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Detects wireless network attacks performed by KARMA module
- Collects all the packets from Wireless Network. (Probe Response)
- Analyses all the packets in real time.
- If PiKarma finds more than one SSID info from unique mac address in Probe Response;
- Logs the activity with some extra information within defined template and sends deauthentication packets
- Sends Probe Response for all Probe Requests
- FruityWifi
- WiFi Pineapple
- Mana (improvements to KARMA attacks)
- ..
- New techniques for detect KARMA and MANA attacks
- Logging SSID information used in KARMA and MANA attack
- Hardware: TP LINK TL-WN722N or Dark RangeMax wifi card
- Modules: scapy, time, termcolor, argparse, netifaces, logging
Download PiKarma:
git clone https://github.com/WiPi-Hunter/PiKarma.git
Install Python librarie(s):
pip install termcolor
It's done!
Run the program with following command:
Monitor mode:
airmon-ng start interface(wlan0,wlan1) (Monitor mode)
ifconfig wlan0 down
iwconfig wlan0 mode Monitor
ifconfig wlan0 up
cd PiKarma
python PiKarma.py -h