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Install ELP

The easiest way to install to ELP is from binary. It is also possible to compile it from source.

From Binary

Visit our releases page and download the elp tarball for the latest releases.

Packages are available in the Assets section below each release. Each tarball name has the format:


Pick the appropriate version according to your Operating System (OS), Architecture (ARCH) and Erlang/OTP version (OTP_VERSION). For example, for my Darwin MacBook Pro where I have installed Erlang/OTP 25, I will pick:



Unsure about your architecture? Try the uname -a command. Unsure about your Erlang/OTP version? Try erl -eval 'erlang:display(erlang:system_info(otp_release)), halt().' -noshell


Untar the package and place the elp binary in a place visible by your `PATH``. For example:

cd ~/Downloads
tar -xvzf elp-macos-x86_64-apple-darwin-otp-25.3.tar.gz
mv elp ~/bin
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

Follow these steps to verify ELP is correctly installed.

From Source


To be able to compile ELP from source, you need a copy of the eqWAlizer typechecker for Erlang.

Clone the eqWAlizer repository:

git clone

Enter the eqwalizer repository and build it. Notice the double eqwalizer in the pushd command.

pushd eqwalizer/eqwalizer
sbt assembly

Get the path of the produced eqwalizer.jar file:

find . -name eqwalizer.jar | readlink -f

Point the ELP_EQWALIZER_PATH environment variable to the path returned above:

export ELP_EQWALIZER_PATH=/path/to/eqwalizer.jar

Compile ELP

Clone the ELP repository:

git clone

Enter the ELP repo and compile it:

cd erlang-language-platform
cargo build --release

The produced executable will be available in: target/release/elp, so ensure it is included in your PATH. E.g.:

mkdir -p ~/bin
mv target/releases/elp ~/bin
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin