter costing 4.The carpenter can assign 2 Determination tokens along with 3 to the build Action.If the players only have 3 and the carpenter does not have enough Determination tokens during planning, the Shelter cannot be built this round.Craftsmanship Discard 2 Determination tokens to reroll any brown die rolled during a Build Action.
Any tokens gained from the result of the Success die may not be used to reroll any dice for the current Action. A New Idea Discard 3 Determination tokens to draw 5 Inventions from the deck.Choose 1 of them and place it Invention side up on the board with the other Inventions/Items.The remainder are discarded to an Invention discard pile.If players run out of Invention cards, reshuffle the discard pile and use it as the new Invention deck.Handyman Discard 3 Determination tokens to receive 1 additional neutral brown Action pawn.It is available during that round for the Build Action only and can only be used by the Carpenter.Discard it at the end of the Action Phase.COOK Grandma’s Recipe Discard 2 Determination tokens and 1 to heal 2 wounds from any 1 character or 1 wound each from any 2 characters.This ability can be used at any time, not just during the Night Phase.Scrounger Discard 2 Determination tokens to reroll any grey die rolled during the Gather Action.
Any tokens gained from the result of the Success die may not be used to reroll any dice for the current Action. Stone Soup Discard 3 Determination tokens to gain 1 .It is immediately available (outside the Action Phase) or placed in the Future Resources space (during the Action Phase).Hooch Discard 3 Determination tokens to ignore 1 in the Weather Phase, or to treat 1 as if it were .This ability may be used after the Weather dice have been rolled.EXPLORER Lucky Discard 2 Determination tokens to reroll any green die rolled during the Explore Action.Any tokens gained from the result of the Success die may not be used to reroll any dice for the current Action.Reconnaissance Discard 2 Determination tokens to draw 3 Island tiles from the stack and look at them.Shuffle 2 of them back into the stack and put the third on top.This ability cannot be used to draw 2 additional tiles after having already revealed one during an Explore Action; it must be used before resolving the Explore Action.
Motivational Speech Discard 3 Determination tokens to immediately increase morale by 1. APPENDIX CHARACTERS’ SPECIAL ABILITIES 34 Scouting Discard 3 Determination tokens to immediately draw 2 Discovery tokens and choose 1.It is immediately available (outside the Action Phase) or placed in the Future Resources space (during the Action Phase).The other token is discarded.SOLDIER Tracking Discard 2 Determination tokens to look at the top card of the Hunting deck and place it either on top or at the bottom of the deck.The card order may change later if the deck is reshuffled.The Hunt Discard 4 Determination tokens to draw the top card from the Beast deck and place it on top of the Hunting deck without looking at it.If it is the first card, it starts the Hunting deck.Frenzy Discard 3 Determination tokens to temporarily give the soldier +3 Weapon level during his/her Action.For example it can be used after revealing the Beast card when Hunting.
This ability cannot be used at any other time (e.g. during the Weather Phase).Defensive plan Discard 3 Determination tokens to increase the Palisade or Weapon level by 1.The Palisade level can only be increased if the Shelter has been built.This ability cannot be used in response to a card being revealed and before the effect of that card is resolved.Due to space constraints on the cards, not all effects can be fully explained.The following section explains some cards and their effects in more detail.A Shiny Jewel (Mystery creature) If the character (or Friday) triggering this trap spends the night outside of camp, the card is not resolved during the Night Phase but placed in the Future Resources space instead, delaying its effect for 1 round.Argument / (Agreement) (Event) No Actions can be taken in this round with Action pawns of different players (including Friday, who cannot support any player this round).
The only exception is the Threat Action on this card, where Action pawns of two different players (or one player and Friday) must be assigned. Backpack (Mystery treasure) When it is used by a player, it provides its effect for each Explore Action resolved by that player (succeeded or failed) during this Action phase.It can be used by only 1 character per round.Basket (Invention) To use the Basket, it must be assigned to a character during Action planning (mark it with the Basket token).If the Gather Action is not successful, no resources are gained.The Sack and the Basket can be combined together on one Gather Action.Bed (Invention) Whenever a player (not Friday) rests, they get 1 Determination token and heal 2 wounds instead of the normal effect of resting.The Bed cannot be combined with the Hammock; if you have both, you must decide which of the two you wish to use.This effect is usable by any number of players on the same round.
Bible (Starting Equipment) Y ou can use the Bible twice in the same round. When taking the Arrange Camp Action, you can use the Bible to gain 1 Determination token and heal 1 wound in addition to whatever other effect you a 4-player game, if you improve the morale, you still get the 1 Determination token and heal 1 wound.Blowgun (Mystery trap) Friday is not affected by this trap.Blankets (Mystery treasure) For each marker used, 1 (on dice or tokens) is ignored.It is also not added to the number of .Bottle of Wine (Mystery treasure)The card effect can also be used if the discovering character spends the night outside of camp.(Captain’s Chest)/Expedition for Treasure (Wreckage) The Starting Equipment is drawn randomly from the unused Starting Equipment.The card is placed in the Future Resources space and is only available at the end of the Action Phase.
APPENDIX SPECIAL CARD EFFECTS 35 Catastrophe / (Mending the Tools) (Event) All Invention cards already flipped to the Item side are placed in the Future Resources space. Their effects cannot be used until the end of the Action Phase.They are unavailable and cannot be considered fulfilled requirements when building other Items.The effects of tokens (like the Corral or Shortcut) remain active.At the end of the Action Phase, they are returned to the board.The Threat Event demands players discard 1 Item and cancel its effects.The Item is flipped to the Invention side and then shuffled into the Invention deck.Cellar (Invention) The cellar prevents normal food from perishing.It does not become nonperishable food (do not exchange the markers).If the cellar is flipped back to the Invention side, food will perish during the Night Phase as normal.Ceremonial Bowl (Mystery treasure) The effect of this card lasts until it is drawn in the Event Phase, when the lower part of the card applies.
Cloudburst / (Move) (Event) If the Roof and/or Palisade level had to be reduced due to the enforced camp move (via the immediate effect), the Threat Action allows you to gain 1 level of what you lost. For example if only the Roof level was lost, you can only gain Roof level.If the Shelter has not been built, you receive neither.Confused (Mystery trap) During the following round, you must reroll any Success die showing a success during all of your Actions.If 2 Action pawns were assigned and you wouldn’t normally need to roll, you have to roll the Success die anyway and apply its effect.Corral (Invention) The marker can only be placed on a on an adjacent Island tile, not the one containing the camp.The token is placed on the Island tile containing the camp.Once this Item is built, its token moves along with the camp, unless such a token is on the destination space.
(Council) / Brainstorm (Event) The Invention card you get is taken from the deck and placed Invention side up on the board immediately (not in the Future Resources space). Dangerous Night / (Build a Defense) (Event) The Beast card placed next to the Event deck remains there until the beginning of the following round.If the Threat Action is resolved in the same round, the Beast card is shuffled back into the Hunting deck.If the Threat Action is not resolved in the same round, the First Player must fight the Beast at the start of the next round’s Event Phase before drawing a card.At this point, the Threat Action on this card has no effect because the Beast card is no longer next to the Event deck.Despondency / (Mobilization) (Event) The player receiving the First Player token becomes First Player immediately.(Disaster) / Mend (Event) It is possible to choose a Roof or Palisade level of 1.Due to rounding down, no level is lost, and no other consequences apply.
However, if both the Roof and Palisade are at level 0, the rule of Unfulfilled Demand applies. Fast Work / (Haste makes Waste) (Build adventure) The additional Build Action requires no Action pawns and is executed as if 1 Action pawn had been used for it.It is resolved by the character who drew the card.Any possible Build Action can be resolved (Item, Shelter, Palisade, Roof, Weapon level) if the necessary requirements are fulfilled.If the Shelter was only built that same round, and the camp is not within a natural Shelter, the Roof and Palisade cannot be built with this Action.Items in the Future Resources space can also not be used.Fireplace (Invention) Once per Night Phase, you can discard 1 food to heal 2 wounds from one character or 1 wound each from any two characters.Furnace (Invention) 1 snow cloud (on dice or tokens) is ignored.It is also not added to the number of rain clouds.
Hammer & Nails (Starting Equipment) For each marker used, you receive 1 additional neutral brown Action pawn which can only be used to support the Build Action. This Starting Equipment can be used twice in the same round.Hammock (Mystery treasure) Whenever a player (not Friday) rests, they get 1 Determination token in addition to the normal effect of resting.The Hammock cannot be combined with the Bed; if you have both, you must decide which of the two you wish to use.This effect is usable by any number of players on the same round.Helmet (Mystery treasure) When it is used by a player, it provides its effect for each Hunting Action resolved by that player during this Action phase.It can be used by only 1 character per round.The Helmet can also be used to Fight the Beast of the Hungry Animals die, but you have to choose on which player its effect will apply.Herbal Mixture (Mystery treasure) This card allows you to look at the top card of the Event deck, whatever type of card it is.
If there is a Beast card next to the Event deck, that can be looked at instead. Howling from the Woods / (Expedition) (Event) If there is no Hunting deck yet, it is created with the Beast card chosen.The other two cards are shuffled back into the Beast deck.If the Hunting deck is shuffled later in the game, the card that was placed on top may end up no longer on top.(New Flock) / It’s all Vanished (Gather adventure) All sources on the Island tile containing the token are covered with markers.If the token was acting as a source itself (i.e.there was no original food source on the tile), then it is covered also.If the token was not acting as a source, it is not covered, but has no effect until the original food source has the marker removed.Medicine (Invention) Some card effects refer to this Item - it is often necessary to prevent negative consequences.It does not get used up.(Monkey See) / Monkey Do (Build adventure) It is possible to choose a Palisade or Roof level of 1.
Due to rounding down, no level is lost, and no other consequences apply. However, if both Palisade and Roof levels are 0, the rule of Unfulfilled Demand applies.Mushrooms / (Illness) (Gather adventure) Friday does not count as a player when calculating the amount of food gained.APPENDIX 36 (Night Attack) / In Search of a Beast (Event) The strength of the Beast is irrelevant as no combat takes place, but the Weapon level (and possibly the Palisade level) must be lowered if the Beast card specifies it.Y ou receive food and fur and must apply all other card effects.Old Clothes (Mystery treasure) 1 snow cloud per round is counted as a rain cloud; no additional wood must be discarded.Old Map (Mystery treasure) Once the card is in Available Resources space, each player immediately gains 1 Determination token.If Friday is in play, he also receives 1 such token.Pit (Invention) During the Production Phase, roll the brown Wound die.If it shows , immediately gain 2 food.
If you cannot gain food due to some effect, you also do not gain food from the Pit. If resources need to be halved, the effect of the Pit applies before the halving.Poisonous Spores (Mystery trap) Friday is also affected by this card.If you spend the night outside of camp after finding this card, only you suffer 1 wound (including Friday).Pot (Invention) Once per Night Phase, you can spend 1 food to heal 1 wound on 1 character.Raging a River / (Building a Moat)(Event) “Half the resources” refers to the total number of resources.For example, if you gain 4 wood and 2 food (6 resources in total), you can take 3 wood or 2 food and 1 wood, etc.Saber (Mystery treasure) The Saber can only be used by 1 character per round.If you are using the Saber, you can decide whether or not to activate its effect (once per combat), and you suffer 1 wound each time you use its bonus.The Saber can also be used to fight the beast resulting from the Hungry Animals die.
Sack (Invention) To use the Sack, it must be assigned to a character during Action planning (mark it with the Sack token). If the Gather Action is not successful, no resources are gained.The Sack and the Basket can be combined together on one Gather Action.Shortcut (Invention) This Invention allows players to gain a resource from the Island tile containing the Shortcut token during the Production Phase.If more than one resource is available, players can choose which one to gain during the Production Phase, and can choose a different one each round.If that tile also contains or , players gain the additional resource if the matching resource is chosen.Example: An Island tile contains a source of wood, a source of food, a token, and the Shortcut token.During the Production Phase, players can choose to either gain 1 wood or 2 food.
A source that produces resources in the Production Phase cannot be collected from during the Action Phase (Place the Shortcut token on the source to indicate this and remove it from the source at the end of the round).If the tile containing the Shortcut marker also contains a fog marker (in scenario 2), the Shortcut has no effect (players gain no additional resources). However, sources can then be gathered from normally during the Action Phase.This is also true if the Production Phase has been skipped.When the camp is moved, the Shortcut becomes unavailable.The Item is flipped to its Invention side and the token discarded.Nice Surprise / (Reflections) (Gather adventure) The Starting Equipment is drawn randomly from the unused Starting Equipment.The card is placed in the Future Resources space and only available at the end of the Action Phase.(Skeleton) / Dead Explorer’s Memoirs(Gather adventure) The Invention card is taken from the top of the Invention deck.
Snare (Mystery trap) If your Weapon level is 2 or less, it is reduced to zero. If it is greater than 2, it is reduced by 2.Storm Damage / (Repair) (Event) It is possible to choose a Roof or Palisade level of 1.Due to rounding down, no level is lost, and no other consequences apply.However, if both the Roof and Palisade are at level 0, the rule of Unfulfilled Demand applies.Strange Disease (Mystery trap) Friday does not count as a player for the purposes of determining the number of markers, but Friday can be assigned markers.If a character (including Friday) spends the night outside of camp, they alone take 2 markers and will suffer 2 wounds.Stroke of Fate / (Reassuring Rest) (Event) All Event cards in the Threat spaces are resolved from left to right, applying their Threat Effects.They are then discarded and then the Stroke of Fate card is placed in the right-hand Threat space.
The Island Fights Back / (Rescue) (Event) The scenario effect for the book symbol is executed twice during the resolution of the Event, and then once more if the Threat Event triggers. Tired / (Quarrel) (Build adventure) Only the resolving character’s wounds are healed.This happens immediately.Tools Inspection / (Broken Tools) (Build adventure) Place a marker on 2 (or 1, if only 1 has been built) already-built Items.The markers have no consequence until this card is drawn again in the Event Phase.Treasure Map (Mystery treasure) The Explore Action taken on the card requires 2 Action pawns and is therefore automatically successful with no Action dice needing to be rolled.Unlucky Incident (Mystery trap) The effect of the Scenario sheet is resolved once.Whip (Mystery treasure) Y ou gain 1 Weapon level at the end of the Action Phase when this card is found.Also, once per round, the Whip allows you to ignore the effect of 1 Trap card when resolving cards.
The ignored card still counts as successfully resolved. It can be used by only 1 character per round.APPENDIX 37 APPENDIX New Discovery tokens are placed on the Future Resources space during Exploration (see page 19).At the end of the Action Phase, they are moved to the Available Resources space, where they are now available to the players.At this point, a Fallen Tree or Nourishing Larvae token must be immediately turned in and exchanged for 2 or 1 .Any other Discovery tokens can be kept for any amount of time and be traded in at any point in the round (with noted exceptions).Traded in or discarded Discovery tokens are removed from the game.There are a total of 18 tokens whose effects are always the same (see below).There are also 4 special Discovery tokens whose effect varies by scenario (see the respective Scenario sheet or pages 28-32).
If you need to discard something, and you have a Discovery token which provides you with what you need, you do not have to trade it in (but you will usually want to). Example: During the Night Phase, you need to discard 1 food to eat.If you have no food, but you have the Goat Discovery token (which gives 1 fur and 1 food), you do not have to trade the token in.Candles This token gives you 1 neutral brown Action pawn which can be used for 1 Build Action and is discarded after the Action is resolved.As usual, this Action pawn can only be assigned during planning.Fallen Tree This token must be discarded immediately at the end of the Action Phase to place 1 wood in the Available Resources space.Goat If the Weapon level is at least 1, this token can be discarded to gain 1 fur and 1 food (place in the Available Resources space).This token cannot be used while resolving Actions in the Action Phase.
It can only be used when planning Actions in the Action Phase, or at the end of the Action Phase, or during any other Phase without restriction. If this token is in the Available Resources space (has not been traded in), the food depicted on it does not perish during the Night Phase since it is not yet food.Healing Herbs If the Pot is available, this token can be discarded to build the Medicine Item immediately.The card is immediately available (outside the Action Phase) or placed in the Future Resources space (during the Action Phase).Herbs If the Pot is available, this token can be discarded to increase morale by 1.Large Leaves Ignore 1 rain cloud in the Weather Phase.Nourishing Larvae This token must be discarded immediately at the end of the Action Phase to place 2 food in the Available Resources space.Old Machete Increase the Weapon level by 1.Poison If the Pot is available, this token can be discarded to increase the Weapon level by 2.
Treasure The First Player draws a treasure card from the Mystery deck. If this token is traded in during the Action Phase, the Treasure is placed in the Future Resources space.Outside of the Action Phase, it is immediately available.Thorny Bushes If the Shelter has been built, increase the Palisade level by 1.Tobacco Increase morale by 1.Vegetables If the Pot is available, this token can only be discarded during the Night Phase to heal 2 wounds on 1 character, or 1 wound on each of 2 characters.DISCOVERY TOKENS OTHER INVENTIONS Many Inventions not mentioned above are either required to build further Items or confer a one-time bonus (additional Weapon/Palisade level, additional nonperishable food, or tokens to be placed on the Island tile containing the camp).The Belts, Map, Lantern and Shield grant 1 additional Action pawn each that can only be used for the corresponding Action.The Raft grants 1 Action pawn that can be used for either the Gather or Explore Actions.
These Action pawns are available each round. The Diary and Drums confer their bonus once per round (in the Morale Phase) and can be combined.Designer: Ignacy TrzewiczekGame manual: Simon Reitenbach Editor: Paul Grogan Cover art: Vincent Dutrait Box design: Aga Jakimiec Board Design: Piotr SłabyGraphics and icon design: Piotr Słaby, Mateusz Bielski, Michał Zieliński, Maciej Mutwil, Rafał Szyma, Tomasz Bentkowski, Mateusz Kopacz, Jerzy FerdynComponent design: Maciej MutwilDTP: Maciej Mutwil Proof-readers: Paul Grogan, Piotr Wiśniewski, Joffrey Niemiec, Rafał Szyma, CBJ Matt, Chevee Dodd, Gunter Schmidl, Marek Spychalski, Hui Sian, Tony, Victoria, Jason, Ori, Ben, Justin, PatrickPublisher: Portal Games ul.Św.Urbana 15; 44-100 Gliwice, Poland tel./fax.
(32) 334 85 38, e-mail: THANKS: Great help and support were provided by my friends and fellow testers: Cnidius, Wassago, Norman, Ryu, Asiok, Gschmidl, Powerwis, Ozy, Piechu, Scorn, Kneumann, Piotr Pieńkowski, Michał Oracz, Vlaada Chvátil, Mateusz Kopacz, Tomasz Bentkowski, Cierń, Walec, Młody, Multi, Joker, Tycjan, Tollis, Robert Ciombor, Hubert, Widłak, Zachi, Anthony Rubbo, Daniel Jazbec, Matthew Butterfield, Markus Ritter, Thomas, Dennis, Jimmy, Thomas Felder, Mst... Many testers during conventions...And last but not least...Merry and all my kids!38 APPENDIX PHASE DESCRIPTIONGAME OVERVIEW 1.EVENT PHASE Do not resolve in first round!2.MORALE PHASE 3.PRODUCTION PHASE 6.NIGHT PHASE5.WEATHER PHASE Can be skipped if not rolling dice and no tokens in Weather space.4.
ACTION PHASE• Take the topmost card from the Event deck and resolve “?” • If it wasn’t an Event card, draw another card • If the card shows: - resolve the effect on the Scenario sheet - place the respective token on the corresponding Adventure deck • Resolve the event text • Place the card in the right-hand Threat space and move cards to the left • If a card is moved off the board, resolve its Threat Effect • Check morale (on the board) • The First Player gains or discards a number of Determination tokens (or heals 1 wound) • If they cannot discard enough tokens, they gain 1 wound per missing token • 1 resource per source on the Island tile containing the camp: • / yields 1 • yields 1 • Different tokens ( , , etc.) can change the number of resources • Place all in Available Resources space • Discard 1 food per player or they suffer 2 wounds • Camp can be moved to adjacent Island tile: • Halve Roof and Palisade level if Shelter built • Set Roof and Palisade level to 0 if no Shelter built • Positive tokens move along with camp, Shortcut is discarded • If no Shelter exists, characters suffer 1 wound • Discard remaining food, unless nonperishable • Remove markers from all characters’ special ability spaces • Move Round marker and pass First Player token• Roll dice shown on Scenario sheet • Add symbols on tokens in Weather space: • Discard 1 wood per snow cloud • Subtract Roof level from sum of snow and rain clouds; discard 1 food and 1 wood per point of difference • Resolve Hungry Animals die effect • Reduce Palisade level by 1 if storm token is in Weather space • For each missing resource or Palisade level, each player suffers 1 wound • Discard weather tokensa) Plan Actions and assign Action pawns: All requirements must be fulfilled to place Action pawn(s) • Threat Action: 1 or 2 Action pawns + resources (once per card) • Hunt: 2 Action pawns (once per card in Hunting deck) • Build: 1 or 2 Action pawns + resources.
Items once; Weapons/Roof/Palisade any number of times • Gather: 1 or 2 Action pawns; more if further from camp; once per source; not on Island tile containing the camp • Explore: 1 or 2 Action pawns; more if further from camp; once per island tile • Arrange Camp/Rest: 1 Action pawn per; any number of times b) Execute Actions once all Action pawns have been assigned (remove pawns when Action is resolved) • Threat Action: apply card effect, discard resources if any, discard the card • Hunt: draw Beast card - compare strength; suffer wounds, lower Weapon level, place Resources in Future Resources • Build: discard resources, increase level or place card in Future Resources space • Gather: place 1 marker per source in Future Resources space • Explore: place new Island tile; mark new terrain type on Inventions; place new Beast card in Hunting deck; draw Discovery tokens; resolve totem effect • Arrange Camp: +1 morale and/or 2 Determination tokens • Rest: heal 1 wound per Action pawn c) Resolve treasures; resolve Items and place on board; move resources and tokens to Available Resources space; remove Action pawns Replacement service: You have bought a quality product.
If any part is missing or there is reason for complaint, please contact We wish you many entertaining hours with this game.Your Portal Games team.
39 MYSTERY CARDS RESOURCES Source of wood, produces Action pawn Hunt Build Gather Explore Arrange Camp Rest Beach Hills Mountains River PlainsAdditional pawns for Hunt, Build , Gather, and Explore ActionsSource of food, produces Wood Food Nonperishable food Fur Additional markers / / / ACTIONS TERRAIN TYPE ITEMS Treasure card Creature card Trap card Map Shovel Knife Medicine Rope Fire Bricks Pot / Discovery tokens Ignore 1 Rain/Winter cloud Indicates how many times you can use this item/ CAMP, MORALE, AND WOUNDS + Shelter Roof (Roof level) +/- 1 - increase/decrease Roof level by 1 Palisade (Palisade level) +/- 1 - increase/decrease Palisade level by 1 Weapon (Weapon level) +/- 1 - increase/decrease Weapon level by 1 Decrease Morale level by 1 Increase Morale level by 1 Take 1 wound Heal 1 wound Build Action dice Explore Action dice Adventure Wound Success Rain die Winter die 1 or 2 Rain clouds 1 or 2 Snow clouds Decrease Palisade level by 1 Discard 1 food Combat against strength 3 BeastHungry Animals die2 Determination tokens (fail)Gather Action dice / / Special Wound tokens Determination token Additional food token Additional wood token Time-consuming Action token Greater danger token Reroll token Shortcut token Storm token Number tokens Rain cloud tokenWinter cloud token + / / Camp/Shelter token Totem Beast card Adventure tokens DICE OTHER ICONS ICONS & SYMBOLS